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function update_fix_d7_block_deltas in Drupal 7

A helper function that modules can use to assist with the transformation from numeric block deltas to string block deltas during the 6.x -> 7.x upgrade.

@todo This function should be removed in 8.x.


$sandbox: An array holding data for the batch process.

$renamed_deltas: An associative array. Keys are module names, values an associative array mapping the old block deltas to the new block deltas for the module. Example:

$renamed_deltas = array(
  'mymodule' => array(
    0 => 'mymodule-block-1',
    1 => 'mymodule-block-2',

$moved_deltas: An associative array. Keys are source module names, values an associative array mapping the (possibly renamed) block name to the new module name. Example:

$moved_deltas = array(
  'user' => array(
    'navigation' => 'system',
2 calls to update_fix_d7_block_deltas()
menu_update_7002 in modules/menu/menu.install
Rename the primary/secondary menu blocks to match previously renamed menus.
system_update_7004 in modules/system/system.install
Remove hardcoded numeric deltas from all blocks in core.


includes/, line 355
Drupal database update API.


function update_fix_d7_block_deltas(&$sandbox, $renamed_deltas, $moved_deltas) {

  // Loop through each block and make changes to the block tables.
  // Only run this the first time through the batch update.
  if (!isset($sandbox['progress'])) {

    // Determine whether to use the old or new block table names.
    $block_tables = db_table_exists('blocks') ? array(
    ) : array(
    foreach ($block_tables as $table) {
      foreach ($renamed_deltas as $module => $deltas) {
        foreach ($deltas as $old_delta => $new_delta) {

          // Only do the update if the old block actually exists.
          $block_exists = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {" . $table . "} WHERE module = :module AND delta = :delta", array(
            ':module' => $module,
            ':delta' => $old_delta,
          if ($block_exists) {

            // Delete any existing blocks with the new module+delta.
              ->condition('module', $module)
              ->condition('delta', $new_delta)

            // Rename the old block to the new module+delta.
              'delta' => $new_delta,
              ->condition('module', $module)
              ->condition('delta', $old_delta)
      foreach ($moved_deltas as $old_module => $deltas) {
        foreach ($deltas as $delta => $new_module) {

          // Only do the update if the old block actually exists.
          $block_exists = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {" . $table . "} WHERE module = :module AND delta = :delta", array(
            ':module' => $old_module,
            ':delta' => $delta,
          if ($block_exists) {

            // Delete any existing blocks with the new module+delta.
              ->condition('module', $new_module)
              ->condition('delta', $delta)

            // Rename the old block to the new module+delta.
              'module' => $new_module,
              ->condition('module', $old_module)
              ->condition('delta', $delta)

    // Initialize batch update information.
    $sandbox['progress'] = 0;
    $sandbox['last_user_processed'] = -1;
    $sandbox['max'] = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {users} WHERE data LIKE :block", array(
      ':block' => '%' . db_like(serialize('block')) . '%',

  // Now do the batch update of the user-specific block visibility settings.
  $limit = 100;
  $result = db_select('users', 'u')
    ->fields('u', array(
    ->condition('uid', $sandbox['last_user_processed'], '>')
    ->condition('data', '%' . db_like(serialize('block')) . '%', 'LIKE')
    ->orderBy('uid', 'ASC')
    ->range(0, $limit)
  foreach ($result as $row) {
    $data = unserialize($row->data);
    $user_needs_update = FALSE;
    foreach ($renamed_deltas as $module => $deltas) {
      foreach ($deltas as $old_delta => $new_delta) {
        if (isset($data['block'][$module][$old_delta])) {

          // Transfer the old block visibility settings to the newly-renamed
          // block, and mark this user for a database update.
          $data['block'][$module][$new_delta] = $data['block'][$module][$old_delta];
          $user_needs_update = TRUE;
    foreach ($moved_deltas as $old_module => $deltas) {
      foreach ($deltas as $delta => $new_module) {
        if (isset($data['block'][$old_module][$delta])) {

          // Transfer the old block visibility settings to the moved
          // block, and mark this user for a database update.
          $data['block'][$new_module][$delta] = $data['block'][$old_module][$delta];
          $user_needs_update = TRUE;

    // Update the current user.
    if ($user_needs_update) {
        'data' => serialize($data),
        ->condition('uid', $row->uid)

    // Update our progress information for the batch update.
    $sandbox['last_user_processed'] = $row->uid;

  // Indicate our current progress to the batch update system.
  if ($sandbox['progress'] < $sandbox['max']) {
    $sandbox['#finished'] = $sandbox['progress'] / $sandbox['max'];