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SimpletestUiPrinter.php in Drupal 8

Defines a class for providing html output links in the Simpletest UI.

In order to manage different method signatures between PHPUnit versions, we dynamically load a class dependent on the PHPUnit runner version.


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 * @file
 * Defines a class for providing html output links in the Simpletest UI.
 * In order to manage different method signatures between PHPUnit versions, we
 * dynamically load a class dependent on the PHPUnit runner version.
namespace Drupal\Tests\Listeners;

use Drupal\TestTools\PhpUnitCompatibility\RunnerVersion;
class_alias("Drupal\\TestTools\\PhpUnitCompatibility\\PhpUnit" . RunnerVersion::getMajor() . "\\SimpletestUiPrinter", SimpletestUiPrinter::class);