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class ReadOnlyStorageTest in Drupal 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 9 core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Core/Config/ReadOnlyStorageTest.php \Drupal\Tests\Core\Config\ReadOnlyStorageTest

@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Core\Config\ReadOnlyStorage @group Config


Expanded class hierarchy of ReadOnlyStorageTest


core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Core/Config/ReadOnlyStorageTest.php, line 15


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class ReadOnlyStorageTest extends UnitTestCase {
  use StorageCopyTrait;

   * The memory storage containing the data.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Config\MemoryStorage
  protected $memory;

   * The read-only storage under test.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Config\ReadOnlyStorage
  protected $storage;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {

    // Set up a memory storage we can manipulate to set fixtures.
    $this->memory = new MemoryStorage();

    // Wrap the memory storage in the read-only storage to test it.
    $this->storage = new ReadOnlyStorage($this->memory);

   * @covers ::exists
   * @covers ::read
   * @covers ::readMultiple
   * @covers ::listAll
   * @dataProvider readMethodsProvider
  public function testReadOperations($method, $arguments, $fixture) {
    $expected = call_user_func_array([
    ], $arguments);
    $actual = call_user_func_array([
    ], $arguments);
      ->assertEquals($expected, $actual);

   * Provide the methods that work transparently.
   * @return array
   *   The data.
  public function readMethodsProvider() {
    $fixture = [
      StorageInterface::DEFAULT_COLLECTION => [
    $data = [];
    $data[] = [
    $data[] = [
    $data[] = [
    $data[] = [
    $data[] = [
    $data[] = [
    $data[] = [
    $data[] = [
    return $data;

   * @covers ::write
   * @covers ::delete
   * @covers ::rename
   * @covers ::deleteAll
   * @dataProvider writeMethodsProvider
  public function testWriteOperations($method, $arguments, $fixture) {

    // Create an independent memory storage as a backup.
    $backup = new MemoryStorage();
    static::replaceStorageContents($this->memory, $backup);
    try {
      ], $arguments);
        ->fail("exception not thrown");
    } catch (\BadMethodCallException $exception) {
        ->assertEquals(ReadOnlyStorage::class . '::' . $method . ' is not allowed on a ReadOnlyStorage', $exception

    // Assert that the memory storage has not been altered.
      ->assertTrue($backup == $this->memory);

   * Provide the methods that throw an exception.
   * @return array
   *   The data
  public function writeMethodsProvider() {
    $fixture = [
      StorageInterface::DEFAULT_COLLECTION => [
    $data = [];
    $data[] = [
        (array) $this
    $data[] = [
        (array) $this
    $data[] = [
    $data[] = [
    $data[] = [
    $data[] = [
    $data[] = [
    $data[] = [
    $data[] = [
    $data[] = [
    return $data;

   * @covers ::getAllCollectionNames
   * @covers ::getCollectionName
   * @covers ::createCollection
  public function testCollections() {
    $fixture = [
      StorageInterface::DEFAULT_COLLECTION => [
      'A' => [
      'B' => [
      'C' => [
    ], $this->storage
    foreach (array_keys($fixture) as $collection) {
      $storage = $this->storage

      // Assert that the collection storage is still a read-only storage.
        ->assertInstanceOf(ReadOnlyStorage::class, $storage);
        ->assertEquals($collection, $storage

   * @covers ::encode
   * @covers ::decode
  public function testEncodeDecode() {
    $array = (array) $this
    $string = $this

    // Assert reversibility of encoding and decoding.
      ->assertEquals($array, $this->storage
      ->assertEquals($string, $this->storage

    // Assert same results as the decorated storage.
      ->encode($array), $this->storage
      ->decode($string), $this->storage

   * Generate random config in the memory storage.
   * @param array $config
   *   The config keys, keyed by the collection.
  protected function setRandomFixtureConfig($config) {

    // Erase previous fixture.
    foreach (array_merge([
    ], $this->memory
      ->getAllCollectionNames()) as $collection) {
    foreach ($config as $collection => $keys) {
      $storage = $this->memory
      foreach ($keys as $key) {

        // Create some random config.
          ->write($key, (array) $this



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
PhpunitCompatibilityTrait::getMock Deprecated public function Returns a mock object for the specified class using the available method.
PhpunitCompatibilityTrait::setExpectedException Deprecated public function Compatibility layer for PHPUnit 6 to support PHPUnit 4 code.
ReadOnlyStorageTest::$memory protected property The memory storage containing the data.
ReadOnlyStorageTest::$storage protected property The read-only storage under test.
ReadOnlyStorageTest::readMethodsProvider public function Provide the methods that work transparently.
ReadOnlyStorageTest::setRandomFixtureConfig protected function Generate random config in the memory storage.
ReadOnlyStorageTest::setUp protected function Overrides UnitTestCase::setUp
ReadOnlyStorageTest::testCollections public function @covers ::getAllCollectionNames @covers ::getCollectionName @covers ::createCollection
ReadOnlyStorageTest::testEncodeDecode public function @covers ::encode @covers ::decode
ReadOnlyStorageTest::testReadOperations public function @covers ::exists @covers ::read @covers ::readMultiple @covers ::listAll
ReadOnlyStorageTest::testWriteOperations public function @covers ::write @covers ::delete @covers ::rename @covers ::deleteAll
ReadOnlyStorageTest::writeMethodsProvider public function Provide the methods that throw an exception.
StorageCopyTrait::replaceStorageContents protected static function Copy the configuration from one storage to another and remove stale items.
UnitTestCase::$randomGenerator protected property The random generator.
UnitTestCase::$root protected property The app root. 1
UnitTestCase::assertArrayEquals protected function Asserts if two arrays are equal by sorting them first.
UnitTestCase::getBlockMockWithMachineName Deprecated protected function Mocks a block with a block plugin. 1
UnitTestCase::getClassResolverStub protected function Returns a stub class resolver.
UnitTestCase::getConfigFactoryStub public function Returns a stub config factory that behaves according to the passed array.
UnitTestCase::getConfigStorageStub public function Returns a stub config storage that returns the supplied configuration.
UnitTestCase::getContainerWithCacheTagsInvalidator protected function Sets up a container with a cache tags invalidator.
UnitTestCase::getRandomGenerator protected function Gets the random generator for the utility methods.
UnitTestCase::getStringTranslationStub public function Returns a stub translation manager that just returns the passed string.
UnitTestCase::randomMachineName public function Generates a unique random string containing letters and numbers.