function language_from_browser in Drupal 6
Identify language from the Accept-language HTTP header we got.
1 call to language_from_browser()
- language_initialize in includes/ - Choose a language for the page, based on language negotiation settings.
- includes/, line 71 - Multiple language handling functionality.
function language_from_browser() {
// Specified by the user via the browser's Accept Language setting
// Samples: "hu, en-us;q=0.66, en;q=0.33", "hu,en-us;q=0.5"
$browser_langs = array();
$browser_accept = explode(",", $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($browser_accept); $i++) {
// The language part is either a code or a code with a quality.
// We cannot do anything with a * code, so it is skipped.
// If the quality is missing, it is assumed to be 1 according to the RFC.
if (preg_match("!([a-z-]+)(;q=([0-9\\.]+))?!", trim($browser_accept[$i]), $found)) {
$browser_langs[$found[1]] = isset($found[3]) ? (double) $found[3] : 1.0;
// Order the codes by quality
// Try to find the first preferred language we have
$languages = language_list('enabled');
foreach ($browser_langs as $langcode => $q) {
if (isset($languages['1'][$langcode])) {
return $languages['1'][$langcode];