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protected static function Relationship::buildLinkCollectionFromEntityReferenceField in Drupal 10

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/modules/jsonapi/src/JsonApiResource/Relationship.php \Drupal\jsonapi\JsonApiResource\Relationship::buildLinkCollectionFromEntityReferenceField()
  2. 9 core/modules/jsonapi/src/JsonApiResource/Relationship.php \Drupal\jsonapi\JsonApiResource\Relationship::buildLinkCollectionFromEntityReferenceField()

Builds a LinkCollection for the given entity reference field.


\Drupal\jsonapi\JsonApiResource\ResourceObject $context: The context resource object of the relationship object.

\Drupal\Core\Field\EntityReferenceFieldItemListInterface $field: The entity reference field from which to create the links.

\Drupal\jsonapi\JsonApiResource\LinkCollection $links: Any extra links for the Relationship, if a `self` link is not provided, one will be automatically added if the context resource is locatable and is not internal.

Return value

\Drupal\jsonapi\JsonApiResource\LinkCollection The built links.


core/modules/jsonapi/src/JsonApiResource/Relationship.php, line 228


Represents references from one resource object to other resource object(s).




protected static function buildLinkCollectionFromEntityReferenceField(ResourceObject $context, EntityReferenceFieldItemListInterface $field, LinkCollection $links) {
  $context_resource_type = $context
  $public_field_name = $context_resource_type
  if ($context_resource_type
    ->isLocatable() && !$context_resource_type
    ->isInternal()) {
    $context_is_versionable = $context_resource_type
    if (!$links
      ->hasLinkWithKey('self')) {
      $route_name = Routes::getRouteName($context_resource_type, "{$public_field_name}.relationship.get");
      $self_link = Url::fromRoute($route_name, [
        'entity' => $context
      if ($context_is_versionable) {
          ->setOption('query', [
          JsonApiSpec::VERSION_QUERY_PARAMETER => $context
      $links = $links
        ->withLink('self', new Link(new CacheableMetadata(), $self_link, 'self'));
    $has_non_internal_resource_type = array_reduce($context_resource_type
      ->getRelatableResourceTypesByField($public_field_name), function ($carry, ResourceType $target) {
      return $carry ?: !$target
    }, FALSE);

    // If a `related` link was not provided, automatically generate one from
    // the relationship object to the collection resource with all of the
    // resources targeted by this relationship. However, that link should
    // *not* be generated if all of the relatable resources are internal.
    // That's because, in that case, a route will not exist for it.
    if (!$links
      ->hasLinkWithKey('related') && $has_non_internal_resource_type) {
      $route_name = Routes::getRouteName($context_resource_type, "{$public_field_name}.related");
      $related_link = Url::fromRoute($route_name, [
        'entity' => $context
      if ($context_is_versionable) {
          ->setOption('query', [
          JsonApiSpec::VERSION_QUERY_PARAMETER => $context
      $links = $links
        ->withLink('related', new Link(new CacheableMetadata(), $related_link, 'related'));
  return $links;