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6 files declare their use of ViewsForm in Drupal 10

bartik.theme in core/themes/bartik/bartik.theme
Functions to support theming in the Bartik theme.
claro.theme in core/themes/claro/claro.theme
Functions to support theming in the Claro theme.
classy.theme in core/themes/classy/classy.theme
Functions to support theming in the Classy theme.
seven.theme in core/themes/seven/seven.theme
Functions to support theming in the Seven theme.
starterkit_theme.theme in core/themes/starterkit_theme/starterkit_theme.theme
Functions to support theming.
umami.theme in core/profiles/demo_umami/themes/umami/umami.theme
Functions to support theming in the Umami theme.