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function unicode_settings in Drupal 4

Return the required Unicode status and errors for admin/settings.

1 call to unicode_settings()
system_view_general in modules/system.module


includes/, line 78


function unicode_settings() {
  $status = _unicode_check(true);
  $options = array(
    UNICODE_SINGLEBYTE => t('Standard PHP: operations on Unicode strings are emulated on a best-effort basis. Install the <a href="%url">PHP mbstring extension</a> for improved Unicode support.', array(
      '%url' => '',
    UNICODE_MULTIBYTE => t('Multi-byte: operations on Unicode strings are supported through the <a href="%url">PHP mbstring extension</a>.', array(
      '%url' => '',
    UNICODE_ERROR => t('Invalid: the current configuration is incompatible with Drupal.'),
  $form['settings'] = array(
    '#type' => 'item',
    '#title' => t('String handling method'),
    '#value' => $options[$status],
  return $form;