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function drupal_clear_opcode_cache in Drupal 7

Invalidates a PHP file from any active opcode caches.

If the opcode cache does not support the invalidation of individual files, the entire cache will be flushed.


string $filepath: The absolute path of the PHP file to invalidate.

1 call to drupal_clear_opcode_cache()
drupal_rewrite_settings in includes/
Replaces values in settings.php with values in the submitted array.


includes/, line 3858
Functions that need to be loaded on every Drupal request.


function drupal_clear_opcode_cache($filepath) {
  if (!defined('PHP_VERSION_ID') || PHP_VERSION_ID < 50300) {

    // Below PHP 5.3, clearstatcache does not accept any function parameters.
  else {
    clearstatcache(TRUE, $filepath);

  // Zend OPcache.
  if (function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) {
    opcache_invalidate($filepath, TRUE);

  // APC.
  if (function_exists('apc_delete_file')) {

    // apc_delete_file() throws a PHP warning in case the specified file was
    // not compiled yet.
    // @see