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function _theme_render_template_debug in Drupal 7

Renders a template for any engine.

Includes the possibility to get debug output by setting the theme_debug variable to TRUE.


string $template_function: The function to call for rendering the template.

string $template_file: The filename of the template to render.

array $variables: A keyed array of variables that will appear in the output.

string $extension: The extension used by the theme engine for template files.

Return value

string The output generated by the template including debug information.

1 call to _theme_render_template_debug()
theme in includes/
Generates themed output.


includes/, line 1550
The theme system, which controls the output of Drupal.


function _theme_render_template_debug($template_function, $template_file, $variables, $extension) {
  $output = array(
    'debug_prefix' => '',
    'debug_info' => '',
    'rendered_markup' => call_user_func($template_function, $template_file, $variables),
    'debug_suffix' => '',
  $output['debug_prefix'] .= "\n\n<!-- THEME DEBUG -->";
  $output['debug_prefix'] .= "\n<!-- CALL: theme('" . check_plain($variables['theme_hook_original']) . "') -->";

  // If there are theme suggestions, reverse the array so more specific
  // suggestions are shown first.
  if (!empty($variables['theme_hook_suggestions'])) {
    $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'] = array_reverse($variables['theme_hook_suggestions']);

  // Add debug output for directly called suggestions like
  // '#theme' => 'comment__node__article'.
  if (strpos($variables['theme_hook_original'], '__') !== FALSE) {
    $derived_suggestions[] = $hook = $variables['theme_hook_original'];
    while ($pos = strrpos($hook, '__')) {
      $hook = substr($hook, 0, $pos);
      $derived_suggestions[] = $hook;

    // Get the value of the base hook (last derived suggestion) and append it
    // to the end of all theme suggestions.
    $base_hook = array_pop($derived_suggestions);
    $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'] = array_merge($derived_suggestions, $variables['theme_hook_suggestions']);
    $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = $base_hook;
  if (!empty($variables['theme_hook_suggestions'])) {
    $current_template = basename($template_file);
    $suggestions = $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'];

    // Only add the original theme hook if it wasn't a directly called
    // suggestion.
    if (strpos($variables['theme_hook_original'], '__') === FALSE) {
      $suggestions[] = $variables['theme_hook_original'];
    foreach ($suggestions as &$suggestion) {
      $template = strtr($suggestion, '_', '-') . $extension;
      $prefix = $template == $current_template ? 'x' : '*';
      $suggestion = $prefix . ' ' . $template;
    $output['debug_info'] .= "\n<!-- FILE NAME SUGGESTIONS:\n   " . check_plain(implode("\n   ", $suggestions)) . "\n-->";
  $output['debug_info'] .= "\n<!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from '" . check_plain($template_file) . "' -->\n";
  $output['debug_suffix'] .= "\n<!-- END OUTPUT from '" . check_plain($template_file) . "' -->\n\n";
  return implode('', $output);