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OffCanvasTest.php in Drupal 10


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namespace Drupal\Tests\system\FunctionalJavascript;

 * Tests the off-canvas dialog functionality.
 * @group system
class OffCanvasTest extends OffCanvasTestBase {

   * Stores to the class that should be on the last dialog.
   * @var string
   * @see \Drupal\off_canvas_test\Controller\TestController::linksDisplay.
  protected $lastDialogClass;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected $defaultTheme = 'stark';

   * Tests that non-contextual links will work with the off-canvas dialog.
   * @dataProvider themeDataProvider
  public function testOffCanvasLinks($theme) {
    $page = $this
    $web_assert = $this

    // Confirm touchevents detection is loaded with Off Canvas assets.
      ->waitForElement('css', ''));

    // Make sure off-canvas dialog is on page when first loaded.
      ->elementNotExists('css', '#drupal-off-canvas');

    // Check opening and closing with two separate links.
    // Make sure tray updates to new content.
    // Check the first link again to make sure the empty title class is
    // removed.
    foreach ([
    ] as $link_index) {
        ->assertOffCanvasDialog($link_index, 'side');
      $header_text = $this
        ->find('css', '.ui-dialog-title')
      if ($link_index == '2') {

        // Check no title behavior.
          ->elementExists('css', '.ui-dialog-empty-title');
          ->assertEquals(' ', $header_text);
        $style = $page
          ->find('css', '.ui-dialog-off-canvas')
          ->assertStringContainsString('width: 555px;', $style, 'Dialog width respected.');
          ->clickLink("Open side panel 1");
        $style = $page
          ->find('css', '.ui-dialog-off-canvas')
          ->assertStringNotContainsString('width: 555px;', $style, 'Dialog width reset to default.');
      else {

        // Check that header is correct.
          ->assertEquals("Thing {$link_index}", $header_text);
          ->elementNotExists('css', '.ui-dialog-empty-title');

    // Test the off_canvas_top tray.
    foreach ([
    ] as $link_index) {
        ->assertOffCanvasDialog($link_index, 'top');
      $style = $page
        ->find('css', '.ui-dialog-off-canvas')
      if ($link_index === 1) {
          ->assertStringContainsString('height: auto;', $style);
      else {
          ->assertStringContainsString('height: 421px;', $style);

    // Ensure an off-canvas link opened from inside the off-canvas dialog will
    // work.
      ->clickLink('Display more links!');
      ->linkExists('Off_canvas link!');

    // Click off-canvas link inside off-canvas dialog
      ->clickLink('Off_canvas link!');
      ->elementTextContains('css', '.ui-dialog[aria-describedby="drupal-off-canvas"]', 'Thing 2 says hello');

    // Ensure an off-canvas link opened from inside the off-canvas dialog will
    // work after another dialog has been opened.
      ->clickLink("Open side panel 1");
      ->clickLink('Display more links!');
      ->linkExists('Off_canvas link!');

    // Click off-canvas link inside off-canvas dialog
      ->clickLink('Off_canvas link!');
      ->elementTextContains('css', '.ui-dialog[aria-describedby="drupal-off-canvas"]', 'Thing 2 says hello');

   * Tests the body displacement behaves differently at a narrow width.
  public function testNarrowWidth() {
    $narrow_width_breakpoint = 768;
    $offset = 20;
    $height = 800;
    $page = $this
    $web_assert = $this

    // Test the same functionality on multiple themes.
    foreach ($this
      ->getTestThemes() as $theme) {

      // Testing at the wider width.
        ->resizeWindow($narrow_width_breakpoint + $offset, $height);
        ->find('css', '.dialog-off-canvas-main-canvas')
        ->hasAttribute('style'), 'Body not padded on wide page load.');
        ->clickLink("Open side panel 1");

      // Check that the main canvas is padded when page is not narrow width and
      // tray is open.
        ->waitFor(10, function ($page) {
        return $page
          ->find('css', '.dialog-off-canvas-main-canvas')
        ->elementAttributeContains('css', '.dialog-off-canvas-main-canvas', 'style', 'padding-right');

      // Testing at the narrower width.
        ->resizeWindow($narrow_width_breakpoint - $offset, $height);
        ->find('css', '.dialog-off-canvas-main-canvas')
        ->hasAttribute('style'), 'Body not padded on narrow page load.');
        ->clickLink("Open side panel 1");
        ->find('css', '.dialog-off-canvas-main-canvas')
        ->hasAttribute('style'), 'Body not padded on narrow page with tray open.');

   * @param int $link_index
   *   The index of the link to test.
   * @param string $position
   *   The position of the dialog to test.
   * @internal
  protected function assertOffCanvasDialog(int $link_index, string $position) : void {
    $page = $this
    $web_assert = $this
    $link_text = "Open {$position} panel {$link_index}";

    // Click the first test like that should open the page.
    if ($this->lastDialogClass) {
        ->assertNoElementAfterWait('css', '.' . $this->lastDialogClass);
    $this->lastDialogClass = "{$position}-{$link_index}";

    // Check that response text is on page.
      ->pageTextContains("Thing {$link_index} says hello");
    $off_canvas_tray = $this

    // Check that tray is visible.
      ->assertEquals(TRUE, $off_canvas_tray
    $tray_text = $off_canvas_tray
      ->assertEquals("Thing {$link_index} says hello", $tray_text);



Namesort descending Description
OffCanvasTest Tests the off-canvas dialog functionality.