function system_update_8400 in Drupal 8
Move revision metadata fields to the revision table.
- core/
modules/ system/ system.install, line 2255 - Install, update and uninstall functions for the system module.
function system_update_8400(&$sandbox) {
// Due to the fields from RevisionLogEntityTrait not being explicitly
// mentioned in the storage they might have been installed wrongly in the base
// table for revisionable untranslatable entities and in the data and revision
// data tables for revisionable and translatable entities.
$entity_definition_update_manager = \Drupal::entityDefinitionUpdateManager();
$database = \Drupal::database();
$database_schema = $database
if (!isset($sandbox['current'])) {
// This must be the first run. Initialize the sandbox.
$sandbox['current'] = 0;
$definitions = array_filter(\Drupal::entityTypeManager()
->getDefinitions(), function (EntityTypeInterface $entity_type) use ($entity_definition_update_manager) {
if ($entity_type = $entity_definition_update_manager
->id())) {
return is_subclass_of($entity_type
->getClass(), FieldableEntityInterface::class) && $entity_type instanceof ContentEntityTypeInterface && $entity_type
return FALSE;
$sandbox['entity_type_ids'] = array_keys($definitions);
$sandbox['max'] = count($sandbox['entity_type_ids']);
$current_entity_type_key = $sandbox['current'];
for ($i = $current_entity_type_key; $i < $current_entity_type_key + 1 && $i < $sandbox['max']; $i++) {
$entity_type_id = $sandbox['entity_type_ids'][$i];
/** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityTypeInterface $entity_type */
$entity_type = $entity_definition_update_manager
$base_fields = \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager')
$revision_metadata_fields = $entity_type
$fields_to_update = array_intersect_key($base_fields, array_flip($revision_metadata_fields));
if (!empty($fields_to_update)) {
// Initialize the entity table names.
// @see \Drupal\Core\Entity\Sql\SqlContentEntityStorage::initTableLayout()
$base_table = $entity_type
->getBaseTable() ?: $entity_type_id;
$data_table = $entity_type
->getDataTable() ?: $entity_type_id . '_field_data';
$revision_table = $entity_type
->getRevisionTable() ?: $entity_type_id . '_revision';
$revision_data_table = $entity_type
->getRevisionDataTable() ?: $entity_type_id . '_field_revision';
$revision_field = $entity_type
// No data needs to be migrated if the entity type is not translatable.
if ($entity_type
->isTranslatable()) {
if (!isset($sandbox[$entity_type_id])) {
// This must be the first run for this entity type. Initialize the
// sub-sandbox for it.
// Calculate the number of revisions to process.
$count = \Drupal::entityQuery($entity_type_id)
$sandbox[$entity_type_id]['current'] = 0;
$sandbox[$entity_type_id]['max'] = $count;
// Define the step size.
$steps = Settings::get('entity_update_batch_size', 50);
// Collect the revision IDs to process.
$revisions = \Drupal::entityQuery($entity_type_id)
->range($sandbox[$entity_type_id]['current'], $sandbox[$entity_type_id]['current'] + $steps)
->sort($revision_field, 'ASC')
$revisions = array_keys($revisions);
foreach ($fields_to_update as $revision_metadata_field_name => $definition) {
// If the revision metadata field is present in the data and the
// revision data table, install its definition again with the updated
// storage code in order for the field to be installed in the
// revision table. Afterwards, copy over the field values and remove
// the field from the data and the revision data tables.
if ($database_schema
->fieldExists($data_table, $revision_metadata_field_name) && $database_schema
->fieldExists($revision_data_table, $revision_metadata_field_name)) {
// Install the field in the revision table.
if (!isset($sandbox[$entity_type_id]['storage_definition_installed'][$revision_metadata_field_name])) {
->installFieldStorageDefinition($revision_metadata_field_name, $entity_type_id, $entity_type
->getProvider(), $definition);
$sandbox[$entity_type_id]['storage_definition_installed'][$revision_metadata_field_name] = TRUE;
// Apply the field value from the revision data table to the
// revision table.
foreach ($revisions as $rev_id) {
$field_value = $database
->select($revision_data_table, 't')
->fields('t', [
->condition($revision_field, $rev_id)
->condition($revision_field, $rev_id)
$revision_metadata_field_name => $field_value,
$sandbox[$entity_type_id]['current'] += count($revisions);
$sandbox[$entity_type_id]['finished'] = $sandbox[$entity_type_id]['current'] == $sandbox[$entity_type_id]['max'] || empty($revisions);
if ($sandbox[$entity_type_id]['finished']) {
foreach ($fields_to_update as $revision_metadata_field_name => $definition) {
// Drop the field from the data and revision data tables.
->dropField($data_table, $revision_metadata_field_name);
->dropField($revision_data_table, $revision_metadata_field_name);
else {
foreach ($fields_to_update as $revision_metadata_field_name => $definition) {
if ($database_schema
->fieldExists($base_table, $revision_metadata_field_name)) {
// Install the field in the revision table.
->installFieldStorageDefinition($revision_metadata_field_name, $entity_type_id, $entity_type
->getProvider(), $definition);
// Drop the field from the base table.
->dropField($base_table, $revision_metadata_field_name);
else {
$sandbox['#finished'] = $sandbox['current'] == $sandbox['max'];