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function template_process_username in Drupal 7

Processes variables for theme_username().

See also



includes/, line 3039
The theme system, which controls the output of Drupal.


function template_process_username(&$variables) {

  // Finalize the link_options array for passing to the l() function.
  // This is done in the process phase so that attributes may be added by
  // modules or the theme during the preprocess phase.
  if (isset($variables['link_path'])) {

    // $variables['attributes_array'] contains attributes that should be applied
    // regardless of whether a link is being rendered or not.
    // $variables['link_attributes'] contains attributes that should only be
    // applied if a link is being rendered. Preprocess functions are encouraged
    // to use the former unless they want to add attributes on the link only.
    // If a link is being rendered, these need to be merged. Some attributes are
    // themselves arrays, so the merging needs to be recursive.
    $variables['link_options']['attributes'] = array_merge_recursive($variables['link_attributes'], $variables['attributes_array']);