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class FieldDiscovery in Drupal 9

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/modules/migrate_drupal/src/FieldDiscovery.php \Drupal\migrate_drupal\FieldDiscovery

Provides field discovery for Drupal 6 & 7 migrations.


Expanded class hierarchy of FieldDiscovery

1 file declares its use of FieldDiscovery
FieldDiscoveryTestClass.php in core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/modules/field_discovery_test/src/FieldDiscoveryTestClass.php
1 string reference to 'FieldDiscovery' in core/modules/migrate_drupal/
1 service uses FieldDiscovery
migrate_drupal.field_discovery in core/modules/migrate_drupal/


core/modules/migrate_drupal/src/FieldDiscovery.php, line 16


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class FieldDiscovery implements FieldDiscoveryInterface {

   * An array of already discovered field plugin information.
   * @var array
  protected $fieldPluginCache;

   * The field plugin manager.
   * @var \Drupal\migrate_drupal\Plugin\MigrateFieldPluginManagerInterface
  protected $fieldPluginManager;

   * The migration plugin manager.
   * @var \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\MigrationPluginManagerInterface
  protected $migrationPluginManager;

   * The logger channel service.
   * @var \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
  protected $logger;

   * A cache of discovered fields.
   * It is an array of arrays. If the entity type is bundleable, a third level
   * of arrays is added to account for fields discovered at the bundle level.
   * [{core}][{entity_type}][{bundle}]
   * @var array
  protected $discoveredFieldsCache = [];

   * An array of bundle keys, keyed by drupal core version.
   * In Drupal 6, only nodes were fieldable, and the bundles were called
   * 'type_name'.  In Drupal 7, everything became entities, and the more
   * generic 'bundle' was used.
   * @var array
  protected $bundleKeys = [
    FieldDiscoveryInterface::DRUPAL_6 => 'type_name',
    FieldDiscoveryInterface::DRUPAL_7 => 'bundle',

   * An array of source plugin ids, keyed by Drupal core version.
   * @var array
  protected $sourcePluginIds = [
    FieldDiscoveryInterface::DRUPAL_6 => 'd6_field_instance',
    FieldDiscoveryInterface::DRUPAL_7 => 'd7_field_instance',

   * An array of supported Drupal core versions.
   * @var array
  protected $supportedCoreVersions = [

   * Constructs a FieldDiscovery object.
   * @param \Drupal\migrate_drupal\Plugin\MigrateFieldPluginManagerInterface $field_plugin_manager
   *   The field plugin manager.
   * @param \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\MigrationPluginManagerInterface $migration_plugin_manager
   *   The migration plugin manager.
   * @param \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger
   *   The logger channel service.
  public function __construct(MigrateFieldPluginManagerInterface $field_plugin_manager, MigrationPluginManagerInterface $migration_plugin_manager, LoggerInterface $logger) {
    $this->fieldPluginManager = $field_plugin_manager;
    $this->migrationPluginManager = $migration_plugin_manager;
    $this->logger = $logger;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function addAllFieldProcesses(MigrationInterface $migration) {
    $core = $this
    $fields = $this
    foreach ($fields as $entity_type_id => $bundle) {
        ->addEntityFieldProcesses($migration, $entity_type_id);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function addEntityFieldProcesses(MigrationInterface $migration, $entity_type_id) {
    $core = $this
    $fields = $this
    if (!empty($fields[$entity_type_id]) && is_array($fields[$entity_type_id])) {
      foreach ($fields[$entity_type_id] as $bundle => $fields) {
          ->addBundleFieldProcesses($migration, $entity_type_id, $bundle);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function addBundleFieldProcesses(MigrationInterface $migration, $entity_type_id, $bundle) {
    $core = $this
    $fields = $this
    $plugin_definition = $migration
    if (empty($fields[$entity_type_id][$bundle])) {
    $bundle_fields = $fields[$entity_type_id][$bundle];
    foreach ($bundle_fields as $field_name => $field_info) {
      $plugin = $this
        ->getFieldPlugin($field_info['type'], $migration);
      if ($plugin) {
        $method = isset($plugin_definition['field_plugin_method']) ? $plugin_definition['field_plugin_method'] : 'defineValueProcessPipeline';
        ], [
      else {

        // Default to a get process plugin if this is a value migration.
        if (empty($plugin_definition['field_plugin_method']) || $plugin_definition['field_plugin_method'] === 'defineValueProcessPipeline') {
            ->setProcessOfProperty($field_name, $field_name);

   * Returns the appropriate field plugin for a given field type.
   * @param string $field_type
   *   The field type.
   * @param \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\MigrationInterface $migration
   *   The migration to retrieve the plugin for.
   * @return \Drupal\migrate_drupal\Plugin\MigrateFieldInterface|bool
   *   The appropriate field plugin to process this field type.
   * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginException
   * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  protected function getFieldPlugin($field_type, MigrationInterface $migration) {
    $core = $this
    if (!isset($this->fieldPluginCache[$core][$field_type])) {
      try {
        $plugin_id = $this->fieldPluginManager
          ->getPluginIdFromFieldType($field_type, [
          'core' => $core,
        ], $migration);
        $plugin = $this->fieldPluginManager
          ->createInstance($plugin_id, [
          'core' => $core,
        ], $migration);
      } catch (PluginNotFoundException $ex) {
        $plugin = FALSE;
      $this->fieldPluginCache[$core][$field_type] = $plugin;
    return $this->fieldPluginCache[$core][$field_type];

   * Gets all field information related to this migration.
   * @param string $core
   *   The Drupal core version to get fields for.
   * @return array
   *   A multidimensional array of source data from the relevant field instance
   *   migration, keyed first by entity type, then by bundle and finally by
   *   field name.
  protected function getAllFields($core) {
    if (empty($this->discoveredFieldsCache[$core])) {
      $this->discoveredFieldsCache[$core] = [];
      $source_plugin = $this
      foreach ($source_plugin as $row) {

        /** @var \Drupal\migrate\Row $row */
        if ($core === FieldDiscoveryInterface::DRUPAL_7) {
          $entity_type_id = $row
        else {
          $entity_type_id = 'node';
        $bundle = $row
          ->getSourceProperty('field_name')] = $row
    return $this->discoveredFieldsCache[$core];

   * Gets all field information for a particular entity type.
   * @param string $core
   *   The Drupal core version.
   * @param string $entity_type_id
   *   The legacy entity type ID.
   * @return array
   *   A multidimensional array of source data from the relevant field instance
   *   migration for the entity type, keyed first by bundle and then by field
   *   name.
  protected function getEntityFields($core, $entity_type_id) {
    $fields = $this
    if (!empty($fields[$entity_type_id])) {
      return $fields[$entity_type_id];
    return [];

   * Gets all field information for a particular entity type and bundle.
   * @param string $core
   *   The Drupal core version.
   * @param string $entity_type_id
   *   The legacy entity type ID.
   * @param string $bundle
   *   The legacy bundle (or content_type).
   * @return array
   *   An array of source data from the relevant field instance migration for
   *   the bundle, keyed by field name.
  protected function getBundleFields($core, $entity_type_id, $bundle) {
    $fields = $this
      ->getEntityFields($core, $entity_type_id);
    if (!empty($fields[$bundle])) {
      return $fields[$bundle];
    return [];

   * Gets the source plugin to use to gather field information.
   * @param string $core
   *   The Drupal core version.
   * @return array|\Drupal\migrate\Plugin\MigrateSourceInterface
   *   The source plugin, or an empty array if none can be found that meets
   *   requirements.
  protected function getSourcePlugin($core) {
    $definition = $this
    $source_plugin = $this->migrationPluginManager
    if ($source_plugin instanceof RequirementsInterface) {
      try {
      } catch (RequirementsException $e) {

        // If checkRequirements() failed, the source database did not support
        // fields (i.e., Field is not installed in D7). Therefore, $fields will
        // be empty and below we'll return an empty array. The migration will
        // proceed without adding fields.
          ->notice('Field discovery failed for Drupal core version @core. Did this site have the Field module installed? Error: @message', [
          '@core' => $core,
          '@message' => $e
        return [];
    return $source_plugin;

   * Provides the stub migration definition for a given Drupal core version.
   * @param string $core
   *   The Drupal core version.
   * @return array
   *   The stub migration definition.
  protected function getFieldInstanceStubMigrationDefinition($core) {
    return [
      'destination' => [
        'plugin' => 'null',
      'idMap' => [
        'plugin' => 'null',
      'source' => [
        'ignore_map' => TRUE,
        'plugin' => $this->sourcePluginIds[$core],

   * Finds the core version of a Drupal migration.
   * @param \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\MigrationInterface $migration
   *   The migration.
   * @return string|bool
   *   A string representation of the Drupal version, or FALSE.
   * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  protected function getCoreVersion(MigrationInterface $migration) {
    $tags = $migration
    if (in_array('Drupal 7', $tags, TRUE)) {
      return FieldDiscoveryInterface::DRUPAL_7;
    elseif (in_array('Drupal 6', $tags, TRUE)) {
      return FieldDiscoveryInterface::DRUPAL_6;
    throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Drupal Core version not found for this migration");



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
FieldDiscovery::$bundleKeys protected property An array of bundle keys, keyed by drupal core version.
FieldDiscovery::$discoveredFieldsCache protected property A cache of discovered fields.
FieldDiscovery::$fieldPluginCache protected property An array of already discovered field plugin information.
FieldDiscovery::$fieldPluginManager protected property The field plugin manager.
FieldDiscovery::$logger protected property The logger channel service.
FieldDiscovery::$migrationPluginManager protected property The migration plugin manager.
FieldDiscovery::$sourcePluginIds protected property An array of source plugin ids, keyed by Drupal core version.
FieldDiscovery::$supportedCoreVersions protected property An array of supported Drupal core versions.
FieldDiscovery::addAllFieldProcesses public function Adds the field processes to a migration. Overrides FieldDiscoveryInterface::addAllFieldProcesses
FieldDiscovery::addBundleFieldProcesses public function Adds the field processes for a bundle to a migration. Overrides FieldDiscoveryInterface::addBundleFieldProcesses
FieldDiscovery::addEntityFieldProcesses public function Adds the field processes for an entity to a migration. Overrides FieldDiscoveryInterface::addEntityFieldProcesses
FieldDiscovery::getAllFields protected function Gets all field information related to this migration. 1
FieldDiscovery::getBundleFields protected function Gets all field information for a particular entity type and bundle. 1
FieldDiscovery::getCoreVersion protected function Finds the core version of a Drupal migration. 1
FieldDiscovery::getEntityFields protected function Gets all field information for a particular entity type. 1
FieldDiscovery::getFieldInstanceStubMigrationDefinition protected function Provides the stub migration definition for a given Drupal core version. 1
FieldDiscovery::getFieldPlugin protected function Returns the appropriate field plugin for a given field type. 1
FieldDiscovery::getSourcePlugin protected function Gets the source plugin to use to gather field information. 1
FieldDiscovery::__construct public function Constructs a FieldDiscovery object. 1
FieldDiscoveryInterface::DRUPAL_6 constant
FieldDiscoveryInterface::DRUPAL_7 constant