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function _toolbar_get_subtrees_hash in Drupal 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 9 core/modules/toolbar/toolbar.module \_toolbar_get_subtrees_hash()

Returns the hash of the per-user rendered toolbar subtrees.

Return value

string The hash of the admin_menu subtrees.

1 call to _toolbar_get_subtrees_hash()
toolbar_toolbar in core/modules/toolbar/toolbar.module
Implements hook_toolbar().


core/modules/toolbar/toolbar.module, line 323
Administration toolbar for quick access to top level administration items.


function _toolbar_get_subtrees_hash() {
  list($subtrees, $cacheability) = toolbar_get_rendered_subtrees();
  $hash = Crypt::hashBase64(serialize($subtrees));
  return [