class ConnectionTest in Drupal 9
Same name in this branch
- 9 core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Core/Database/ConnectionTest.php \Drupal\Tests\Core\Database\ConnectionTest
- 9 core/tests/Drupal/KernelTests/Core/Database/ConnectionTest.php \Drupal\KernelTests\Core\Database\ConnectionTest
- 9 core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Core/Database/Driver/sqlite/ConnectionTest.php \Drupal\Tests\Core\Database\Driver\sqlite\ConnectionTest
- 9 core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Core/Database/Driver/mysql/ConnectionTest.php \Drupal\Tests\Core\Database\Driver\mysql\ConnectionTest
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 8 core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Core/Database/ConnectionTest.php \Drupal\Tests\Core\Database\ConnectionTest
Tests the Connection class.
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection @group Database
- class \Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase uses \Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\ExpectDeprecationTrait, PhpUnitCompatibilityTrait, PhpUnitWarnings
- class \Drupal\Tests\Core\Database\ConnectionTest
Expanded class hierarchy of ConnectionTest
- core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Database/ ConnectionTest.php, line 19
Drupal\Tests\Core\DatabaseView source
class ConnectionTest extends UnitTestCase {
* Data provider for testPrefixRoundTrip().
* @return array
* Array of arrays with the following elements:
* - Arguments to pass to Connection::setPrefix().
* - Expected result from Connection::tablePrefix().
public function providerPrefixRoundTrip() {
return [
'' => 'test_',
'fooTable' => 'foo_',
'barTable' => 'bar_',
'fooTable' => 'foo_',
'barTable' => 'bar_',
* Exercise setPrefix() and tablePrefix().
* @dataProvider providerPrefixRoundTrip
public function testPrefixRoundTrip($expected, $prefix_info) {
$mock_pdo = $this
$connection = new StubConnection($mock_pdo, []);
// setPrefix() is protected, so we make it accessible with reflection.
$reflection = new \ReflectionClass('Drupal\\Tests\\Core\\Database\\Stub\\StubConnection');
$set_prefix = $reflection
// Set the prefix data.
->invokeArgs($connection, [
// Check the round-trip.
foreach ($expected as $table => $prefix) {
->assertEquals($prefix, $connection
* Data provider for testPrefixTables().
* @return array
* Array of arrays with the following elements:
* - Expected result.
* - Table prefix.
* - Query to be prefixed.
* - Quote identifier.
public function providerTestPrefixTables() {
return [
'SELECT * FROM test_table',
'SELECT * FROM {table}',
'SELECT * FROM "test_table"',
'SELECT * FROM {table}',
"SELECT * FROM 'test_table'",
'SELECT * FROM {table}',
"SELECT * FROM [test_table]",
'SELECT * FROM {table}',
* Exercise the prefixTables() method.
* @dataProvider providerTestPrefixTables
public function testPrefixTables($expected, $prefix_info, $query, array $quote_identifier = [
]) {
$mock_pdo = $this
$connection = new StubConnection($mock_pdo, [
'prefix' => $prefix_info,
], $quote_identifier);
->assertEquals($expected, $connection
* Data provider for testGetDriverClass().
* @return array
* Array of arrays with the following elements:
* - Expected namespaced class name.
* - Namespace.
* - Class name without namespace.
public function providerGetDriverClass() {
return [
// Tests with the corefake database driver. This driver has no custom
// driver classes.
// Tests with the corefakeWithAllCustomClasses database driver. This
// driver has custom driver classes for all classes.
* @covers ::getDriverClass
* @dataProvider providerGetDriverClass
public function testGetDriverClass($expected, $namespace, $class) {
$additional_class_loader = new ClassLoader();
->addPsr4("Drupal\\corefake\\Driver\\Database\\corefake\\", __DIR__ . "/../../../../../tests/fixtures/database_drivers/module/corefake/src/Driver/Database/corefake");
->addPsr4("Drupal\\corefake\\Driver\\Database\\corefakeWithAllCustomClasses\\", __DIR__ . "/../../../../../tests/fixtures/database_drivers/module/corefake/src/Driver/Database/corefakeWithAllCustomClasses");
$mock_pdo = $this
$connection = new StubConnection($mock_pdo, [
'namespace' => $namespace,
->assertEquals($expected, $connection
* Data provider for testSchema().
* @return array
* Array of arrays with the following elements:
* - Expected namespaced class of schema object.
* - Driver for PDO connection.
* - Namespace for connection.
public function providerSchema() {
return [
* Tests Connection::schema().
* @dataProvider providerSchema
public function testSchema($expected, $driver, $namespace) {
$mock_pdo = $this
$connection = new StubConnection($mock_pdo, [
'namespace' => $namespace,
$connection->driver = $driver;
->assertInstanceOf($expected, $connection
* Tests Connection::destroy().
* @group legacy
public function testDestroy() {
->expectDeprecation('Drupal\\Core\\Database\\Connection::destroy() is deprecated in drupal:9.1.0 and is removed from drupal:10.0.0. Move custom database destruction logic to __destruct(). See');
$mock_pdo = $this
// Mocking StubConnection gives us access to the $schema attribute.
$connection = new StubConnection($mock_pdo, [
'namespace' => 'Drupal\\Tests\\Core\\Database\\Stub\\Driver',
// Generate a schema object in order to verify that we've NULLed it later.
->assertInstanceOf('Drupal\\Tests\\Core\\Database\\Stub\\Driver\\Schema', $connection
$reflected_schema = (new \ReflectionObject($connection))
* Tests Connection::__destruct().
* @group legacy
public function testDestructBcLayer() {
->expectDeprecation('Drupal\\Core\\Database\\Connection::destroy() is deprecated in drupal:9.1.0 and is removed from drupal:10.0.0. Move custom database destruction logic to __destruct(). See');
$mock_pdo = $this
$fake_connection = new class($mock_pdo, [
'namespace' => Driver::class,
]) extends StubConnection {
public function destroy() {
// Destroy the object which will result in the Connection::__destruct()
// calling Connection::destroy() and a deprecation error being triggered.
// @see \Drupal\KernelTests\Core\Database\ConnectionUnitTest for tests that
// connection object destruction does not trigger deprecations unless
// Connection::destroy() is overridden.
$fake_connection = NULL;
* Data provider for testMakeComments().
* @return array
* Array of arrays with the following elements:
* - Expected filtered comment.
* - Arguments for Connection::makeComment().
public function providerMakeComments() {
return [
'/* */ ',
'/* Exploit * / DROP TABLE node. -- */ ',
'Exploit * / DROP TABLE node; --',
'/* Exploit * / DROP TABLE node. --. another comment */ ',
'Exploit * / DROP TABLE node; --',
'another comment',
* Tests Connection::makeComments().
* @dataProvider providerMakeComments
public function testMakeComments($expected, $comment_array) {
$mock_pdo = $this
$connection = new StubConnection($mock_pdo, []);
->assertEquals($expected, $connection
* Data provider for testFilterComments().
* @return array
* Array of arrays with the following elements:
* - Expected filtered comment.
* - Comment to filter.
public function providerFilterComments() {
return [
'Exploit * / DROP TABLE node. --',
'Exploit * / DROP TABLE node; --',
'Exploit * / DROP TABLE node. --',
'Exploit */ DROP TABLE node; --',
* Tests Connection::filterComments().
* @dataProvider providerFilterComments
public function testFilterComments($expected, $comment) {
$mock_pdo = $this
$connection = new StubConnection($mock_pdo, []);
// filterComment() is protected, so we make it accessible with reflection.
$reflection = new \ReflectionClass('Drupal\\Tests\\Core\\Database\\Stub\\StubConnection');
$filter_comment = $reflection
->assertEquals($expected, $filter_comment
->invokeArgs($connection, [
* Data provider for testEscapeTable.
* @return array
* An indexed array of where each value is an array of arguments to pass to
* testEscapeField. The first value is the expected value, and the second
* value is the value to test.
public function providerEscapeTables() {
return [
// Sometimes, table names are following the pattern database.schema.table.
* @covers ::escapeTable
* @dataProvider providerEscapeTables
public function testEscapeTable($expected, $name, array $identifier_quote = [
]) {
$mock_pdo = $this
$connection = new StubConnection($mock_pdo, [], $identifier_quote);
->assertEquals($expected, $connection
* Data provider for testEscapeAlias.
* @return array
* Array of arrays with the following elements:
* - Expected escaped string.
* - String to escape.
public function providerEscapeAlias() {
return [
* @covers ::escapeAlias
* @dataProvider providerEscapeAlias
public function testEscapeAlias($expected, $name, array $identifier_quote = [
]) {
$mock_pdo = $this
$connection = new StubConnection($mock_pdo, [], $identifier_quote);
->assertEquals($expected, $connection
* Data provider for testEscapeField.
* @return array
* Array of arrays with the following elements:
* - Expected escaped string.
* - String to escape.
public function providerEscapeFields() {
return [
* @covers ::escapeField
* @dataProvider providerEscapeFields
public function testEscapeField($expected, $name, array $identifier_quote = [
]) {
$mock_pdo = $this
$connection = new StubConnection($mock_pdo, [], $identifier_quote);
->assertEquals($expected, $connection
* Data provider for testEscapeDatabase.
* @return array
* An indexed array of where each value is an array of arguments to pass to
* testEscapeField. The first value is the expected value, and the second
* value is the value to test.
public function providerEscapeDatabase() {
return [
* @covers ::escapeDatabase
* @dataProvider providerEscapeDatabase
public function testEscapeDatabase($expected, $name, array $identifier_quote = [
]) {
$mock_pdo = $this
$connection = new StubConnection($mock_pdo, [], $identifier_quote);
->assertEquals($expected, $connection
* @covers ::__construct
* @group legacy
public function testIdentifierQuotesDeprecation() {
->expectDeprecation('In drupal:10.0.0 not setting the $identifierQuotes property in the concrete Connection class will result in an RuntimeException. See');
$mock_pdo = $this
new StubConnection($mock_pdo, [], NULL);
* @covers ::__construct
public function testIdentifierQuotesAssertCount() {
->expectExceptionMessage('\\Drupal\\Core\\Database\\Connection::$identifierQuotes must contain 2 string values');
$mock_pdo = $this
new StubConnection($mock_pdo, [], [
* @covers ::__construct
public function testIdentifierQuotesAssertString() {
->expectExceptionMessage('\\Drupal\\Core\\Database\\Connection::$identifierQuotes must contain 2 string values');
$mock_pdo = $this
new StubConnection($mock_pdo, [], [
* @covers ::__construct
public function testNamespaceDefault() {
$mock_pdo = $this
$connection = new StubConnection($mock_pdo, []);
->assertSame('Drupal\\Tests\\Core\\Database\\Stub', $connection
* Tests deprecation of the Statement class.
* @group legacy
public function testStatementDeprecation() {
if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000) {
->markTestSkipped('Drupal\\Core\\Database\\Statement is incompatible with PHP 8.0. Remove in');
->expectDeprecation('\\Drupal\\Core\\Database\\Statement is deprecated in drupal:9.1.0 and is removed from drupal:10.0.0. Database drivers should use or extend StatementWrapper instead, and encapsulate client-level statement objects. See');
$mock_statement = $this
* Test rtrim() of query strings.
* @dataProvider provideQueriesToTrim
public function testQueryTrim($expected, $query, $options) {
$mock_pdo = $this
$mock_statement = $this
// Ensure that PDO::prepare() is called only once, and with the
// correctly trimmed query string.
$connection = new StubConnection($mock_pdo, []);
->query($query, [], $options);
* Data provider for testQueryTrim().
* @return array
* Array of arrays with the following elements:
* - Expected trimmed query.
* - Padded query.
* - Query options.
public function provideQueriesToTrim() {
return [
'remove_non_breaking_space' => [
'SELECT * FROM test',
'remove_ordinary_space' => [
'SELECT * FROM test',
'SELECT * FROM test ',
'remove_semicolon' => [
'SELECT * FROM test',
'SELECT * FROM test;',
'keep_trailing_semicolon' => [
'SELECT * FROM test;',
'SELECT * FROM test;',
'allow_delimiter_in_query' => TRUE,
'remove_semicolon_with_whitespace' => [
'SELECT * FROM test',
'SELECT * FROM test; ',
'keep_trailing_semicolon_with_whitespace' => [
'SELECT * FROM test;',
'SELECT * FROM test; ',
'allow_delimiter_in_query' => TRUE,
* Tests the deprecation of Drupal 8 style database drivers.
* @group legacy
public function testLegacyDatabaseDriverInRootDriversDirectory() {
->expectDeprecation('Support for database drivers located in the "drivers/lib/Drupal/Driver/Database" directory is deprecated in drupal:9.1.0 and is removed in drupal:10.0.0. Contributed and custom database drivers should be provided by modules and use the namespace "Drupal\\MODULE_NAME\\Driver\\Database\\DRIVER_NAME". See');
$namespace = 'Drupal\\Driver\\Database\\Stub';
$mock_pdo = $this
$connection = new StubConnection($mock_pdo, [
'namespace' => $namespace,
], [
->assertEquals($namespace, $connection
* Tests the deprecation of \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection::$statementClass.
* @group legacy
public function testPdoStatementClass() {
if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000) {
->markTestSkipped('Drupal\\Core\\Database\\Statement is incompatible with PHP 8.0. Remove in');
->expectDeprecation('\\Drupal\\Core\\Database\\Connection::$statementClass is deprecated in drupal:9.1.0 and is removed from drupal:10.0.0. Database drivers should use or extend StatementWrapper instead, and encapsulate client-level statement objects. See');
$mock_pdo = $this
new StubConnection($mock_pdo, [
'namespace' => 'Drupal\\Tests\\Core\\Database\\Stub\\Driver',
], [
], Statement::class);
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | Data provider for testQueryTrim(). | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | Data provider for testEscapeAlias. | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | Data provider for testEscapeDatabase. | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | Data provider for testEscapeField. | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | Data provider for testEscapeTable. | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | Data provider for testFilterComments(). | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | Data provider for testGetDriverClass(). | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | Data provider for testMakeComments(). | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | Data provider for testPrefixRoundTrip(). | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | Data provider for testSchema(). | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | Data provider for testPrefixTables(). | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | Tests Connection::destroy(). | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | Tests Connection::__destruct(). | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | @covers ::escapeAlias @dataProvider providerEscapeAlias | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | @covers ::escapeDatabase @dataProvider providerEscapeDatabase | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | @covers ::escapeField @dataProvider providerEscapeFields | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | @covers ::escapeTable @dataProvider providerEscapeTables | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | Tests Connection::filterComments(). | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | @covers ::getDriverClass @dataProvider providerGetDriverClass | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | @covers ::__construct | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | @covers ::__construct | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | @covers ::__construct @group legacy | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | Tests the deprecation of Drupal 8 style database drivers. | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | Tests Connection::makeComments(). | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | @covers ::__construct | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | Tests the deprecation of \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection::$statementClass. | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | Exercise setPrefix() and tablePrefix(). | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | Exercise the prefixTables() method. | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | Test rtrim() of query strings. | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | Tests Connection::schema(). | |
ConnectionTest:: |
public | function | Tests deprecation of the Statement class. | |
PhpUnitWarnings:: |
private static | property | Deprecation warnings from PHPUnit to raise with @trigger_error(). | |
PhpUnitWarnings:: |
public | function | Converts PHPUnit deprecation warnings to E_USER_DEPRECATED. | |
UnitTestCase:: |
protected | property | The random generator. | |
UnitTestCase:: |
protected | property | The app root. | 1 |
UnitTestCase:: |
protected | function | Asserts if two arrays are equal by sorting them first. | |
UnitTestCase:: |
protected | function | Returns a stub class resolver. | |
UnitTestCase:: |
public | function | Returns a stub config factory that behaves according to the passed array. | |
UnitTestCase:: |
public | function | Returns a stub config storage that returns the supplied configuration. | |
UnitTestCase:: |
protected | function | Sets up a container with a cache tags invalidator. | |
UnitTestCase:: |
protected | function | Gets the random generator for the utility methods. | |
UnitTestCase:: |
public | function | Returns a stub translation manager that just returns the passed string. | |
UnitTestCase:: |
public | function | Generates a unique random string containing letters and numbers. | |
UnitTestCase:: |
protected | function | 308 | |
UnitTestCase:: |
public static | function |