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public function LanguageSwitchingTest::testLanguageBodyClass in Drupal 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 9 core/modules/language/tests/src/Functional/LanguageSwitchingTest.php \Drupal\Tests\language\Functional\LanguageSwitchingTest::testLanguageBodyClass()

Check the path-admin class, as same as on default language.


core/modules/language/tests/src/Functional/LanguageSwitchingTest.php, line 263


Functional tests for the language switching feature.




public function testLanguageBodyClass() {
  $searched_class = 'path-admin';

  // Add language.
  $edit = [
    'predefined_langcode' => 'fr',
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/regional/language/add', $edit, t('Add language'));

  // Enable URL language detection and selection.
  $edit = [
    'language_interface[enabled][language-url]' => '1',
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/regional/language/detection', $edit, t('Save settings'));

  // Check if the default (English) admin/config page has the right class.
  $class = $this
    ->xpath('//body[contains(@class, :class)]', [
    ':class' => $searched_class,
    ->assertTrue(isset($class[0]), t('The path-admin class appears on default language.'));

  // Check if the French admin/config page has the right class.
  $class = $this
    ->xpath('//body[contains(@class, :class)]', [
    ':class' => $searched_class,
    ->assertTrue(isset($class[0]), t('The path-admin class same as on default language.'));

  // The testing profile sets the user/login page as the frontpage. That
  // redirects authenticated users to their profile page, so check with an
  // anonymous user instead.

  // Check if the default (English) frontpage has the right class.
  $class = $this
    ->xpath('//body[contains(@class, :class)]', [
    ':class' => 'path-frontpage',
    ->assertTrue(isset($class[0]), 'path-frontpage class found on the body tag');

  // Check if the French frontpage has the right class.
  $class = $this
    ->xpath('//body[contains(@class, :class)]', [
    ':class' => 'path-frontpage',
    ->assertTrue(isset($class[0]), 'path-frontpage class found on the body tag with french as the active language');