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function system_update_8200 in Drupal 8

Fix configuration overrides to not override non existing keys.


core/modules/system/system.install, line 2192
Install, update and uninstall functions for the system module.


function system_update_8200(&$sandbox) {
  $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();
  if (!array_key_exists('config_names', $sandbox)) {
    $sandbox['config_names'] = $config_factory
    $sandbox['max'] = count($sandbox['config_names']);

  // Get a list of 50 to work on at a time.
  $config_names_to_process = array_slice($sandbox['config_names'], 0, 50);

  // Preload in a single query.
  foreach ($config_names_to_process as $config_name) {

  // Update the list of names to process.
  $sandbox['config_names'] = array_diff($sandbox['config_names'], $config_names_to_process);
  $sandbox['#finished'] = empty($sandbox['config_names']) ? 1 : ($sandbox['max'] - count($sandbox['config_names'])) / $sandbox['max'];