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protected function NodeAccessControlHandler::checkAccess in Drupal 10

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/modules/node/src/NodeAccessControlHandler.php \Drupal\node\NodeAccessControlHandler::checkAccess()
  2. 9 core/modules/node/src/NodeAccessControlHandler.php \Drupal\node\NodeAccessControlHandler::checkAccess()

Performs access checks.

This method is supposed to be overwritten by extending classes that do their own custom access checking.


\Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity: The entity for which to check access.

string $operation: The entity operation. Usually one of 'view', 'view label', 'update' or 'delete'.

\Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface $account: The user for which to check access.

Return value

\Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResultInterface The access result.

Overrides EntityAccessControlHandler::checkAccess


core/modules/node/src/NodeAccessControlHandler.php, line 128


Defines the access control handler for the node entity type.




protected function checkAccess(EntityInterface $node, $operation, AccountInterface $account) {

  /** @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node */

  // Fetch information from the node object if possible.
  $status = $node
  $uid = $node

  // Check if authors can view their own unpublished nodes.
  if ($operation === 'view' && !$status && $account
    ->hasPermission('view own unpublished content') && $account
    ->isAuthenticated() && $account
    ->id() == $uid) {
    return AccessResult::allowed()
  ] = static::REVISION_OPERATION_MAP[$operation] ?? [

  // Revision operations.
  if ($revision_permission_operation) {
    $bundle = $node

    // If user doesn't have any of these then quit.
    if (!$account
      ->hasPermission("{$revision_permission_operation} all revisions") && !$account
      ->hasPermission("{$revision_permission_operation} {$bundle} revisions") && !$account
      ->hasPermission('administer nodes')) {
      return AccessResult::neutral()

    // If the user has the view all revisions permission and this is the view
    // all revisions operation then we can allow access.
    if ($operation === 'view all revisions') {
      return AccessResult::allowed()

    // If this is the default revision, return access denied for revert or
    // delete operations.
    if ($node
      ->isDefaultRevision() && ($operation === 'revert revision' || $operation === 'delete revision')) {
      return AccessResult::forbidden()
    elseif ($account
      ->hasPermission('administer nodes')) {
      return AccessResult::allowed()

    // First check the access to the default revision and finally, if the
    // node passed in is not the default revision then check access to
    // that, too.
    $node_storage = $this->entityTypeManager
    $access = $this
      ->id()), $entity_operation, $account, TRUE);
    if (!$node
      ->isDefaultRevision()) {
      $access = $access
        ->access($node, $entity_operation, $account, TRUE));
    return $access

  // Evaluate node grants.
  $access_result = $this->grantStorage
    ->access($node, $operation, $account);
  if ($operation === 'view' && $access_result instanceof RefinableCacheableDependencyInterface) {

    // Node variations can affect the access to the node. For instance, the
    // access result cache varies on the node's published status. Only the
    // 'view' node grant can currently be cached. The 'update' and 'delete'
    // grants are already marked as uncacheable in the node grant storage.
    // @see \Drupal\node\NodeGrantDatabaseStorage::access()
  return $access_result;