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58 calls to watchdog() in Drupal 4

aggregator_form_category_submit in modules/aggregator.module
Process aggregator_form_category form submissions. @todo Add delete confirmation dialog.
aggregator_form_feed_submit in modules/aggregator.module
Process aggregator_form_feed form submissions. @todo Add delete confirmation dialog.
aggregator_parse_feed in modules/aggregator.module
aggregator_refresh in modules/aggregator.module
Checks a news feed for new items.
blogapi_blogger_edit_post in modules/blogapi.module
Blogging API callback. Modifies the specified blog node.
blogapi_blogger_new_post in modules/blogapi.module
Blogging API callback. Inserts a new blog post as a node.
book_admin_edit_submit in modules/book.module
comment_admin_overview_submit in modules/comment.module
Execute the chosen 'Update option' on the selected comments, such as publishing, unpublishing or deleting.
comment_save in modules/comment.module
Accepts a submission of new or changed comment content.
contact_admin_delete_submit in modules/contact.module
Process category delete form submission.
contact_admin_edit_submit in modules/contact.module
Process the contact category edit page form submission.
contact_mail_page_submit in modules/contact.module
Process the site-wide contact page form submission.
contact_mail_user_submit in modules/contact.module
Process the personal contact page form submission.
cron.php in ./cron.php
drupal_access_denied in includes/
Generates a 403 error if the request is not allowed.
drupal_client_ping in modules/drupal.module
Callback function from drupal_xmlrpc() called when another site pings this one.
drupal_convert_to_utf8 in includes/
Convert data to UTF-8
drupal_notify in modules/drupal.module
Sends a ping to the Drupal directory server.
drupal_not_found in includes/
Generates a 404 error if the request can not be handled.
drupal_xml_parser_create in includes/
Prepare a new XML parser.
error_handler in includes/
Log errors as defined by administrator Error levels: 0 = Log errors to database. 1 = Log errors to database and to screen.
file_check_directory in includes/
Check that the directory exists and is writable. Directories need to have execute permissions to be considered a directory by FTP servers, etc.
file_check_upload in includes/
Check if $source is a valid file upload. If so, move the file to Drupal's tmp dir and return it as an object.
file_copy in includes/
Copies a file to a new location. This is a powerful function that in many ways performs like an advanced version of copy().
filter_form_validate in modules/filter.module
forum_confirm_delete_submit in modules/forum.module
Implementation of forms api _submit call. Deletes a forum after confirmation.
image_toolkit_invoke in includes/
Invokes the given method using the currently selected toolkit.
locale_admin_manage_delete_form_submit in modules/locale.module
Process language deletion submissions.
menu_confirm_delete_form_submit in modules/menu.module
Process menu delete form submissions.
menu_edit_item_save in modules/menu.module
Save changes to a menu item into the database.
node_delete in modules/node.module
Delete a node.
node_form_submit in modules/node.module
node_revision_delete_confirm_submit in modules/node.module
node_revision_revert_confirm_submit in modules/node.module
ping_ping in modules/ping.module
Implementation of hook_ping().
profile_field_delete_submit in modules/profile.module
Process a field delete form submission.
profile_field_form_submit in modules/profile.module
Process profile_field_form submissions.
search_view in modules/search.module
Menu callback; presents the search form and/or search results.
system_update_159 in database/
Retrieve data out of the old_revisions table and put into new revision system.
system_update_169 in database/
system_update_177 in database/
throttle_exit in modules/throttle.module
Implementation of hook_exit().
user_authenticate in modules/user.module
user_confirm_delete_submit in modules/user.module
user_edit_validate in modules/user.module
user_login_submit in modules/user.module
user_login_validate in modules/user.module
user_logout in modules/user.module
Menu callback; logs the current user out, and redirects to the home page.
user_pass_reset in modules/user.module
Menu callback; process one time login link and redirects to the user page on success.
user_pass_submit in modules/user.module
user_register_submit in modules/user.module
_comment_delete_thread in modules/comment.module
_form_validate in includes/
_locale_add_language in includes/
Helper function to add a language
_locale_admin_import_submit in includes/
Process the locale import form submission.
_locale_export_po in includes/
Exports a Portable Object (Template) file for a language
_locale_import_po in includes/
Parses Gettext Portable Object file information and inserts into database
_phptemplate_default in themes/engines/phptemplate/phptemplate.engine
Default callback for PHPTemplate.