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Functions in Drupal 5

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
drupal_substr includes/ Cut off a piece of a string based on character indices and counts. Follows the same behaviour as PHP's own substr() function. 4
drupal_system_listing includes/ Returns an array of files objects of the given type from the site-wide directory (i.e. modules/), the all-sites directory (i.e. sites/all/modules/), the profiles directory, and site-specific directory (i.e. sites/somesite/modules/). The returned array… 5
drupal_test_mysql includes/ Check if we can connect to MySQL.
drupal_test_mysqli includes/ Check if we can connect to MySQL.
drupal_test_pgsql includes/ Check if we can connect to PostgreSQL.
drupal_to_js includes/ Converts a PHP variable into its Javascript equivalent. 7
drupal_ucfirst includes/ Capitalize the first letter of a UTF-8 string. 6
drupal_uninstall modules/drupal/drupal.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
drupal_uninstall_module includes/ Calls the uninstall function and updates the system table for a given module. 1
drupal_unpack includes/ Unserializes and appends elements from a serialized string. 6
drupal_unset_globals includes/ Unsets all disallowed global variables. See $allowed for what's allowed. 1
drupal_urlencode includes/ Wrapper around urlencode() which avoids Apache quirks. 3
drupal_validate_form includes/ Validates user-submitted form data from a global variable using the validate functions defined in a structured form array. 3
drupal_validate_utf8 includes/ Checks whether a string is valid UTF-8. 2
drupal_valid_http_host includes/ Validate that a hostname (for example $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) is safe. 1
drupal_valid_token includes/ Validate a token based on $value, the current user session and private key. 1
drupal_verify_install_file includes/ Verify the state of the specified file. 3
drupal_verify_profile includes/ Verify a profile for installation. 1
drupal_xmlrpc modules/drupal/drupal.module Implementation of hook_xmlrpc().
drupal_xml_parser_create includes/ Prepare a new XML parser. 1
element_child includes/ Check if the key is a child. 1 1
element_children includes/ Get keys of a structured array tree element that are not properties (i.e., do not begin with '#'). 21
element_properties includes/ Get properties of a structured array element. Properties begin with '#'.
element_property includes/ Check if the key is a property. 1
error_handler includes/ Log errors as defined by administrator Error levels: 0 = Log errors to database. 1 = Log errors to database and to screen. 1
expand_checkboxes includes/
expand_date includes/ Roll out a single date element.
expand_password_confirm includes/ Expand a password_confirm field into two text boxes.
expand_radios includes/ Roll out a single radios element to a list of radios, using the options array as index.
file_check_directory includes/ Check that the directory exists and is writable. Directories need to have execute permissions to be considered a directory by FTP servers, etc. 7
file_check_location includes/ Check if a file is really located inside $directory. Should be used to make sure a file specified is really located within the directory to prevent exploits. 1
file_check_path includes/ Checks path to see if it is a directory, or a dir/file. 1
file_check_upload includes/ Verify an uploaded file. 5
file_copy includes/ Copies a file to a new location. This is a powerful function that in many ways performs like an advanced version of copy(). 2
file_create_filename includes/ Create a full file path from a directory and filename. If a file with the specified name already exists, an alternative will be used. 4
file_create_path includes/ Make sure the destination is a complete path and resides in the file system directory, if it is not prepend the file system directory. 12
file_create_url includes/ Create the download path to a file. 5
file_delete includes/ Delete a file. 7 1
file_directory_path includes/ Determine the default 'files' directory. 13 1
file_directory_temp includes/ Determine the default temporary directory. 7
file_download includes/ Call modules that implement hook_file_download() to find out if a file is accessible and what headers it should be transferred with. If a module returns -1 drupal_access_denied() will be returned. If one or more modules returned headers the download… 1
file_get_mimetype includes/ Determine an Internet Media Type, or MIME type from a filename. 1
file_move includes/ Moves a file to a new location. 2
file_save_data includes/ Save a string to the specified destination. 2
file_save_upload includes/ Saves a file upload to a new location. The source file is validated as a proper upload and handled as such. 3
file_scan_directory includes/ Finds all files that match a given mask in a given directory. Directories and files beginning with a period are excluded; this prevents hidden files and directories (such as SVN working directories) from being scanned. 6
file_transfer includes/ Transfer file using http to client. Pipes a file through Drupal to the client. 2
file_upload_max_size includes/ Determine the maximum file upload size by querying the PHP settings. 3
filter_access modules/filter/filter.module Returns TRUE if the user is allowed to access this format. 4
filter_admin_configure modules/filter/filter.module Menu callback; display settings defined by filters. 1


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