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public function ConfigOverrideTest::testConfOverride in Drupal 10

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/tests/Drupal/KernelTests/Core/Config/ConfigOverrideTest.php \Drupal\KernelTests\Core\Config\ConfigOverrideTest::testConfOverride()
  2. 9 core/tests/Drupal/KernelTests/Core/Config/ConfigOverrideTest.php \Drupal\KernelTests\Core\Config\ConfigOverrideTest::testConfOverride()

Tests configuration override.


core/tests/Drupal/KernelTests/Core/Config/ConfigOverrideTest.php, line 30


Tests configuration overrides via $config in settings.php.




public function testConfOverride() {
  $expected_original_data = [
    'foo' => 'bar',
    'baz' => NULL,
    '404' => 'herp',

  // Set globals before installing to prove that the installed file does not
  // contain these values.
  $overrides['config_test.system']['foo'] = 'overridden';
  $overrides['config_test.system']['baz'] = 'injected';
  $overrides['config_test.system']['404'] = 'derp';
  $GLOBALS['config'] = $overrides;

  // Verify that the original configuration data exists. Have to read storage
  // directly otherwise overrides will apply.
  $active = $this->container
  $data = $active
    ->assertSame($expected_original_data['foo'], $data['foo']);
    ->assertSame($expected_original_data['404'], $data['404']);

  // Get the configuration object with overrides.
  $config = \Drupal::configFactory()

  // Verify that it contains the overridden data from $config.
    ->assertSame($overrides['config_test.system']['foo'], $config
    ->assertSame($overrides['config_test.system']['baz'], $config
    ->assertSame($overrides['config_test.system']['404'], $config

  // Get the configuration object which does not have overrides.
  $config = \Drupal::configFactory()

  // Verify that it does not contains the overridden data from $config.
    ->assertSame($expected_original_data['foo'], $config
    ->assertSame($expected_original_data['404'], $config

  // Set the value for 'baz' (on the original data).
  $expected_original_data['baz'] = 'original baz';
    ->set('baz', $expected_original_data['baz']);

  // Set the value for '404' (on the original data).
  $expected_original_data['404'] = 'original 404';
    ->set('404', $expected_original_data['404']);

  // Save the configuration object (having overrides applied).

  // Reload it and verify that it still contains overridden data from $config.
  $config = \Drupal::config('config_test.system');
    ->assertSame($overrides['config_test.system']['foo'], $config
    ->assertSame($overrides['config_test.system']['baz'], $config
    ->assertSame($overrides['config_test.system']['404'], $config

  // Verify that raw config data has changed.
    ->assertSame($expected_original_data['foo'], $config
    ->getOriginal('foo', FALSE));
    ->assertSame($expected_original_data['baz'], $config
    ->getOriginal('baz', FALSE));
    ->assertSame($expected_original_data['404'], $config
    ->getOriginal('404', FALSE));

  // Write file to sync.
  $sync = $this->container
  $expected_new_data = [
    'foo' => 'barbar',
    '404' => 'herpderp',
    ->write('config_test.system', $expected_new_data);

  // Import changed data from sync to active.
  $data = $active

  // Verify that the new configuration data exists. Have to read storage
  // directly otherwise overrides will apply.
    ->assertSame($expected_new_data['foo'], $data['foo']);
    ->assertSame($expected_new_data['404'], $data['404']);

  // Verify that the overrides are still working.
  $config = \Drupal::config('config_test.system');
    ->assertSame($overrides['config_test.system']['foo'], $config
    ->assertSame($overrides['config_test.system']['baz'], $config
    ->assertSame($overrides['config_test.system']['404'], $config

  // Test overrides of completely new configuration objects. In normal runtime
  // this should only happen for configuration entities as we should not be
  // creating simple configuration objects on the fly.
  $GLOBALS['config']['']['key'] = 'override';
  $config = \Drupal::config('');
    ->isNew(), 'The configuration object is new');
    ->assertSame('override', $config
  $config_raw = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('key', 'raw')
    ->set('new_key', 'new_value')

  // Ensure override is preserved but all other data has been updated
  // accordingly.
  $config = \Drupal::config('');
    ->isNew(), 'The configuration object is not new');
    ->assertSame('override', $config
    ->assertSame('new_value', $config
  $raw_data = $config
    ->assertSame('raw', $raw_data['key']);