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function drupal_system_listing in Drupal 5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 includes/ \drupal_system_listing()
  2. 7 includes/ \drupal_system_listing()

Returns an array of files objects of the given type from the site-wide directory (i.e. modules/), the all-sites directory (i.e. sites/all/modules/), the profiles directory, and site-specific directory (i.e. sites/somesite/modules/). The returned array will be keyed using the key specified (name, basename, filename). Using name or basename will cause site-specific files to be prioritized over similar files in the default directories. That is, if a file with the same name appears in both the site-wide directory and site-specific directory, only the site-specific version will be included.


$mask: The regular expression of the files to find.

$directory: The subdirectory name in which the files are found. For example, 'modules' will search in both modules/ and sites/somesite/modules/.

$key: The key to be passed to file_scan_directory().

$min_depth: Minimum depth of directories to return files from.

Return value

An array of file objects of the specified type.

Related topics

5 calls to drupal_system_listing()
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system_theme_data in modules/system/system.module
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includes/, line 2229
Common functions that many Drupal modules will need to reference.


function drupal_system_listing($mask, $directory, $key = 'name', $min_depth = 1) {
  global $profile;
  $config = conf_path();

  // When this function is called during Drupal's initial installation process,
  // the name of the profile that's about to be installed is stored in the global
  // $profile variable. At all other times, the standard Drupal systems variable
  // table contains the name of the current profile, and we can call variable_get()
  // to determine what one is active.
  if (!isset($profile)) {
    $profile = variable_get('install_profile', 'default');
  $searchdir = array(
  $files = array();

  // Always search sites/all/* as well as the global directories
  $searchdir[] = 'sites/all/' . $directory;

  // The 'profiles' directory contains pristine collections of modules and
  // themes as organized by a distribution.  It is pristine in the same way
  // that /modules is pristine for core; users should avoid changing anything
  // there in favor of sites/all or sites/<domain> directories.
  if (file_exists("profiles/{$profile}/{$directory}")) {
    $searchdir[] = "profiles/{$profile}/{$directory}";
  if (file_exists("{$config}/{$directory}")) {
    $searchdir[] = "{$config}/{$directory}";

  // Get current list of items
  foreach ($searchdir as $dir) {
    $files = array_merge($files, file_scan_directory($dir, $mask, array(
    ), 0, TRUE, $key, $min_depth));
  return $files;