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ExcludedModulesEventSubscriberTest.php in Drupal 10


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namespace Drupal\KernelTests\Core\Config;

use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase;

 * Tests ExcludedModulesEventSubscriber.
 * @group config
class ExcludedModulesEventSubscriberTest extends KernelTestBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() : void {
      ->setSetting('config_exclude_modules', [

   * Tests excluding modules from the config export.
  public function testExcludedModules() {

    // Assert that config_test is in the active config.
    $active = $this->container
      ->assertArrayHasKey('config_test', $active
    $collection = $this
    foreach ($active
      ->listAll() as $config) {
        ->write($config, $active

    // Assert that config_test is not in the export storage.
    $export = $this->container
      ->assertArrayNotHasKey('config_test', $export

    // The config_exclude_test is not excluded but the menu it installs are.
      ->assertArrayHasKey('config_exclude_test', $export

    // Assert that config_test is again in the import storage.
    $import = $this->container
      ->assertArrayHasKey('config_test', $import
      ->assertArrayHasKey('config_exclude_test', $import
      ->read('core.extension'), $import
      ->listAll(), $import
    foreach ($active
      ->listAll() as $config) {
        ->read($config), $import

    // When the settings are changed, the next request will get the export
    // storage without the config_test excluded.
      ->setSetting('config_exclude_modules', []);

    // We rebuild the container to simulate a new request. The managed storage
    // gets the storage from the manager only once.
    $export = $this->container
      ->assertArrayHasKey('config_test', $export



Namesort descending Description
ExcludedModulesEventSubscriberTest Tests ExcludedModulesEventSubscriber.