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function claro_preprocess_links__media_library_menu in Drupal 9

Implements hook_preprocess_links__media_library_menu().

This targets the menu of available media types in the media library's modal dialog.

@todo Do this in the relevant template once is resolved.


core/themes/claro/claro.theme, line 1493
Functions to support theming in the Claro theme.


function claro_preprocess_links__media_library_menu(array &$variables) {
  foreach ($variables['links'] as &$link) {

    // Add a class to the Media Library menu items.

    // This conditional exists because the media-library-menu__link class is
    // currently added by Classy, but Claro will eventually not use Classy as a
    // base theme.
    // @todo remove conditional, keep class addition in
    // @see classy_preprocess_links__media_library_menu()
    if (!isset($link['link']['#options']['attributes']['class']) || !in_array('media-library-menu__link', $link['link']['#options']['attributes']['class'])) {
      $link['link']['#options']['attributes']['class'][] = 'media-library-menu__link';