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public static function FieldResolver::resolveInternalIncludePath in Drupal 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 9 core/modules/jsonapi/src/Context/FieldResolver.php \Drupal\jsonapi\Context\FieldResolver::resolveInternalIncludePath()

Validates and resolves an include path into its internal possibilities.

Each resource type may define its own external names for its internal field names. As a result, a single external include path may target multiple internal paths.

This can happen when an entity reference field has different allowed entity types *per bundle* (as is possible with comment entities) or when different resource types share an external field name but resolve to different internal fields names.

Example 1: An installation may have three comment types for three different entity types, two of which have a file field and one of which does not. In that case, a path like

field_comments . entity_id . media;

might be resolved to both

field_comments . entity_id . field_audio;


field_comments . entity_id . field_image;


Example 2: A path of

field_author_profile . account;

might resolve to

field_author_profile . uid;


field_author_profile . field_user;



can relate to two different JSON:API resource types (like `node--profile` and `node--migrated_profile`) which have the external field name


aliased to different internal field names.


\Drupal\jsonapi\ResourceType\ResourceType $resource_type: The resource type for which the path should be validated.

string[] $path_parts: The include path as an array of strings. For example, the include query parameter string of

field_tags . uid;

should be given as



int $depth: (internal) Used to track recursion depth in order to generate better exception messages.

Return value

string[] The resolved internal include paths.


\Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\BadRequestHttpException Thrown if the path contains invalid specifiers.

1 call to FieldResolver::resolveInternalIncludePath()
IncludeResolver::resolveInternalIncludePaths in core/modules/jsonapi/src/IncludeResolver.php
Resolves an array of public field paths.


core/modules/jsonapi/src/Context/FieldResolver.php, line 176


A service that evaluates external path expressions against Drupal fields.




public static function resolveInternalIncludePath(ResourceType $resource_type, array $path_parts, $depth = 0) {
  $cacheability = (new CacheableMetadata())
  if (empty($path_parts[0])) {
    throw new CacheableBadRequestHttpException($cacheability, 'Empty include path.');
  $public_field_name = $path_parts[0];
  $internal_field_name = $resource_type
  $relatable_resource_types = $resource_type
  if (empty($relatable_resource_types)) {
    $message = "`{$public_field_name}` is not a valid relationship field name.";
    if (!empty($possible = implode(', ', array_keys($resource_type
      ->getRelatableResourceTypes())))) {
      $message .= " Possible values: {$possible}.";
    throw new CacheableBadRequestHttpException($cacheability, $message);
  $remaining_parts = array_slice($path_parts, 1);
  if (empty($remaining_parts)) {
    return [
  $exceptions = [];
  $resolved = [];
  foreach ($relatable_resource_types as $relatable_resource_type) {
    try {

      // Each resource type may resolve the path differently and may return
      // multiple possible resolutions.
      $resolved = array_merge($resolved, static::resolveInternalIncludePath($relatable_resource_type, $remaining_parts, $depth + 1));
    } catch (CacheableBadRequestHttpException $e) {
      $exceptions[] = $e;
  if (!empty($exceptions) && count($exceptions) === count($relatable_resource_types)) {
    $previous_messages = implode(' ', array_unique(array_map(function (CacheableBadRequestHttpException $e) {
      return $e
    }, $exceptions)));

    // Only add the full include path on the first level of recursion so that
    // the invalid path phrase isn't repeated at every level.
    throw new CacheableBadRequestHttpException($cacheability, $depth === 0 ? sprintf("`%s` is not a valid include path. {$previous_messages}", implode('.', $path_parts)) : $previous_messages);

  // Remove duplicates by converting to strings and then using array_unique().
  $resolved_as_strings = array_map(function ($possibility) {
    return implode('.', $possibility);
  }, $resolved);
  $resolved_as_strings = array_unique($resolved_as_strings);

  // The resolved internal paths do not include the current field name because
  // resolution happens in a recursive process. Convert back from strings.
  return array_map(function ($possibility) use ($internal_field_name) {
    return array_merge([
    ], explode('.', $possibility));
  }, $resolved_as_strings);