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class DateTimePlusTest in Drupal 9

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  1. 8 core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Component/Datetime/DateTimePlusTest.php \Drupal\Tests\Component\Datetime\DateTimePlusTest
  2. 10 core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Component/Datetime/DateTimePlusTest.php \Drupal\Tests\Component\Datetime\DateTimePlusTest

@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Component\Datetime\DateTimePlus @group Datetime


  • class \Drupal\Tests\Component\Datetime\DateTimePlusTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase

Expanded class hierarchy of DateTimePlusTest


core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Component/Datetime/DateTimePlusTest.php, line 12


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class DateTimePlusTest extends TestCase {

   * Tests creating dates from string and array input.
   * @param mixed $input
   *   Input argument for DateTimePlus.
   * @param string $timezone
   *   Timezone argument for DateTimePlus.
   * @param string $expected
   *   Expected output from DateTimePlus::format().
   * @dataProvider providerTestDates
  public function testDates($input, $timezone, $expected) {
    $date = new DateTimePlus($input, $timezone);
    $value = $date
    if (is_array($input)) {
      $input = var_export($input, TRUE);
      ->assertEquals($expected, $value, sprintf("Test new DateTimePlus(%s, %s): should be %s, found %s.", $input, $timezone, $expected, $value));

   * Tests creating dates from string and array input.
   * @param mixed $input
   *   Input argument for DateTimePlus.
   * @param string $timezone
   *   Timezone argument for DateTimePlus.
   * @param string $expected
   *   Expected output from DateTimePlus::format().
   * @dataProvider providerTestDateArrays
  public function testDateArrays($input, $timezone, $expected) {
    $date = DateTimePlus::createFromArray($input, $timezone);
    $value = $date
    if (is_array($input)) {
      $input = var_export($input, TRUE);
      ->assertEquals($expected, $value, sprintf("Test new DateTimePlus(%s, %s): should be %s, found %s.", $input, $timezone, $expected, $value));

   * Tests date diffs.
   * @param mixed $input1
   *   A DateTimePlus object.
   * @param mixed $input2
   *   Date argument for DateTimePlus::diff method.
   * @param bool $absolute
   *   Absolute flag for DateTimePlus::diff method.
   * @param \DateInterval $expected
   *   The expected result of the DateTimePlus::diff operation.
   * @dataProvider providerTestDateDiff
  public function testDateDiff($input1, $input2, $absolute, \DateInterval $expected) {
    $interval = $input1
      ->diff($input2, $absolute);
      ->assertEquals($interval, $expected);

   * Tests date diff exception caused by invalid input.
   * @param mixed $input1
   *   A DateTimePlus object.
   * @param mixed $input2
   *   Date argument for DateTimePlus::diff method.
   * @param bool $absolute
   *   Absolute flag for DateTimePlus::diff method.
   * @dataProvider providerTestInvalidDateDiff
  public function testInvalidDateDiff($input1, $input2, $absolute) {
      ->expectExceptionMessage('Method Drupal\\Component\\Datetime\\DateTimePlus::diff expects parameter 1 to be a \\DateTime or \\Drupal\\Component\\Datetime\\DateTimePlus object');
    $interval = $input1
      ->diff($input2, $absolute);

   * Tests creating dates from invalid array input.
   * @param mixed $input
   *   Input argument for DateTimePlus.
   * @param string $timezone
   *   Timezone argument for DateTimePlus.
   * @param string $class
   *   The Exception subclass to expect to be thrown.
   * @dataProvider providerTestInvalidDateArrays
  public function testInvalidDateArrays($input, $timezone, $class) {
      ->assertInstanceOf('\\Drupal\\Component\\DateTimePlus', DateTimePlus::createFromArray($input, $timezone));

   * Tests DateTimePlus::checkArray().
   * @param array $array
   *   Input argument for DateTimePlus::checkArray().
   * @param bool $expected
   *   The expected result of DateTimePlus::checkArray().
   * @dataProvider providerTestCheckArray
  public function testCheckArray(array $array, $expected) {
      ->assertSame($expected, DateTimePlus::checkArray($array));

   * Tests creating dates from timestamps, and manipulating timezones.
   * @param int $input
   *   Input argument for DateTimePlus::createFromTimestamp().
   * @param array $initial
   *   An array containing:
   *   - 'timezone_initial' - Timezone argument for DateTimePlus.
   *   - 'format_initial' - Format argument for DateTimePlus.
   *   - 'expected_initial_date' - Expected output from DateTimePlus::format().
   *   - 'expected_initial_timezone' - Expected output from
   *      DateTimePlus::getTimeZone()::getName().
   *   - 'expected_initial_offset' - Expected output from DateTimePlus::getOffset().
   * @param array $transform
   *   An array containing:
   *   - 'timezone_transform' - Argument to transform date to another timezone via
   *     DateTimePlus::setTimezone().
   *   - 'format_transform' - Format argument to use when transforming date to
   *     another timezone.
   *   - 'expected_transform_date' - Expected output from DateTimePlus::format(),
   *     after timezone transform.
   *   - 'expected_transform_timezone' - Expected output from
   *     DateTimePlus::getTimeZone()::getName(), after timezone transform.
   *   - 'expected_transform_offset' - Expected output from
   *      DateTimePlus::getOffset(), after timezone transform.
   * @dataProvider providerTestTimestamp
  public function testTimestamp($input, array $initial, array $transform) {

    // Initialize a new date object.
    $date = DateTimePlus::createFromTimestamp($input, $initial['timezone']);
      ->assertDateTimestamp($date, $input, $initial, $transform);

   * Tests creating dates from datetime strings.
   * @param string $input
   *   Input argument for DateTimePlus().
   * @param array $initial
   *   @see testTimestamp()
   * @param array $transform
   *   @see testTimestamp()
   * @dataProvider providerTestDateTimestamp
  public function testDateTimestamp($input, array $initial, array $transform) {

    // Initialize a new date object.
    $date = new DateTimePlus($input, $initial['timezone']);
      ->assertDateTimestamp($date, $input, $initial, $transform);

   * Assertion helper for testTimestamp and testDateTimestamp since they need
   * different dataProviders.
   * @param \Drupal\Component\Datetime\DateTimePlus $date
   *   DateTimePlus to test.
   * @param string $input
   *   The original input passed to the test method.
   * @param array $initial
   *   @see testTimestamp()
   * @param array $transform
   *   @see testTimestamp()
  public function assertDateTimestamp($date, $input, $initial, $transform) {

    // Check format.
    $value = $date
      ->assertEquals($initial['expected_date'], $value, sprintf("Test new DateTimePlus(%s, %s): should be %s, found %s.", $input, $initial['timezone'], $initial['expected_date'], $value));

    // Check timezone name.
    $value = $date
      ->assertEquals($initial['expected_timezone'], $value, sprintf("The current timezone is %s: should be %s.", $value, $initial['expected_timezone']));

    // Check offset.
    $value = $date
      ->assertEquals($initial['expected_offset'], $value, sprintf("The current offset is %s: should be %s.", $value, $initial['expected_offset']));

    // Transform the date to another timezone.
      ->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone($transform['timezone']));

    // Check transformed format.
    $value = $date
      ->assertEquals($transform['expected_date'], $value, sprintf("Test \$date->setTimezone(new \\DateTimeZone(%s)): should be %s, found %s.", $transform['timezone'], $transform['expected_date'], $value));

    // Check transformed timezone.
    $value = $date
      ->assertEquals($transform['expected_timezone'], $value, sprintf("The current timezone should be %s, found %s.", $transform['expected_timezone'], $value));

    // Check transformed offset.
    $value = $date
      ->assertEquals($transform['expected_offset'], $value, sprintf("The current offset should be %s, found %s.", $transform['expected_offset'], $value));

   * Tests creating dates from format strings.
   * @param string $input
   *   Input argument for DateTimePlus.
   * @param string $timezone
   *   Timezone argument for DateTimePlus.
   * @param string $format
   * @param string $format_date
   *   Format argument for DateTimePlus::format().
   * @param string $expected
   *   Expected output from DateTimePlus::format().
   * @dataProvider providerTestDateFormat
  public function testDateFormat($input, $timezone, $format, $format_date, $expected) {
    $date = DateTimePlus::createFromFormat($format, $input, $timezone);
    $value = $date
      ->assertEquals($expected, $value, sprintf("Test new DateTimePlus(%s, %s, %s): should be %s, found %s.", $input, $timezone, $format, $expected, $value));

   * Tests invalid date handling.
   * @param mixed $input
   *   Input argument for DateTimePlus.
   * @param string $timezone
   *   Timezone argument for DateTimePlus.
   * @param string $format
   *   Format argument for DateTimePlus.
   * @param string $message
   *   Message to print if no errors are thrown by the invalid dates.
   * @param string $class
   *   The Exception subclass to expect to be thrown.
   * @dataProvider providerTestInvalidDates
  public function testInvalidDates($input, $timezone, $format, $message, $class) {
    DateTimePlus::createFromFormat($format, $input, $timezone);

   * Tests that DrupalDateTime can detect the right timezone to use.
   * When specified or not.
   * @param mixed $input
   *   Input argument for DateTimePlus.
   * @param mixed $timezone
   *   Timezone argument for DateTimePlus.
   * @param string $expected_timezone
   *   Expected timezone returned from DateTimePlus::getTimezone::getName().
   * @param string $message
   *   Message to print on test failure.
   * @dataProvider providerTestDateTimezone
  public function testDateTimezone($input, $timezone, $expected_timezone, $message) {
    $date = new DateTimePlus($input, $timezone);
    $timezone = $date
      ->assertEquals($timezone, $expected_timezone, $message);

   * Tests DrupalDateTime with a datetime object.
  public function testDateTimezoneWithDateTimeObject() {

    // Create a date object with another date object.
    $input = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('Pacific/Midway'));
    $timezone = NULL;
    $expected_timezone = 'Pacific/Midway';
    $message = 'DateTimePlus uses the specified timezone if provided.';
    $date = DateTimePlus::createFromDateTime($input, $timezone);
    $timezone = $date
      ->assertEquals($timezone, $expected_timezone, $message);

   * Provides data for date tests.
   * @return array
   *   An array of arrays, each containing the input parameters for
   *   DateTimePlusTest::testDates().
   * @see DateTimePlusTest::testDates()
  public function providerTestDates() {
    $dates = [
      // String input.
      // Create date object from datetime string.
        '2009-03-07 10:30',
      // Same during daylight savings time.
        '2009-06-07 10:30',
      // Create date object from date string.
      // Same during daylight savings time.
      // Create date object from date string.
        '2009-03-07 10:30',
      // Same during daylight savings time.
        '2009-06-07 10:30',

    // On 32-bit systems, timestamps are limited to 1901-2038.
    if (PHP_INT_SIZE > 4) {

      // Create a date object in the distant past.
      // @see
      // Note that this date is after the United States standardized its
      // timezones.
      $dates[] = [
        '1883-11-19 10:30',

      // Create a date object in the far future.
      $dates[] = [
        '2345-01-02 02:04',
    return $dates;

   * Provides data for date tests.
   * @return array
   *   An array of arrays, each containing the input parameters for
   *   DateTimePlusTest::testDates().
   * @see DateTimePlusTest::testDates()
  public function providerTestDateArrays() {
    $dates = [
      // Array input.
      // Create date object from date array, date only.
          'year' => 2010,
          'month' => 2,
          'day' => 28,
      // Create date object from date array with hour.
          'year' => 2010,
          'month' => 2,
          'day' => 28,
          'hour' => 10,
      // Create date object from date array, date only.
          'year' => 2010,
          'month' => 2,
          'day' => 28,
      // Create date object from date array with hour.
          'year' => 2010,
          'month' => 2,
          'day' => 28,
          'hour' => 10,

    // On 32-bit systems, timestamps are limited to 1901-2038.
    if (PHP_INT_SIZE > 4) {

      // Create a date object in the distant past.
      // @see
      // Note that this date is after the United States standardized its
      // timezones.
      $dates[] = [
          'year' => 1883,
          'month' => 11,
          'day' => 19,

      // Create a date object in the far future.
      $dates[] = [
          'year' => 2345,
          'month' => 1,
          'day' => 2,
    return $dates;

   * Provides data for testDateFormats.
   * @return array
   *   An array of arrays, each containing:
   *   - 'input' - Input to DateTimePlus.
   *   - 'timezone' - Timezone for DateTimePlus.
   *   - 'format' - Date format for DateTimePlus.
   *   - 'format_date' - Date format for use in $date->format() method.
   *   - 'expected' - The expected return from DateTimePlus.
   * @see testDateFormats()
  public function providerTestDateFormat() {
    return [
      // Create a year-only date.
      // Create a month and year-only date.
      // Create a time-only date.
      // Create a time-only date.

   * Provides data for testInvalidDates.
   * @return array
   *   An array of arrays, each containing:
   *   - 'input' - Input for DateTimePlus.
   *   - 'timezone' - Timezone for DateTimePlus.
   *   - 'format' - Format for DateTimePlus.
   *   - 'message' - Message to display on failure.
   * @see testInvalidDates
  public function providerTestInvalidDates() {
    return [
      // Test for invalid month names when we are using a short version
      // of the month.
        '23 abc 2012',
        'd M Y',
        "23 abc 2012 contains an invalid month name and did not produce errors.",
      // Test for invalid hour.
        "0000-00-00T45:30:00 contains an invalid hour and did not produce errors.",
      // Test for invalid day.
        "0000-00-99T05:30:00 contains an invalid day and did not produce errors.",
      // Test for invalid month.
        "0000-75-00T15:30:00 contains an invalid month and did not produce errors.",
      // Test for invalid year.
        "11-08-01T15:30:00 contains an invalid year and did not produce errors.",

   * Data provider for testInvalidDateArrays.
   * @return array
   *   An array of arrays, each containing:
   *   - 'input' - Input for DateTimePlus.
   *   - 'timezone' - Timezone for DateTimePlus.
   * @see testInvalidDateArrays
  public function providerTestInvalidDateArrays() {
    return [
      // One year larger than the documented upper limit of checkdate().
          'year' => 32768,
          'month' => 1,
          'day' => 8,
          'hour' => 8,
          'minute' => 0,
          'second' => 0,
      // One year smaller than the documented lower limit of checkdate().
          'year' => 0,
          'month' => 1,
          'day' => 8,
          'hour' => 8,
          'minute' => 0,
          'second' => 0,
      // Test for invalid month from date array.
          'year' => 2010,
          'month' => 27,
          'day' => 8,
          'hour' => 8,
          'minute' => 0,
          'second' => 0,
      // Test for invalid hour from date array.
          'year' => 2010,
          'month' => 2,
          'day' => 28,
          'hour' => 80,
          'minute' => 0,
          'second' => 0,
      // Test for invalid minute from date array.
          'year' => 2010,
          'month' => 7,
          'day' => 8,
          'hour' => 8,
          'minute' => 88,
          'second' => 0,
      // Regression test for
          'hour' => 59,
          'minute' => 1,
          'second' => 1,

   * Data provider for testCheckArray.
   * @return array
   *   An array of arrays, each containing:
   *   - 'array' - Input for DateTimePlus::checkArray().
   *   - 'expected' - Expected output for  DateTimePlus::checkArray().
   * @see testCheckArray
  public function providerTestCheckArray() {
    return [
      'Date array, date only' => [
          'year' => 2010,
          'month' => 2,
          'day' => 28,
      'Date array with hour' => [
          'year' => 2010,
          'month' => 2,
          'day' => 28,
          'hour' => 10,
      'One year larger than the documented upper limit of checkdate()' => [
          'year' => 32768,
          'month' => 1,
          'day' => 8,
          'hour' => 8,
          'minute' => 0,
          'second' => 0,
      'One year smaller than the documented lower limit of checkdate()' => [
          'year' => 0,
          'month' => 1,
          'day' => 8,
          'hour' => 8,
          'minute' => 0,
          'second' => 0,
      'Invalid month from date array' => [
          'year' => 2010,
          'month' => 27,
          'day' => 8,
          'hour' => 8,
          'minute' => 0,
          'second' => 0,
      'Invalid hour from date array' => [
          'year' => 2010,
          'month' => 2,
          'day' => 28,
          'hour' => 80,
          'minute' => 0,
          'second' => 0,
      'Invalid minute from date array.' => [
          'year' => 2010,
          'month' => 7,
          'day' => 8,
          'hour' => 8,
          'minute' => 88,
          'second' => 0,
      'Missing day' => [
          'year' => 2059,
          'month' => 1,
          'second' => 1,
      'Zero day' => [
          'year' => 2059,
          'month' => 1,
          'day' => 0,

   * Provides data for testDateTimezone.
   * @return array
   *   An array of arrays, each containing:
   *   - 'date' - Date string or object for DateTimePlus.
   *   - 'timezone' - Timezone string for DateTimePlus.
   *   - 'expected' - Expected return from DateTimePlus::getTimezone()::getName().
   *   - 'message' - Message to display on test failure.
   * @see testDateTimezone
  public function providerTestDateTimezone() {

    // Use a common date for most of the tests.
    $date_string = '2007-01-31 21:00:00';

    // Detect the system timezone.
    $system_timezone = date_default_timezone_get();
    return [
      // Create a date object with an unspecified timezone, which should
      // end up using the system timezone.
        'DateTimePlus uses the system timezone when there is no site timezone.',
      // Create a date object with a specified timezone name.
        'DateTimePlus uses the specified timezone if provided.',
      // Create a date object with a timezone object.
        new \DateTimeZone('Australia/Canberra'),
        'DateTimePlus uses the specified timezone if provided.',
      // Create a date object with another date object.
        new DateTimePlus('now', 'Pacific/Midway'),
        'DateTimePlus uses the specified timezone if provided.',

   * Provides data for testTimestamp.
   * @return array
   *   An array of arrays, each containing the arguments required for
   *   self::testTimestamp().
   * @see testTimestamp()
  public function providerTestTimestamp() {
    return [
      // Create date object from a unix timestamp and display it in
      // local time.
        'input' => 0,
        'initial' => [
          'timezone' => 'UTC',
          'format' => 'c',
          'expected_date' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
          'expected_timezone' => 'UTC',
          'expected_offset' => 0,
        'transform' => [
          'timezone' => 'America/Los_Angeles',
          'format' => 'c',
          'expected_date' => '1969-12-31T16:00:00-08:00',
          'expected_timezone' => 'America/Los_Angeles',
          'expected_offset' => '-28800',
      // Create a date using the timestamp of zero, then display its
      // value both in UTC and the local timezone.
        'input' => 0,
        'initial' => [
          'timezone' => 'America/Los_Angeles',
          'format' => 'c',
          'expected_date' => '1969-12-31T16:00:00-08:00',
          'expected_timezone' => 'America/Los_Angeles',
          'expected_offset' => '-28800',
        'transform' => [
          'timezone' => 'UTC',
          'format' => 'c',
          'expected_date' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
          'expected_timezone' => 'UTC',
          'expected_offset' => 0,

   * Provides data for testDateTimestamp.
   * @return array
   *   An array of arrays, each containing the arguments required for
   *   self::testDateTimestamp().
   * @see testDateTimestamp()
  public function providerTestDateTimestamp() {
    return [
      // Create date object from datetime string in UTC, and convert
      // it to a local date.
        'input' => '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
        'initial' => [
          'timezone' => 'UTC',
          'format' => 'c',
          'expected_date' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
          'expected_timezone' => 'UTC',
          'expected_offset' => 0,
        'transform' => [
          'timezone' => 'America/Los_Angeles',
          'format' => 'c',
          'expected_date' => '1969-12-31T16:00:00-08:00',
          'expected_timezone' => 'America/Los_Angeles',
          'expected_offset' => '-28800',
      // Convert the local time to UTC using string input.
        'input' => '1969-12-31 16:00:00',
        'initial' => [
          'timezone' => 'America/Los_Angeles',
          'format' => 'c',
          'expected_date' => '1969-12-31T16:00:00-08:00',
          'expected_timezone' => 'America/Los_Angeles',
          'expected_offset' => '-28800',
        'transform' => [
          'timezone' => 'UTC',
          'format' => 'c',
          'expected_date' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
          'expected_timezone' => 'UTC',
          'expected_offset' => 0,
      // Convert the local time to UTC using string input.
        'input' => '1969-12-31 16:00:00',
        'initial' => [
          'timezone' => 'Europe/Warsaw',
          'format' => 'c',
          'expected_date' => '1969-12-31T16:00:00+01:00',
          'expected_timezone' => 'Europe/Warsaw',
          'expected_offset' => '+3600',
        'transform' => [
          'timezone' => 'UTC',
          'format' => 'c',
          'expected_date' => '1969-12-31T15:00:00+00:00',
          'expected_timezone' => 'UTC',
          'expected_offset' => 0,

   * Provides data for date tests.
   * @return array
   *   An array of arrays, each containing the input parameters for
   *   DateTimePlusTest::testDateDiff().
   * @see DateTimePlusTest::testDateDiff()
  public function providerTestDateDiff() {
    $empty_interval = new \DateInterval('PT0S');
    $positive_19_hours = new \DateInterval('PT19H');
    $positive_18_hours = new \DateInterval('PT18H');
    $positive_1_hour = new \DateInterval('PT1H');
    $negative_1_hour = new \DateInterval('PT1H');
    $negative_1_hour->invert = 1;
    return [
      // There should be a 19 hour time interval between
      // new years in Sydney and new years in LA in year 2000.
        'input2' => DateTimePlus::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', '2000-01-01 00:00:00', new \DateTimeZone('Australia/Sydney')),
        'input1' => DateTimePlus::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', '2000-01-01 00:00:00', new \DateTimeZone('America/Los_Angeles')),
        'absolute' => FALSE,
        'expected' => $positive_19_hours,
      // In 1970 Sydney did not observe daylight savings time
      // So there is only an 18 hour time interval.
        'input2' => DateTimePlus::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', '1970-01-01 00:00:00', new \DateTimeZone('Australia/Sydney')),
        'input1' => DateTimePlus::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', '1970-01-01 00:00:00', new \DateTimeZone('America/Los_Angeles')),
        'absolute' => FALSE,
        'expected' => $positive_18_hours,
        'input1' => DateTimePlus::createFromFormat('U', 3600, new \DateTimeZone('America/Los_Angeles')),
        'input2' => DateTimePlus::createFromFormat('U', 0, new \DateTimeZone('UTC')),
        'absolute' => FALSE,
        'expected' => $negative_1_hour,
        'input1' => DateTimePlus::createFromFormat('U', 3600),
        'input2' => DateTimePlus::createFromFormat('U', 0),
        'absolute' => FALSE,
        'expected' => $negative_1_hour,
        'input1' => DateTimePlus::createFromFormat('U', 3600),
        'input2' => \DateTime::createFromFormat('U', 0),
        'absolute' => FALSE,
        'expected' => $negative_1_hour,
        'input1' => DateTimePlus::createFromFormat('U', 3600),
        'input2' => DateTimePlus::createFromFormat('U', 0),
        'absolute' => TRUE,
        'expected' => $positive_1_hour,
        'input1' => DateTimePlus::createFromFormat('U', 3600),
        'input2' => \DateTime::createFromFormat('U', 0),
        'absolute' => TRUE,
        'expected' => $positive_1_hour,
        'input1' => DateTimePlus::createFromFormat('U', 0),
        'input2' => DateTimePlus::createFromFormat('U', 0),
        'absolute' => FALSE,
        'expected' => $empty_interval,

   * Provides data for date tests.
   * @return array
   *   An array of arrays, each containing the input parameters for
   *   DateTimePlusTest::testInvalidDateDiff().
   * @see DateTimePlusTest::testInvalidDateDiff()
  public function providerTestInvalidDateDiff() {
    return [
        'input1' => DateTimePlus::createFromFormat('U', 3600),
        'input2' => '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
        'absolute' => FALSE,
        'input1' => DateTimePlus::createFromFormat('U', 3600),
        'input2' => NULL,
        'absolute' => FALSE,

   * Tests invalid values passed to constructor.
   * @param string $time
   *   A date/time string.
   * @param string[] $errors
   *   An array of error messages.
   * @covers ::__construct
   * @dataProvider providerTestInvalidConstructor
  public function testInvalidConstructor($time, array $errors) {
    $date = new DateTimePlus($time);
      ->assertEquals(TRUE, $date
      ->assertEquals($errors, $date

   * Provider for testInvalidConstructor().
   * @return array
   *   An array of invalid date/time strings, and corresponding error messages.
  public function providerTestInvalidConstructor() {
    return [
          'The timezone could not be found in the database',
          'Unexpected character',
          'Double timezone specification',
          'Unexpected character',
          'The timezone could not be found in the database',
          'The timezone could not be found in the database',
          'Unexpected character',
          'Double timezone specification',
          'The timezone could not be found in the database',
          'Unexpected character',
          'Double timezone specification',
          'Unexpected character',
        'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss',
          'The timezone could not be found in the database',
          'Unexpected character',
          'Double timezone specification',
        '2017-03-07 25:70:80',
          'Unexpected character',
          'Double time specification',
        'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
          'The timezone could not be found in the database',
          'Double timezone specification',

   * Tests the $settings['validate_format'] parameter in ::createFromFormat().
  public function testValidateFormat() {

    // Check that an input that does not strictly follow the input format will
    // produce the desired date. In this case the year string '11' doesn't
    // precisely match the 'Y' formatter parameter, but PHP will parse it
    // regardless. However, when formatted with the same string, the year will
    // be output with four digits. With the ['validate_format' => FALSE]
    // $settings, this will not thrown an exception.
    $date = DateTimePlus::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', '11-03-31 17:44:00', 'UTC', [
      'validate_format' => FALSE,
      ->assertEquals('0011-03-31 17:44:00', $date
      ->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));

    // Parse the same date with ['validate_format' => TRUE] and make sure we
    // get the expected exception.
    $date = DateTimePlus::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', '11-03-31 17:44:00', 'UTC', [
      'validate_format' => TRUE,

   * Tests setting the default time for date-only objects.
  public function testDefaultDateTime() {
    $utc = new \DateTimeZone('UTC');
    $date = DateTimePlus::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', '2017-05-23 22:58:00', $utc);
      ->assertEquals('22:58:00', $date
      ->assertEquals('12:00:00', $date

   * Tests that object methods are chainable.
   * @covers ::__call
  public function testChainable() {
    $date = new DateTimePlus('now', 'Australia/Sydney');
    $rendered = $date
      ->assertEquals('1970-05-24 07:21:18 Australia/Sydney', $rendered);
    $rendered = $date
      ->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('America/New_York'))
      ->assertEquals('1970-09-29 07:46:29 America/New_York', $rendered);
    $date = DateTimePlus::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', '1970-05-24 07:21:18', new \DateTimeZone('Australia/Sydney'))
      ->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('America/New_York'));
    $rendered = $date
      ->assertInstanceOf(DateTimePlus::class, $date);
      ->assertEquals(12345678, $date
      ->assertEquals('1970-05-23 17:21:18 America/New_York', $rendered);

   * Tests that non-chainable methods work.
   * @covers ::__call
  public function testChainableNonChainable() {
    $datetime1 = new DateTimePlus('2009-10-11 12:00:00');
    $datetime2 = new DateTimePlus('2009-10-13 12:00:00');
    $interval = $datetime1
      ->assertInstanceOf(\DateInterval::class, $interval);
      ->assertEquals('+2 days', $interval
      ->format('%R%a days'));

   * Tests that chained calls to non-existent functions throw an exception.
   * @covers ::__call
  public function testChainableNonCallable() {
      ->expectExceptionMessage('Call to undefined method Drupal\\Component\\Datetime\\DateTimePlus::nonexistent()');
    $date = new DateTimePlus('now', 'Australia/Sydney');
      ->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('America/New_York'))

   * @covers ::getPhpDateTime
  public function testGetPhpDateTime() {
    $new_york = new \DateTimeZone('America/New_York');
    $berlin = new \DateTimeZone('Europe/Berlin');

    // Test retrieving a cloned copy of the wrapped \DateTime object, and that
    // altering it does not change the DateTimePlus object.
    $datetimeplus = DateTimePlus::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', '2017-07-13 22:40:00', $new_york, [
      'langcode' => 'en',
      ->assertEquals(1500000000, $datetimeplus
      ->assertEquals('America/New_York', $datetimeplus
    $datetime = $datetimeplus
      ->assertInstanceOf('DateTime', $datetime);
      ->assertEquals(1500000000, $datetime
      ->assertEquals('America/New_York', $datetime
      ->assertEquals(1400000000, $datetime
      ->assertEquals('Europe/Berlin', $datetime
      ->assertEquals(1500000000, $datetimeplus
      ->assertEquals('America/New_York', $datetimeplus



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
DateTimePlusTest::assertDateTimestamp public function Assertion helper for testTimestamp and testDateTimestamp since they need different dataProviders.
DateTimePlusTest::providerTestCheckArray public function Data provider for testCheckArray.
DateTimePlusTest::providerTestDateArrays public function Provides data for date tests.
DateTimePlusTest::providerTestDateDiff public function Provides data for date tests.
DateTimePlusTest::providerTestDateFormat public function Provides data for testDateFormats.
DateTimePlusTest::providerTestDates public function Provides data for date tests.
DateTimePlusTest::providerTestDateTimestamp public function Provides data for testDateTimestamp.
DateTimePlusTest::providerTestDateTimezone public function Provides data for testDateTimezone.
DateTimePlusTest::providerTestInvalidConstructor public function Provider for testInvalidConstructor().
DateTimePlusTest::providerTestInvalidDateArrays public function Data provider for testInvalidDateArrays.
DateTimePlusTest::providerTestInvalidDateDiff public function Provides data for date tests.
DateTimePlusTest::providerTestInvalidDates public function Provides data for testInvalidDates.
DateTimePlusTest::providerTestTimestamp public function Provides data for testTimestamp.
DateTimePlusTest::testChainable public function Tests that object methods are chainable.
DateTimePlusTest::testChainableNonCallable public function Tests that chained calls to non-existent functions throw an exception.
DateTimePlusTest::testChainableNonChainable public function Tests that non-chainable methods work.
DateTimePlusTest::testCheckArray public function Tests DateTimePlus::checkArray().
DateTimePlusTest::testDateArrays public function Tests creating dates from string and array input.
DateTimePlusTest::testDateDiff public function Tests date diffs.
DateTimePlusTest::testDateFormat public function Tests creating dates from format strings.
DateTimePlusTest::testDates public function Tests creating dates from string and array input.
DateTimePlusTest::testDateTimestamp public function Tests creating dates from datetime strings.
DateTimePlusTest::testDateTimezone public function Tests that DrupalDateTime can detect the right timezone to use. When specified or not.
DateTimePlusTest::testDateTimezoneWithDateTimeObject public function Tests DrupalDateTime with a datetime object.
DateTimePlusTest::testDefaultDateTime public function Tests setting the default time for date-only objects.
DateTimePlusTest::testGetPhpDateTime public function @covers ::getPhpDateTime
DateTimePlusTest::testInvalidConstructor public function Tests invalid values passed to constructor.
DateTimePlusTest::testInvalidDateArrays public function Tests creating dates from invalid array input.
DateTimePlusTest::testInvalidDateDiff public function Tests date diff exception caused by invalid input.
DateTimePlusTest::testInvalidDates public function Tests invalid date handling.
DateTimePlusTest::testTimestamp public function Tests creating dates from timestamps, and manipulating timezones.
DateTimePlusTest::testValidateFormat public function Tests the $settings['validate_format'] parameter in ::createFromFormat().