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function views_entity_field_label in Drupal 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 9 core/modules/views/ \views_entity_field_label()

Returns the label of a certain field.

Therefore it looks up in all bundles to find the most used field.

5 calls to views_entity_field_label()
file_field_views_data_views_data_alter in core/modules/file/
Implements hook_field_views_data_views_data_alter().
hook_field_views_data_alter in core/modules/views/views.api.php
Alter the Views data for a single Field API field.
hook_field_views_data_views_data_alter in core/modules/views/views.api.php
Alter the Views data on a per field basis.
image_field_views_data_views_data_alter in core/modules/image/
Implements hook_field_views_data_views_data_alter().
views_field_default_views_data in core/modules/views/
Default views data implementation for a field.


core/modules/views/, line 255
Provide views data that isn't tied to any other module.


function views_entity_field_label($entity_type, $field_name) {
  $label_counter = [];
  $all_labels = [];

  // Count the amount of fields per label per field storage.
  $entity_field_manager = \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager');
  foreach (array_keys(\Drupal::service('')
    ->getBundleInfo($entity_type)) as $bundle) {
    $bundle_fields = array_filter($entity_field_manager
      ->getFieldDefinitions($entity_type, $bundle), function ($field_definition) {
      return $field_definition instanceof FieldConfigInterface;
    if (isset($bundle_fields[$field_name])) {
      $field = $bundle_fields[$field_name];
      $label = $field
      $label_counter[$label] = isset($label_counter[$label]) ? ++$label_counter[$label] : 1;
      $all_labels[$label] = TRUE;
  if (empty($label_counter)) {
    return [

  // Sort the field labels by it most used label and return the most used one.
  // If the counts are equal, sort by the label to ensure the result is
  // deterministic.
  uksort($label_counter, function ($a, $b) use ($label_counter) {
    if ($label_counter[$a] === $label_counter[$b]) {
      return strcmp($a, $b);
    return $label_counter[$a] > $label_counter[$b] ? -1 : 1;
  $label_counter = array_keys($label_counter);
  return [