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advisory_feed_test.module in Drupal 10

Module for testing the display of security advisories.


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 * @file
 * Module for testing the display of security advisories.
use Drupal\Core\Extension\Extension;

 * Implements hook_system_info_alter().
function advisory_feed_test_system_info_alter(&$info, Extension $file) {

  // Alter the 'generic_module1_test' module to use the 'generic_module1_project'
  // project name.  This ensures that for an extension where the 'name' and
  // the 'project' properties do not match, 'project' is used for matching
  // 'project' in the JSON feed.
  $system_info = [
    'generic_module1_test' => [
      'project' => 'generic_module1_project',
      'version' => '8.x-1.1',
      'hidden' => FALSE,
    'generic_module2_test' => [
      'project' => 'generic_module2_project',
      'version' => '8.x-1.1',
      'hidden' => FALSE,
  if (!empty($system_info[$file
    ->getName()])) {
    foreach ($system_info[$file
      ->getName()] as $key => $value) {
      $info[$key] = $value;