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MigrateNodeTest.php in Drupal 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\node\Kernel\Migrate\d7;

use Drupal\comment\Plugin\Field\FieldType\CommentItemInterface;
use Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Term;
use Drupal\Tests\file\Kernel\Migrate\d7\FileMigrationSetupTrait;
use Drupal\Tests\migrate_drupal\Kernel\d7\MigrateDrupal7TestBase;
use Drupal\node\Entity\Node;
use Drupal\node\NodeInterface;

 * Tests node migration.
 * @group node
class MigrateNodeTest extends MigrateDrupal7TestBase {
  use FileMigrationSetupTrait;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {
      ->installSchema('comment', [
      ->installSchema('node', [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function getFileMigrationInfo() {
    return [
      'path' => 'public://sites/default/files/cube.jpeg',
      'size' => '3620',
      'base_path' => 'public://',
      'plugin_id' => 'd7_file',

   * Asserts various aspects of a node.
   * @param string $id
   *   The node ID.
   * @param string $type
   *   The node type.
   * @param string $langcode
   *   The expected language code.
   * @param string $title
   *   The expected title.
   * @param int $uid
   *   The expected author ID.
   * @param bool $status
   *   The expected status of the node.
   * @param int $created
   *   The expected creation time.
   * @param int $changed
   *   The expected modification time.
   * @param bool $promoted
   *   Whether the node is expected to be promoted to the front page.
   * @param bool $sticky
   *   Whether the node is expected to be sticky.
  protected function assertEntity($id, $type, $langcode, $title, $uid, $status, $created, $changed, $promoted, $sticky) {

    /** @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node */
    $node = Node::load($id);
      ->assertInstanceOf(NodeInterface::class, $node);
      ->assertEquals($type, $node
      ->assertEquals($langcode, $node->langcode->value);
      ->assertEquals($title, $node
      ->assertEquals($uid, $node
      ->assertEquals($status, $node
      ->assertEquals($created, $node
    if (isset($changed)) {
        ->assertEquals($changed, $node
      ->assertEquals($promoted, $node
      ->assertEquals($sticky, $node

   * Asserts various aspects of a node revision.
   * @param int $id
   *   The revision ID.
   * @param string $title
   *   The expected title.
   * @param int $uid
   *   The revision author ID.
   * @param string $log
   *   The revision log message.
   * @param int $timestamp
   *   The revision's time stamp.
  protected function assertRevision($id, $title, $uid, $log, $timestamp) {
    $revision = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
      ->assertInstanceOf(NodeInterface::class, $revision);
      ->assertEquals($title, $revision
      ->assertEquals($uid, $revision
      ->assertEquals($log, $revision->revision_log->value);
      ->assertEquals($timestamp, $revision

   * Test node migration from Drupal 7 to 8.
  public function testNode() {

    // Confirm there are only classic node migration map tables. This shows
    // that only the classic migration ran.
    $results = $this
      ->assertSame(8, $results['node']);
      ->assertSame(0, $results['node_complete']);
      ->assertEntity(1, 'test_content_type', 'en', 'An English Node', '2', TRUE, '1421727515', '1441032132', TRUE, FALSE);
      ->assertRevision(1, 'An English Node', '1', NULL, '1441032132');
    $node = Node::load(1);
      ->assertEquals('99-99-99-99', $node->field_phone->value);
      ->assertSame('2015-01-20T04:15:00', $node->field_date->value);
      ->assertSame('2015-01-20', $node->field_date_without_time->value);
      ->assertSame('2015-01-20', $node->field_datetime_without_time->value);
      ->assertEquals(1, $node->field_float->value);
      ->assertEquals('5', $node->field_integer->value);
      ->assertEquals('Some more text', $node->field_text_list[0]->value);
      ->assertEquals('7', $node->field_integer_list[0]->value);
      ->assertEquals('qwerty', $node->field_text->value);
      ->assertEquals('2', $node->field_file->target_id);
      ->assertEquals('file desc', $node->field_file->description);
      ->assertEquals('1', $node->field_images->target_id);
      ->assertEquals('alt text', $node->field_images->alt);
      ->assertEquals('title text', $node->field_images->title);
      ->assertEquals('93', $node->field_images->width);
      ->assertEquals('93', $node->field_images->height);
      ->assertEquals('', $node->field_link->uri);
      ->assertEquals('Click Here', $node->field_link->title);

    // Test that an email field is migrated.
      ->assertEquals('', $node->field_email->value);
      ->assertEquals('', $node->field_email[1]->value);
      ->assertEquals(CommentItemInterface::OPEN, $node->comment_node_test_content_type->status);
      ->assertEquals('3.1416', $node->field_float_list[0]->value);
    $node = Node::load(2);
      ->assertEquals('en', $node->langcode->value);
      ->assertEquals(" that it's the absolute best show ever. Trust me, I would know.", $node->body->value);
      ->assertEquals('The thing about Deep Space 9', $node
      ->assertEquals('internal:/', $node->field_link->uri);
      ->assertEquals('Home', $node->field_link->title);
      ->assertEquals(CommentItemInterface::OPEN, $node->comment_node_article->status);
    $term_ref = $node
      ->assertSame('20', $term_ref);
      ->assertSame('DS9', Term::load($term_ref)
    $term_ref = $node
      ->assertSame('21', $term_ref);
      ->assertSame('High council', Term::load($term_ref)
    $term_ref = $node
      ->assertSame('24', $term_ref);
      ->hasTranslation('is'), "Node 2 has an Icelandic translation");
    $translation = $node
      ->assertEquals('is', $translation->langcode->value);
      ->assertEquals("is - that it's the absolute best show ever. Trust me, I would know.", $translation->body->value);
      ->assertEquals('is - The thing about Deep Space 9', $translation
      ->assertEquals('internal:/', $translation->field_link->uri);
      ->assertEquals(CommentItemInterface::OPEN, $translation->comment_node_article->status);
      ->assertEquals('Home', $translation->field_link->title);
    $term_ref = $translation
      ->assertSame('20', $term_ref);
      ->assertSame('DS9', Term::load($term_ref)
    $term_ref = $translation
      ->assertSame('23', $term_ref);
      ->assertSame('is - High council', Term::load($term_ref)
    $term_ref = $translation

    // Test that content_translation_source is set.
    $manager = $this->container
      ->assertEquals('en', $manager

    // Node 3 is a translation of node 2, and should not be imported separately.
      ->assertNull(Node::load(3), "Node 3 doesn't exist in D8, it was a translation");

    // Test that content_translation_source for a source other than English.
    $node = Node::load(4);
      ->assertEquals('is', $manager
      ->assertEquals(CommentItemInterface::CLOSED, $node->comment_node_article->status);
    $translation = $node
      ->assertEquals(CommentItemInterface::CLOSED, $translation->comment_node_article->status);
    $node = Node::load(6);
      ->assertEquals(CommentItemInterface::CLOSED, $node->comment_forum->status);
    $node = Node::load(7);
      ->assertEquals(CommentItemInterface::OPEN, $node->comment_forum->status);

    // Test synchronized field.
    $value = 'Kai Opaka';
    $node = Node::load(2);
      ->assertSame($value, $node->field_text_plain->value);
      ->assertArrayNotHasKey('field_text_plain', $node
    $node = $node
      ->assertSame($value, $node->field_text_plain->value);

   * Test node entity translations migration from Drupal 7 to 8.
  public function testNodeEntityTranslations() {
    $manager = $this->container

    // Get the node and its translations.
    $node = Node::load(1);
    $node_fr = $node
    $node_is = $node

    // Test that fields translated with Entity Translation are migrated.
      ->assertSame('An English Node', $node
      ->assertSame('A French Node', $node_fr
      ->assertSame('An Icelandic Node', $node_is
      ->assertSame('5', $node->field_integer->value);
      ->assertSame('6', $node_fr->field_integer->value);
      ->assertSame('7', $node_is->field_integer->value);

    // Test that the French translation metadata is correctly migrated.
    $metadata_fr = $manager
      ->assertSame('en', $metadata_fr
      ->assertSame('2', $node_fr
      ->assertSame('1529615802', $node_fr
      ->assertSame('1529615802', $node_fr

    // Test that the Icelandic translation metadata is correctly migrated.
    $metadata_is = $manager
      ->assertSame('en', $metadata_is
      ->assertSame('1', $node_is
      ->assertSame('1529615813', $node_is
      ->assertSame('1529615813', $node_is



Namesort descending Description
MigrateNodeTest Tests node migration.