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trait DeprecationListenerTrait in Drupal 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 9 core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Listeners/DeprecationListenerTrait.php \Drupal\Tests\Listeners\DeprecationListenerTrait

Removes deprecations that we are yet to fix.

@internal This class will be removed once all the deprecation notices have been fixed.


3 files declare their use of DeprecationListenerTrait
DrupalListener.php in core/tests/Drupal/TestTools/PhpUnitCompatibility/PhpUnit7/DrupalListener.php
DrupalListener.php in core/tests/Drupal/TestTools/PhpUnitCompatibility/PhpUnit6/DrupalListener.php
WebTestBase.php in core/modules/simpletest/src/WebTestBase.php


core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Listeners/DeprecationListenerTrait.php, line 16


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trait DeprecationListenerTrait {
  use ExpectDeprecationTrait;

   * The previous error handler.
   * @var callable
  private $previousHandler;
  protected function deprecationStartTest($test) {
    if ($test instanceof TestCase) {
      if ('disabled' !== getenv('SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER')) {
      if ($this
        ->willBeIsolated($test)) {
        putenv('DRUPAL_EXPECTED_DEPRECATIONS_SERIALIZE=' . tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'exdep'));

   * Reacts to the end of a test.
   * @param \PHPUnit\Framework\Test $test
   *   The test object that has ended its test run.
   * @param float $time
   *   The time the test took.
  protected function deprecationEndTest($test, $time) {

    /** @var \PHPUnit\Framework\Test $test */
      $expected_deprecations = file_get_contents($file);
      if ($expected_deprecations) {
    if ($file = getenv('SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_SERIALIZE')) {
      $method = $test
      if (strpos($method, 'testLegacy') === 0 || strpos($method, 'provideLegacy') === 0 || strpos($method, 'getLegacy') === 0 || strpos(get_class($test), '\\Legacy') || in_array('legacy', Test::getGroups(get_class($test), $method), TRUE)) {

        // This is a legacy test don't skip deprecations.

      // Need to edit the file of deprecations to remove any skipped
      // deprecations.
      $deprecations = file_get_contents($file);
      $deprecations = $deprecations ? unserialize($deprecations) : [];
      $resave = FALSE;
      foreach ($deprecations as $key => $deprecation) {
        if (in_array($deprecation[1], static::getSkippedDeprecations())) {
          $resave = TRUE;
      if ($resave) {
        file_put_contents($file, serialize($deprecations));

   * Determines if a test is isolated.
   * @param \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase $test
   *   The test to check.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if the isolated, FALSE if not.
  private function willBeIsolated($test) {
    if ($test
      ->isInIsolation()) {
      return FALSE;
    $r = new \ReflectionProperty($test, 'runTestInSeparateProcess');
    return $r

   * A list of deprecations to ignore whilst fixes are put in place.
   * Do not add any new deprecations to this list. All deprecation errors will
   * eventually be removed from this list.
   * @return string[]
   *   A list of deprecations to ignore.
   * @internal
   * @todo Fix all these deprecations and remove them from this list.
   * @see
  public static function getSkippedDeprecations() {
    return [
      'MigrateCckField is deprecated in Drupal 8.3.x and will be removed before Drupal 9.0.x. Use \\Drupal\\migrate_drupal\\Annotation\\MigrateField instead.',
      'MigrateCckFieldPluginManager is deprecated in Drupal 8.3.x and will be removed before Drupal 9.0.x. Use \\Drupal\\migrate_drupal\\Annotation\\MigrateFieldPluginManager instead.',
      'MigrateCckFieldPluginManagerInterface is deprecated in Drupal 8.3.x and will be removed before Drupal 9.0.x. Use \\Drupal\\migrate_drupal\\Annotation\\MigrateFieldPluginManagerInterface instead.',
      'The "plugin.manager.migrate.cckfield" service is deprecated. You should use the \'plugin.manager.migrate.field\' service instead. See',
      'The Symfony\\Component\\ClassLoader\\ApcClassLoader class is deprecated since Symfony 3.3 and will be removed in 4.0. Use `composer install --apcu-autoloader` instead.',
      // The following deprecation is not triggered by DrupalCI testing since it
      // is a Windows only deprecation. Remove when core no longer uses
      // WinCacheClassLoader in \Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel::initializeSettings().
      'The Symfony\\Component\\ClassLoader\\WinCacheClassLoader class is deprecated since Symfony 3.3 and will be removed in 4.0. Use `composer install --apcu-autoloader` instead.',
      // The following deprecation message is skipped for testing purposes.
      '\\Drupal\\Tests\\SkippedDeprecationTest deprecation',
      // These deprecations are triggered by symfony/psr-http-message-factory
      // 1.2, which can be installed if you update dependencies on php 7 or
      // higher
      'The "Symfony\\Bridge\\PsrHttpMessage\\Factory\\DiactorosFactory" class is deprecated since symfony/psr-http-message-bridge 1.2, use PsrHttpFactory instead.',
      'The "psr7.http_message_factory" service relies on the deprecated "Symfony\\Bridge\\PsrHttpMessage\\Factory\\DiactorosFactory" class. It should either be deprecated or its implementation upgraded.',
      // This deprecation comes from behat/mink-browserkit-driver when updating
      // symfony/browser-kit to 4.3+.
      'The "Symfony\\Component\\BrowserKit\\Response::getStatus()" method is deprecated since Symfony 4.3, use getStatusCode() instead.',
      'The "core/jquery.ui.checkboxradio" asset library is deprecated in drupal:8.8.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. See',
      'The "core/jquery.ui.controlgroup" asset library is deprecated in drupal:8.8.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. See',
      'The "core/html5shiv" asset library is deprecated in drupal:8.8.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. See',
      'The "core/matchmedia" asset library is deprecated in drupal:8.8.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. See',
      'The "core/matchmedia.addListener" asset library is deprecated in drupal:8.8.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. See',
      'The "core/classList" asset library is deprecated in drupal:8.8.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use the native browser implementation instead. See',
      'The "core/jquery.ui.datepicker" asset library is deprecated in drupal:8.8.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. See',
      'The "locale/drupal.locale.datepicker" asset library is deprecated in drupal:8.8.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. See',
      'The "" string as a RestResource plugin annotation URI path key is deprecated in Drupal 8.4.0, now a valid link relation type name must be specified, so "create" must be specified instead before Drupal 9.0.0. See',

   * Registers an error handler that wraps Symfony's DeprecationErrorHandler.
   * @see \Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\DeprecationErrorHandler
   * @see \Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\Legacy\SymfonyTestsListenerTrait
  protected function registerErrorHandler($test) {
    $deprecation_handler = function ($type, $msg, $file, $line, $context = []) {

      // Skip listed deprecations.
      if ($type === E_USER_DEPRECATED && in_array($msg, self::getSkippedDeprecations(), TRUE)) {
      return call_user_func($this->previousHandler, $type, $msg, $file, $line, $context);
    if ($this->previousHandler) {
    $this->previousHandler = set_error_handler($deprecation_handler);

    // Register another listener so that we can remove the error handler before
    // Symfony's DeprecationErrorHandler checks that it is the currently
    // registered handler. Note this is done like this to ensure the error
    // handler is removed after SymfonyTestsListenerTrait::endTest() is called.
    // SymfonyTestsListenerTrait has its own error handler that needs to be
    // removed before this one.
    $test_result_object = $test

    // It's possible that a test does not have a result object. This can happen
    // when a test class does not have any test methods.
    if ($test_result_object) {
      $reflection_class = new \ReflectionClass($test_result_object);
      $reflection_property = $reflection_class
      $listeners = $reflection_property
      $listeners[] = new AfterSymfonyListener();
        ->setValue($test_result_object, $listeners);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
DeprecationListenerTrait::$previousHandler private property The previous error handler.
DeprecationListenerTrait::deprecationEndTest protected function Reacts to the end of a test.
DeprecationListenerTrait::deprecationStartTest protected function
DeprecationListenerTrait::getSkippedDeprecations public static function A list of deprecations to ignore whilst fixes are put in place.
DeprecationListenerTrait::registerErrorHandler protected function Registers an error handler that wraps Symfony's DeprecationErrorHandler.
DeprecationListenerTrait::willBeIsolated private function Determines if a test is isolated.
ExpectDeprecationTrait::addExpectedDeprecationMessage protected function Sets an expected deprecation message.
ExpectDeprecationTrait::expectDeprecation Deprecated protected function Sets an expected deprecation message.
ExpectDeprecationTrait::expectedDeprecations public function Sets expected deprecation messages.
ExpectDeprecationTrait::getSymfonyTestListenerTrait private function Gets the SymfonyTestsListenerTrait.