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class DefaultValue in Drupal 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 9 core/modules/migrate/src/Plugin/migrate/process/DefaultValue.php \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\migrate\process\DefaultValue
  2. 10 core/modules/migrate/src/Plugin/migrate/process/DefaultValue.php \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\migrate\process\DefaultValue

Returns a given default value if the input is empty.

The default_value process plugin provides the ability to set a fixed default value. The plugin returns a default value if the input value is considered empty (NULL, FALSE, 0, '0', an empty string, or an empty array). The strict configuration key can be used to set the default only when the incoming value is NULL.

Available configuration keys:

  • default_value: The fixed default value to apply.
  • strict: (optional) Use strict value checking. Defaults to false.
    • FALSE: Apply default when input value is empty().
    • TRUE: Apply default when input value is NULL.


      plugin: migration_lookup
      migration: users
      source: author
      plugin: default_value
      default_value: 44

This will look up the source value of author in the users migration and if not found, set the destination property uid to 44.

Plugin annotation

  id = "default_value",
  handle_multiples = TRUE


Expanded class hierarchy of DefaultValue

See also


1 file declares its use of DefaultValue
DefaultValueTest.php in core/modules/migrate/tests/src/Unit/process/DefaultValueTest.php


core/modules/migrate/src/Plugin/migrate/process/DefaultValue.php, line 48


View source
class DefaultValue extends ProcessPluginBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function transform($value, MigrateExecutableInterface $migrate_executable, Row $row, $destination_property) {
    if (!empty($this->configuration['strict'])) {
      return isset($value) ? $value : $this->configuration['default_value'];
    return $value ?: $this->configuration['default_value'];



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
DefaultValue::transform public function Performs the associated process. Overrides ProcessPluginBase::transform
DependencySerializationTrait::$_entityStorages protected property An array of entity type IDs keyed by the property name of their storages.
DependencySerializationTrait::$_serviceIds protected property An array of service IDs keyed by property name used for serialization.
DependencySerializationTrait::__sleep public function 1
DependencySerializationTrait::__wakeup public function 2
MessengerTrait::$messenger protected property The messenger. 29
MessengerTrait::messenger public function Gets the messenger. 29
MessengerTrait::setMessenger public function Sets the messenger.
PluginBase::$configuration protected property Configuration information passed into the plugin. 1
PluginBase::$pluginDefinition protected property The plugin implementation definition. 1
PluginBase::$pluginId protected property The plugin_id.
PluginBase::DERIVATIVE_SEPARATOR constant A string which is used to separate base plugin IDs from the derivative ID.
PluginBase::getBaseId public function Gets the base_plugin_id of the plugin instance. Overrides DerivativeInspectionInterface::getBaseId
PluginBase::getDerivativeId public function Gets the derivative_id of the plugin instance. Overrides DerivativeInspectionInterface::getDerivativeId
PluginBase::getPluginDefinition public function Gets the definition of the plugin implementation. Overrides PluginInspectionInterface::getPluginDefinition 3
PluginBase::getPluginId public function Gets the plugin_id of the plugin instance. Overrides PluginInspectionInterface::getPluginId
PluginBase::isConfigurable public function Determines if the plugin is configurable.
PluginBase::__construct public function Constructs a \Drupal\Component\Plugin\PluginBase object. 92
ProcessPluginBase::multiple public function Indicates whether the returned value requires multiple handling. Overrides MigrateProcessInterface::multiple 3
StringTranslationTrait::$stringTranslation protected property The string translation service. 1
StringTranslationTrait::formatPlural protected function Formats a string containing a count of items.
StringTranslationTrait::getNumberOfPlurals protected function Returns the number of plurals supported by a given language.
StringTranslationTrait::getStringTranslation protected function Gets the string translation service.
StringTranslationTrait::setStringTranslation public function Sets the string translation service to use. 2
StringTranslationTrait::t protected function Translates a string to the current language or to a given language.