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InstallerExistingConfigNoConfigTest.php in Drupal 10


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namespace Drupal\FunctionalTests\Installer;

 * Verifies that profiles invalid config can not be installed.
 * @group Installer
class InstallerExistingConfigNoConfigTest extends InstallerExistingConfigTestBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected $defaultTheme = 'stark';
  protected $profile = 'no_config_profile';

   * Final installer step: Configure site.
  protected function setUpSite() {

    // There are errors therefore there is nothing to do here.

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function getConfigTarball() {
    return __DIR__ . '/../../../fixtures/config_install/testing_config_install_no_config.tar.gz';

   * Tests that profiles with an empty config/sync directory do not work.
  public function testConfigSync() {
      ->titleEquals('Configuration validation | Drupal');
      ->pageTextContains('The configuration synchronization failed validation.');
      ->pageTextContains('This import is empty and if applied would delete all of your configuration, so has been rejected.');

    // Ensure there is no continuation button.
      ->pageTextNotContains('Save and continue');



Namesort descending Description
InstallerExistingConfigNoConfigTest Verifies that profiles invalid config can not be installed.