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function _locale_batch_import in Drupal 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 includes/ \_locale_batch_import()

Perform interface translation import as a batch step.


$filepath: Path to a file to import.

$results: Contains a list of files imported.

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includes/, line 2626
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function _locale_batch_import($filepath, &$context) {

  // The filename is either {langcode}.po or {prefix}.{langcode}.po, so
  // we can extract the language code to use for the import from the end.
  if (preg_match('!(/|\\.)([^\\./]+)\\.po$!', $filepath, $langcode)) {
    $file = (object) array(
      'filename' => basename($filepath),
      'filepath' => $filepath,
    _locale_import_read_po('db-store', $file, LOCALE_IMPORT_KEEP, $langcode[2]);
    $context['results'][] = $filepath;