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constant MAINTENANCE_MODE in Drupal 7

Same name in this branch
  1. 7 update.php \MAINTENANCE_MODE
  2. 7 authorize.php \MAINTENANCE_MODE
  3. 7 install.php \MAINTENANCE_MODE
Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/authorize.php \MAINTENANCE_MODE
  2. 8 core/install.php \MAINTENANCE_MODE
  3. 6 update.php \MAINTENANCE_MODE
  4. 6 install.php \MAINTENANCE_MODE
  5. 9 core/authorize.php \MAINTENANCE_MODE
  6. 9 core/install.php \MAINTENANCE_MODE

Global flag to indicate the site is in installation mode.

ajax_footer in includes/
Performs end-of-Ajax-request tasks.
drupal_exit in includes/
Performs end-of-request tasks.
drupal_installation_attempted in includes/
Returns TRUE if a Drupal installation is currently being attempted.
error_displayable in includes/
Determines whether an error should be displayed.
menu_get_custom_theme in includes/
Gets the custom theme for the current page, if there is one.

... See full list


./install.php, line 16
Initiates a browser-based installation of Drupal.


define('MAINTENANCE_MODE', 'install');