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AnnotatedClassDiscoveryTest.php in Drupal 9


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namespace Drupal\Tests\Component\Plugin\Discovery;

use Drupal\Component\Annotation\Plugin\Discovery\AnnotatedClassDiscovery;
use Drupal\Component\FileCache\FileCacheFactory;
use org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStream;
use org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStreamDirectory;
use org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStreamWrapper;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Component\Annotation\Plugin\Discovery\AnnotatedClassDiscovery
 * @group Annotation
 * @group Plugin
class AnnotatedClassDiscoveryTest extends TestCase {

   * All the Drupal documentation standards tags.
   * @var string[]
  public function provideBadAnnotations() {
    return [

   * Make sure AnnotatedClassDiscovery never tries to autoload bad annotations.
   * @dataProvider provideBadAnnotations
   * @coversNothing
  public function testAutoloadBadAnnotations($annotation) {

    // Set up a class file in vfsStream.
    $root = new vfsStreamDirectory('root');

    // Make a directory for discovery.
    $url = vfsStream::url('root');
    mkdir($url . '/DrupalTest');

    // Create a class docblock with our annotation.
    $php_file = "<?php\nnamespace DrupalTest;\n/**\n";
    $php_file .= " * @{$annotation}\n";
    $php_file .= " */\nclass TestClass {}";
    file_put_contents($url . '/DrupalTest/TestClass.php', $php_file);

    // Create an AnnotatedClassDiscovery object referencing the virtual file.
    $discovery = new AnnotatedClassDiscovery([
      '\\DrupalTest\\TestClass' => [
    ], '\\DrupalTest\\Component\\Annotation\\');

    // Register our class loader which will fail if the annotation reader tries
    // to autoload disallowed annotations.
    $class_loader = function ($class_name) use ($annotation) {
      $name_array = explode('\\', $class_name);
      $name = array_pop($name_array);
      if ($name == $annotation) {
          ->fail('Attempted to autoload a non-plugin annotation: ' . $name);
    spl_autoload_register($class_loader, TRUE, TRUE);

    // Now try to get plugin definitions.
    $definitions = $discovery

    // Unregister to clean up.

    // Assert that no annotations were loaded.
