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function menu_set_location in Drupal 4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 includes/ \menu_set_location()

Change the current menu location of the user.

Frequently, modules may want to make a page or node act as if it were in the menu tree somewhere, even though it was not registered in a hook_menu() implementation. If the administrator has rearranged the menu, the newly set location should respect this in the breadcrumb trail and expanded/collapsed status of menu items in the tree. This function allows this behavior.


$location: An array specifying a complete or partial breadcrumb trail for the new location, in the same format as the return value of hook_menu(). The last element of this array should be the new location itself.

This function will set the new breadcrumb trail to the passed-in value, but if any elements of this trail are visible in the site tree, the trail will be "spliced in" to the existing site navigation at that point.

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includes/, line 325
API for the Drupal menu system.


function menu_set_location($location) {
  global $_menu;
  $temp_id = min(array_keys($_menu['items'])) - 1;
  $prev_id = 0;

  // Don't allow this function to change the actual current path, just the
  // position in the menu tree.
  $location[count($location) - 1]['path'] = $_GET['q'];
  foreach (array_reverse($location) as $item) {
    if (isset($_menu['path index'][$item['path']])) {
      $mid = $_menu['path index'][$item['path']];
      if (isset($_menu['visible'][$mid])) {

        // Splice in the breadcrumb at this location.
        if ($prev_id) {
          $_menu['items'][$prev_id]['pid'] = $mid;
        $prev_id = 0;
      else {

        // A hidden item; show it, but only temporarily.
        $_menu['items'][$mid]['type'] |= MENU_VISIBLE_IN_BREADCRUMB;
        if ($prev_id) {
          $_menu['items'][$prev_id]['pid'] = $mid;
        $prev_id = $mid;
    else {
      $item['type'] |= MENU_VISIBLE_IN_BREADCRUMB;
      if ($prev_id) {
        $_menu['items'][$prev_id]['pid'] = $temp_id;
      $_menu['items'][$temp_id] = $item;
      $_menu['path index'][$item['path']] = $temp_id;
      $prev_id = $temp_id;
  if ($prev_id) {

    // Didn't find a home, so attach this to the main navigation menu.
    $_menu['items'][$prev_id]['pid'] = 1;
  $final_item = array_pop($location);