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function user_roles in Drupal 9

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/modules/user/user.module \user_roles()
  2. 4 modules/user.module \user_roles()
  3. 5 modules/user/user.module \user_roles()
  4. 6 modules/user/user.module \user_roles()
  5. 7 modules/user/user.module \user_roles()
  6. 10 core/modules/user/user.module \user_roles()

Retrieve an array of roles matching specified conditions.


bool $membersonly: (optional) Set this to TRUE to exclude the 'anonymous' role. Defaults to FALSE.

string|null $permission: (optional) A string containing a permission. If set, only roles containing that permission are returned. Defaults to NULL, which returns all roles.

Return value

\Drupal\user\RoleInterface[] An associative array with the role id as the key and the role object as value.

6 calls to user_roles()
EntityOperationsTest::testEntityOperationAlter in core/modules/system/tests/src/Functional/Entity/EntityOperationsTest.php
Checks that hook_entity_operation_alter() can add an operation.
FilterFormat::postSave in core/modules/filter/src/Entity/FilterFormat.php
Acts on a saved entity before the insert or update hook is invoked.
Roles::preRender in core/modules/user/src/Plugin/views/field/Roles.php
Runs before any fields are rendered.
UninstallTest::testUserPermsUninstalled in core/modules/system/tests/src/Functional/Module/UninstallTest.php
Tests the hook_modules_uninstalled() of the user module.
UserRoleAdminTest::testRoleWeightOrdering in core/modules/user/tests/src/Functional/UserRoleAdminTest.php
Tests user role weight change operation and ordering.

... See full list

5 string references to 'user_roles'
HandlerFilterRolesTest::testDependencies in core/modules/user/tests/src/Kernel/Views/HandlerFilterRolesTest.php
Tests that role filter dependencies are calculated correctly.
HandlerFilterRolesTest::testMissingRole in core/modules/user/tests/src/Kernel/Views/HandlerFilterRolesTest.php
Tests that a warning is triggered if the filter references a missing role.
UserViewsData::getViewsData in core/modules/user/src/UserViewsData.php
Returns views data for the entity type.
views.view.test_views_handler_field_role.yml in core/modules/user/tests/modules/user_test_views/test_views/views.view.test_views_handler_field_role.yml
views.view.user_admin_people.yml in core/modules/user/config/optional/views.view.user_admin_people.yml


core/modules/user/user.module, line 915
Enables the user registration and login system.


function user_roles($membersonly = FALSE, $permission = NULL) {
  $roles = Role::loadMultiple();
  if ($membersonly) {
  if (!empty($permission)) {
    $roles = array_filter($roles, function ($role) use ($permission) {
      return $role
  return $roles;