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protected function ResourceResponseSubscriber::renderResponseBody in Drupal 8

Same name in this branch
  1. 8 core/modules/jsonapi/src/EventSubscriber/ResourceResponseSubscriber.php \Drupal\jsonapi\EventSubscriber\ResourceResponseSubscriber::renderResponseBody()
  2. 8 core/modules/rest/src/EventSubscriber/ResourceResponseSubscriber.php \Drupal\rest\EventSubscriber\ResourceResponseSubscriber::renderResponseBody()
Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 9 core/modules/jsonapi/src/EventSubscriber/ResourceResponseSubscriber.php \Drupal\jsonapi\EventSubscriber\ResourceResponseSubscriber::renderResponseBody()

Renders a resource response body.

Serialization can invoke rendering (e.g., generating URLs), but the serialization API does not provide a mechanism to collect the bubbleable metadata associated with that (e.g., language and other contexts), so instead, allow those to "leak" and collect them here in a render context.

@todo Add test coverage for language negotiation contexts in


\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request: The request object.

\Drupal\jsonapi\ResourceResponse $response: The response from the JSON:API resource.

\Symfony\Component\Serializer\SerializerInterface $serializer: The serializer to use.

string|null $format: The response format, or NULL in case the response does not need a format, for example for the response to a DELETE request.

1 call to ResourceResponseSubscriber::renderResponseBody()
ResourceResponseSubscriber::onResponse in core/modules/jsonapi/src/EventSubscriber/ResourceResponseSubscriber.php
Serializes ResourceResponse responses' data, and removes that data.


core/modules/jsonapi/src/EventSubscriber/ResourceResponseSubscriber.php, line 111


Response subscriber that serializes and removes ResourceResponses' data.




protected function renderResponseBody(Request $request, ResourceResponse $response, SerializerInterface $serializer, $format) {
  $data = $response

  // If there is data to send, serialize and set it as the response body.
  if ($data !== NULL) {

    // First normalize the data. Note that error responses do not need a
    // normalization context, since there are no entities to normalize.
    // @see \Drupal\jsonapi\EventSubscriber\DefaultExceptionSubscriber::isJsonApiExceptionEvent()
    $context = !$response
      ->isSuccessful() ? [] : static::generateContext($request);
    $jsonapi_doc_object = $serializer
      ->normalize($data, $format, $context);

    // Having just normalized the data, we can associate its cacheability with
    // the response object.
    assert($jsonapi_doc_object instanceof CacheableNormalization);

    // Finally, encode the normalized data (JSON:API's encoder rasterizes it
    // automatically).
      ->getNormalization(), $format));
      ->set('Content-Type', $request