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public function LocaleConfigTranslationImportTest::testConfigTranslationImport in Drupal 10

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/modules/locale/tests/src/Functional/LocaleConfigTranslationImportTest.php \Drupal\Tests\locale\Functional\LocaleConfigTranslationImportTest::testConfigTranslationImport()
  2. 9 core/modules/locale/tests/src/Functional/LocaleConfigTranslationImportTest.php \Drupal\Tests\locale\Functional\LocaleConfigTranslationImportTest::testConfigTranslationImport()

Tests update changes configuration translations if enabled after language.


core/modules/locale/tests/src/Functional/LocaleConfigTranslationImportTest.php, line 38


Tests translation update's effects on configuration translations.




public function testConfigTranslationImport() {
  $admin_user = $this
    'administer modules',
    'administer site configuration',
    'administer languages',
    'access administration pages',
    'administer permissions',

  // Add a language. The Afrikaans translation file of locale_test_translate
  // ( has been prepared with a configuration translation.

  // Enable locale module.

  // Enable import of translations. By default this is disabled for automated
  // tests.
    ->set('translation.import_enabled', TRUE)
    ->set('translation.use_source', LOCALE_TRANSLATION_USE_SOURCE_LOCAL)

  // Add translation permissions now that the locale module has been enabled.
  $edit = [
    'authenticated[translate interface]' => 'translate interface',
    ->submitForm($edit, 'Save permissions');

  // Check and update the translation status. This will import the Afrikaans
  // translations of locale_test_translate module.

  // Override the Drupal core translation status to be up to date.
  // Drupal core should not be a subject in this test.
  $status = locale_translation_get_status();
  $status['drupal']['af']->type = 'current';
    ->set('locale.translation_status', $status);
    ->submitForm([], 'Update translations');

  // Check if configuration translations have been imported.
  $override = \Drupal::languageManager()
    ->getLanguageConfigOverride('af', 'system.maintenance');

  // cSpell:disable-next-line
    ->assertEquals('Ons is tans besig met onderhoud op @site. Wees asseblief geduldig, ons sal binnekort weer terug wees.', $override

  // Ensure that \Drupal\locale\LocaleConfigSubscriber::onConfigSave() works
  // as expected during a configuration install that installs locale.

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Config\FileStorage $sync */
  $sync = $this->container
    ->get(''), $sync);

  // Add our own translation to the config that will be imported.
  $af_sync = $sync
  $data = $af_sync
  $data['message'] = 'Test af message';
    ->write('system.maintenance', $data);

  // Uninstall locale module.
  $status = locale_translation_get_status();
  $status['drupal']['af']->type = 'current';
    ->set('locale.translation_status', $status);
    ->submitForm([], 'Update translations');

  // Check if configuration translations have been imported.
  $override = \Drupal::languageManager()
    ->getLanguageConfigOverride('af', 'system.maintenance');
    ->assertEquals('Test af message', $override