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196 calls to variable_get() in Drupal 4

aggregator_filter_xss in modules/aggregator.module
Safely render HTML content, as allowed.
aggregator_page_categories in modules/aggregator.module
Menu callback; displays all the categories used by the aggregator.
aggregator_page_opml in modules/aggregator.module
Menu callback; generates an OPML representation of all feeds.
aggregator_page_rss in modules/aggregator.module
Menu callback; generate an RSS 0.92 feed of aggregator items or categories.
aggregator_page_sources in modules/aggregator.module
Menu callback; displays all the feeds used by the aggregator.
aggregator_parse_feed in modules/aggregator.module
aggregator_settings in modules/aggregator.module
Implementation of hook_settings().
archive_calendar in modules/archive.module
Generates a monthly calendar, for display in the archive block.
archive_page in modules/archive.module
Menu callback; lists all nodes posted on a given date.
block_admin_display in modules/block.module
Generate main block administration form.
block_list in modules/block.module
Return all blocks in the specified region for the current user.
block_menu in modules/block.module
Implementation of hook_menu().
blogapi_blogger_new_post in modules/blogapi.module
Blogging API callback. Inserts a new blog post as a node.
blogapi_settings in modules/blogapi.module
blog_feed_last in modules/blog.module
Displays an RSS feed containing recent blog entries of all users.
blog_feed_user in modules/blog.module
Displays an RSS feed containing recent blog entries of a given user.
blog_page_last in modules/blog.module
Displays a Drupal page containing recent blog entries of all users.
blog_page_user in modules/blog.module
Displays a Drupal page containing recent blog entries of a given user.
cache_clear_all in includes/
Expire data from the cache.
cache_get in includes/
Return data from the persistent cache.
chameleon_page in themes/chameleon/chameleon.theme
comment_configure in modules/comment.module
Menu callback; presents the comment settings page.
comment_form in modules/comment.module
comment_form_alter in modules/comment.module
comment_link in modules/comment.module
Implementation of hook_link().
comment_nodeapi in modules/comment.module
Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
comment_render in modules/comment.module
comment_save in modules/comment.module
Accepts a submission of new or changed comment content.
comment_validate in modules/comment.module
contact_admin_settings in modules/contact.module
Settings tab. Using a form rather than hook_settings().
contact_mail_page in modules/contact.module
Site-wide contact page
contact_mail_user in modules/contact.module
Personal contact page.
contact_mail_user_submit in modules/contact.module
Process the personal contact page form submission.
cron.php in ./cron.php
do_search in modules/search.module
Do a query on the full-text search index for a word or words.
drupal_access_denied in includes/
Generates a 403 error if the request is not allowed.
drupal_auth in modules/drupal.module
Implementation of hook_auth().
drupal_cron in modules/drupal.module
Implementation of hook_cron(); handles pings to and from the site.
drupal_get_private_key in includes/
Ensure the private key variable used to generate tokens is set.
drupal_help in modules/drupal.module
Implementation of hook_help().
drupal_init_path in includes/
Initialize the $_GET['q'] variable to the proper normal path.
drupal_is_front_page in includes/
Check if the current page is the front page.
drupal_login in modules/drupal.module
Callback function from drupal_xmlrpc() for authenticating remote clients.
drupal_menu in modules/drupal.module
Implementation of hook_menu().
drupal_notify in modules/drupal.module
Sends a ping to the Drupal directory server.
drupal_not_found in includes/
Generates a 404 error if the request can not be handled.
drupal_page_footer in includes/
Perform end-of-request tasks.
drupal_page_header in includes/
Set HTTP headers in preparation for a page response.
drupal_settings in modules/drupal.module
Implementation of hook_settings().
drupal_site_offline in includes/
Generates a site off-line message
drupal_urlencode in includes/
Wrapper around urlencode() which avoids Apache quirks.
drupal_valid_token in includes/
Validate a token based on $value, the current user session and private key.
drupal_xmlrpc in modules/drupal.module
Implementation of hook_xmlrpc().
error_handler in includes/
Log errors as defined by administrator Error levels: 0 = Log errors to database. 1 = Log errors to database and to screen.
expand_date in includes/
Roll out a single date element.
file_create_url in includes/
Create the download path to a file.
file_directory_path in includes/
Determine the default 'files' directory.
file_directory_temp in includes/
Determine the default temporary directory.
filter_access in modules/filter.module
Returns true if the user is allowed to access this format.
filter_admin_delete in modules/filter.module
Menu callback; confirm deletion of a format.
filter_admin_delete_submit in modules/filter.module
Process filter delete form submission.
filter_admin_format_form in modules/filter.module
Generate a filter format form.
filter_admin_overview in modules/filter.module
Displays a list of all input formats and which one is the default
filter_filter_tips in modules/filter.module
Implementation of hook_filter_tips().
filter_form in modules/filter.module
Generate a selector for choosing a format in a form.
filter_formats in modules/filter.module
Retrieve a list of input formats.
filter_resolve_format in modules/filter.module
Resolve a format id, including the default format.
filter_xss_bad_protocol in modules/filter.module
Processes an HTML attribute value and ensures it does not contain an URL with a disallowed protocol (e.g. javascript:)
format_date in includes/
Format a date with the given configured format or a custom format string.
forum_admin_configure in modules/forum.module
Implementation of hook_settings
forum_block in modules/forum.module
Implementation of hook_block().
forum_form_submit in modules/forum.module
Process forum form and container form submissions.
forum_get_forums in modules/forum.module
Returns a list of all forums for a given taxonomy id
forum_overview in modules/forum.module
Returns an overview list of existing forums and containers
forum_page in modules/forum.module
Menu callback; prints a forum listing.
forum_taxonomy in modules/forum.module
Implementation of hook_taxonomy().
forum_validate in modules/forum.module
Implementation of hook_validate().
forum_view in modules/forum.module
Implementation of hook_view().
image_get_toolkit in includes/
Retrieve the name of the currently used toolkit.
init_theme in includes/
Initialize the theme system by loading the theme.
menu_configure in modules/menu.module
Menu callback; presents menu configuration options.
menu_form_alter in modules/menu.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter(). Add menu item fields to the node form.
menu_primary_links in includes/
Returns an array containing the primary links. Can optionally descend from the root of the Primary links menu towards the current node for a specified number of levels and return that submenu. Used to generate a primary/secondary menu from different…
menu_secondary_links in includes/
Returns an array containing the secondary links. Secondary links can be either a second level of the Primary links menu or generated from their own menu.
module_list in includes/
Collect a list of all loaded modules. During the bootstrap, return only vital modules. See
node_configure in modules/node.module
Menu callback; presents general node configuration options.
node_feed in modules/node.module
A generic function for generating RSS feeds from a set of nodes.
node_form_add_preview in modules/node.module
node_form_alter in modules/node.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter().
node_form_array in modules/node.module
Generate the node editing form array.
node_help in modules/node.module
Implementation of hook_help().
node_page_default in modules/node.module
Generate a listing of promoted nodes.
node_search in modules/node.module
Implementation of hook_search().
node_submit in modules/node.module
Prepare node for save and allow modules to make changes.
node_teaser in modules/node.module
Automatically generate a teaser for a node body in a given format.
node_types_configure in modules/node.module
Menu callback; presents each node type configuration page.
node_update_index in modules/node.module
Implementation of hook_update_index().
node_validate in modules/node.module
Perform validation checks on the given node.
phptemplate_page in themes/engines/phptemplate/phptemplate.engine
Prepare the values passed to the theme_page function to be passed into a pluggable template engine.
ping_cron in modules/ping.module
Implementation of hook_cron().
profile_block in modules/profile.module
Implementation of hook_block().
profile_view_field in modules/profile.module
search_expand_cjk in modules/search.module
Basic CJK tokenizer. Simply splits a string into consecutive, overlapping sequences of characters ('minimum_word_size' long).
search_index in modules/search.module
Update the full-text search index for a particular item.
search_settings in modules/search.module
Menu callback; displays the search module settings page.
search_settings_form_validate in modules/search.module
Implementation of hook_validate().
search_simplify in modules/search.module
Simplifies a string according to indexing rules.
statistics_block in modules/statistics.module
Implementation of hook_block().
statistics_cron in modules/statistics.module
Implementation of hook_cron().
statistics_exit in modules/statistics.module
Implementation of hook_exit().
statistics_menu in modules/statistics.module
Implementation of hook_menu().
statistics_settings in modules/statistics.module
Implementation of hook_settings().
statistics_top_pages in modules/statistics.module
Menu callback; presents the "top pages" page.
statistics_top_referrers in modules/statistics.module
Menu callback; presents the "referrer" page.
statistics_top_visitors in modules/statistics.module
Menu callback; presents the "top visitors" page.
system_cron_settings in modules/system.module
Return the cron status and errors for admin/settings.
system_initialize_theme_blocks in modules/system.module
Assign an initial, default set of blocks for a theme.
system_themes in modules/system.module
Menu callback; displays a listing of all themes.
system_theme_select_form in modules/system.module
Returns a fieldset containing the theme select form.
system_theme_settings in modules/system.module
Menu callback; display theme configuration for entire site and individual themes.
system_update_119 in database/
system_update_123 in database/
system_update_126 in database/
system_update_132 in database/
system_update_135 in database/
system_update_137 in database/
system_update_145 in database/
system_update_151 in database/
system_update_160 in database/
system_update_165 in database/
system_update_170 in database/
system_update_177 in database/
system_update_178 in database/
Update base paths for relative URLs in node and comment content.
system_update_179 in database/
Update base paths for relative URLs in custom blocks, profiles and various variables.
system_user in modules/system.module
Implementation of hook_user().
system_view_general in modules/system.module
taxonomy_render_nodes in modules/taxonomy.module
Accepts the result of a pager_query() call, such as that performed by taxonomy_select_nodes(), and formats each node along with a pager.
taxonomy_select_nodes in modules/taxonomy.module
Finds all nodes that match selected taxonomy conditions.
taxonomy_term_page in modules/taxonomy.module
Menu callback; displays all nodes associated with a term.
theme_aggregator_page_item in modules/aggregator.module
Format an individual feed item for display on the aggregator page.
theme_comment_post_forbidden in modules/comment.module
theme_forum_display in modules/forum.module
Format the forum body.
theme_forum_icon in modules/forum.module
Format the icon for each individual topic.
theme_forum_topic_navigation in modules/forum.module
Format the next/previous forum topic navigation links.
theme_get_setting in includes/
Retrieve a setting for the current theme. This function is designed for use from within themes & engines to determine theme settings made in the admin interface.
theme_get_settings in includes/
Retrieve an associative array containing the settings for a theme.
theme_page in includes/
Return an entire Drupal page displaying the supplied content.
theme_username in includes/
Format a username.
theme_user_picture in modules/user.module
throttle_exit in modules/throttle.module
Implementation of hook_exit().
throttle_settings in modules/throttle.module
Implementation of hook_settings().
throttle_status in modules/throttle.module
Determine the current load on the site.
update_fix_access_table in ./update.php
update_fix_schema_version in ./update.php
If the schema version for Drupal core is stored in the variables table (4.6.x and earlier) move it to the schema_version column of the system table.
update_fix_sessions in ./update.php
System update 130 changes the sessions table, which breaks the update script's ability to use session variables. This changes the table appropriately.
update_fix_watchdog in ./update.php
System update 142 changes the watchdog table, which breaks the update script's ability to use logging. This changes the table appropriately.
update_fix_watchdog_115 in ./update.php
System update 115 changes the watchdog table, which breaks the update script's ability to use logging. This changes the table appropriately.
upload_form_alter in modules/upload.module
upload_menu in modules/upload.module
Implementation of hook_menu().
upload_munge_filename in modules/upload.module
Munge the filename as needed for security purposes.
upload_nodeapi in modules/upload.module
Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
upload_settings in modules/upload.module
url in includes/
Generate a URL from a Drupal menu path. Will also pass-through existing URLs.
user_authenticate in modules/user.module
user_block in modules/user.module
Implementation of hook_block().
user_configure in modules/user.module
user_edit_form in modules/user.module
user_file_download in modules/user.module
Implementation of hook_file_download().
user_help in modules/user.module
Implementation of hook_help().
user_login in modules/user.module
user_mail in modules/user.module
Send an e-mail message, using Drupal variables and default settings. More information in the <a href="">PHP function reference for mail()</a>
user_menu in modules/user.module
Implementation of hook_menu().
user_pass_submit in modules/user.module
user_register in modules/user.module
user_register_submit in modules/user.module
user_validate_picture in modules/user.module
watchdog_cron in modules/watchdog.module
Implementation of hook_cron().
_aggregator_page_list in modules/aggregator.module
Prints an aggregator page listing a number of feed items. Various menu callbacks use this function to print their feeds.
_blogapi_get_node_types in modules/blogapi.module
_comment_get_display_setting in modules/comment.module
Return a current comment display setting
_db_query in includes/
Helper function for db_query().
_db_query in includes/
Helper function for db_query().
_db_query in includes/
Helper function for db_query().
_filter_html in modules/filter.module
HTML filter. Provides filtering of input into accepted HTML.
_filter_html_settings in modules/filter.module
Settings for the HTML filter.
_forum_get_vid in modules/forum.module
Returns the vocabulary id for forum navigation.
_legacy_filter_old_urls in modules/legacy.module
Rewrite legacy URLs.
_locale_export_po in includes/
Exports a Portable Object (Template) file for a language
_menu_site_is_offline in includes/
Returns TRUE if the site is off-line for maintenance.
_search_parse_query in modules/search.module
Helper function for search_parse_query();
_system_zonelist in modules/system.module
_upload_form in modules/upload.module
_upload_image in modules/upload.module
Check an upload, if it is an image, make sure it fits within the maximum dimensions allowed.
_upload_prepare in modules/upload.module
Save new uploads and attach them to the node object. append file_previews to the node object as well.
_upload_validate in modules/upload.module
_user_mail_text in modules/user.module