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UpdateTestBase.php in Drupal 10


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namespace Drupal\Tests\update\Functional;

use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase;

 * Defines some shared functions used by all update tests.
 * The overarching methodology of these tests is we need to compare a given
 * state of installed modules and themes (e.g., version, project grouping,
 * timestamps, etc) against a current state of what the release history XML
 * files we fetch say is available. We have dummy XML files (in the
 * core/modules/update/tests directory) that describe various scenarios of
 * what's available for different test projects, and we have dummy .info file
 * data (specified via hook_system_info_alter() in the update_test helper
 * module) describing what's currently installed. Each test case defines a set
 * of projects to install, their current state (via the
 * 'update_test_system_info' variable) and the desired available update data
 * (via the 'update_test_xml_map' variable), and then performs a series of
 * assertions that the report matches our expectations given the specific
 * initial state and availability scenario.
abstract class UpdateTestBase extends BrowserTestBase {

   * Denotes a security update will be required in the test case.

   * Denotes an update will be available in the test case.

   * Denotes no update will be available in the test case.

   * The CSS locator for the update table run asserts on.
   * @var string
  protected $updateTableLocator;

   * The project that is being tested.
   * @var string
  protected $updateProject;

   * Refreshes the update status based on the desired available update scenario.
   * @param $xml_map
   *   Array that maps project names to availability scenarios to fetch. The key
   *   '#all' is used if a project-specific mapping is not defined.
   * @param $url
   *   (optional) A string containing the URL to fetch update data from.
   *   Defaults to 'update-test'.
   * @see \Drupal\update_test\Controller\UpdateTestController::updateTest()
  protected function refreshUpdateStatus($xml_map, $url = 'update-test') {

    // Tell the Update Manager module to fetch from the URL provided by
    // update_test module.
      ->set('fetch.url', Url::fromUri('base:' . $url, [
      'absolute' => TRUE,

    // Save the map for UpdateTestController::updateTest() to use.
      ->set('xml_map', $xml_map)

    // Manually check the update status.
      ->clickLink('Check manually');

   * Runs a series of assertions that are applicable to all update statuses.
  protected function standardTests() {
      ->responseContains('<h3>Drupal core</h3>');

    // Verify that the link to the Drupal project appears.
      ->pageTextNotContains('No available releases found');
      ->pageTextContains('Last checked:');

    // No download URLs should be present.

   * Asserts the expected security updates are displayed correctly on the page.
   * @param string $project_path_part
   *   The project path part needed for the release link.
   * @param string[] $expected_security_releases
   *   The security releases, if any, that the status report should recommend.
   * @param string $expected_update_message_type
   *   The type of update message expected.
   * @param string $update_element_css_locator
   *   The CSS locator for the page element that contains the security updates.
  protected function assertSecurityUpdates($project_path_part, array $expected_security_releases, $expected_update_message_type, $update_element_css_locator) {
    $assert_session = $this
    $page = $this
      ->elementTextNotContains('css', $update_element_css_locator, 'Not supported');
    $all_security_release_urls = array_map(function ($link) {
      return $link
    }, $page
      ->findAll('css', "{$update_element_css_locator} .version-security a[href\$='-release']"));
    if ($expected_security_releases) {
      $expected_release_urls = [];
      if ($expected_update_message_type === static::SECURITY_UPDATE_REQUIRED) {
          ->elementTextNotContains('css', $update_element_css_locator, 'Update available');
          ->elementTextContains('css', $update_element_css_locator, 'Security update required!');

        // Verify that the error icon is found.
      else {
          ->elementTextContains('css', $update_element_css_locator, 'Update available');
          ->elementTextNotContains('css', $update_element_css_locator, 'Security update required!');
        ->elementTextNotContains('css', $update_element_css_locator, 'Up to date');
      foreach ($expected_security_releases as $expected_security_release) {
        $expected_url_version = str_replace('.', '-', $expected_security_release);
        $release_url = "{$project_path_part}-{$expected_url_version}-release";
        $expected_release_urls[] = $release_url;

        // Ensure the expected links are security links.
          ->assertContains($release_url, $all_security_release_urls, "Release {$release_url} is a security release link.");

      // Ensure no other links are shown as security releases.
        ->assertEquals([], array_diff($all_security_release_urls, $expected_release_urls));
    else {

      // Ensure there were no security links.
        ->assertEquals([], $all_security_release_urls);
        ->pageTextNotContains('Security update required!');
      if ($expected_update_message_type === static::UPDATE_AVAILABLE) {
          ->elementTextContains('css', $update_element_css_locator, 'Update available');
          ->elementTextNotContains('css', $update_element_css_locator, 'Up to date');
      elseif ($expected_update_message_type === static::UPDATE_NONE) {
          ->elementTextNotContains('css', $update_element_css_locator, 'Update available');
          ->elementTextContains('css', $update_element_css_locator, 'Up to date');
      else {
          ->fail('Unexpected value for $expected_update_message_type: ' . $expected_update_message_type);

   * Asserts that an update version has the correct links.
   * @param string $label
   *   The label for the update.
   * @param string $version
   *   The project version.
  protected function assertVersionUpdateLinks($label, $version) {
    $update_element = $this

    // In the release notes URL the periods are replaced with dashes.
    $url_version = str_replace('.', '-', $version);
      ->getAttribute('href'), "{$this->updateProject}-{$url_version}-release");
      ->assertStringNotContainsString("{$this->updateProject}-{$version}.tar.gz", $update_element
      ->findLink('Release notes')
      ->getAttribute('href'), "{$this->updateProject}-{$url_version}-release");

   * Confirms messages are correct when a release has been unpublished/revoked.
   * @param string $revoked_version
   *   The revoked version that is currently installed.
   * @param string $newer_version
   *   The expected newer version to recommend.
   * @param string $new_version_label
   *   The expected label for the newer version (for example 'Recommended
   *   version:' or 'Also available:').
  protected function confirmRevokedStatus($revoked_version, $newer_version, $new_version_label) {
      ->clickLink('Check manually');
      ->assertUpdateTableTextContains('Release revoked: Your currently installed release has been revoked, and is no longer available for download. Disabling everything included in this release or upgrading is strongly recommended!');
      ->assertVersionUpdateLinks($new_version_label, $newer_version);

   * Confirms messages are correct when a release has been marked unsupported.
   * @param string $unsupported_version
   *   The unsupported version that is currently installed.
   * @param string $newer_version
   *   The expected newer version to recommend.
   * @param string $new_version_label
   *   The expected label for the newer version (for example 'Recommended
   *   version:' or 'Also available:').
  protected function confirmUnsupportedStatus($unsupported_version, $newer_version, $new_version_label) {
      ->clickLink('Check manually');
      ->assertUpdateTableTextContains('Not supported!');
      ->assertUpdateTableTextContains('Release not supported: Your currently installed release is now unsupported, and is no longer available for download. Disabling everything included in this release or upgrading is strongly recommended!');
      ->assertVersionUpdateLinks($new_version_label, $newer_version);

   * Asserts that the update table text contains the specified text.
   * @param string $text
   *   The expected text.
   * @see \Behat\Mink\WebAssert::elementTextContains()
  protected function assertUpdateTableTextContains($text) {
      ->elementTextContains('css', $this->updateTableLocator, $text);

   * Asserts that the update table text does not contain the specified text.
   * @param string $text
   *   The expected text.
  protected function assertUpdateTableTextNotContains($text) {
      ->elementTextNotContains('css', $this->updateTableLocator, $text);

   * Asserts that the update table element HTML contains the specified text.
   * @param string $text
   *   The expected text.
   * @see \Behat\Mink\WebAssert::elementContains()
  protected function assertUpdateTableElementContains($text) {
      ->elementContains('css', $this->updateTableLocator, $text);

   * Asserts that the update table element HTML contains the specified text.
   * @param string $text
   *   The expected text.
   * @see \Behat\Mink\WebAssert::elementNotContains()
  protected function assertUpdateTableElementNotContains($text) {
      ->elementNotContains('css', $this->updateTableLocator, $text);

   * Finds an update page element by label.
   * @param string $label
   *   The label for the update, for example "Recommended version:" or
   *   "Latest version:".
   * @return \Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement
   *   The update element.
  protected function findUpdateElementByLabel($label) {
    $update_elements = $this
      ->findAll('css', $this->updateTableLocator . " .project-update__version:contains(\"{$label}\")");
      ->assertCount(1, $update_elements);
    return $update_elements[0];



Namesort descending Description
UpdateTestBase Defines some shared functions used by all update tests.