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MigrateFieldTest.php in Drupal 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\field\Kernel\Migrate\d7;

use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldStorageConfig;
use Drupal\field\FieldStorageConfigInterface;
use Drupal\Tests\migrate_drupal\Kernel\d7\MigrateDrupal7TestBase;

 * Migrates Drupal 7 fields.
 * @group field
class MigrateFieldTest extends MigrateDrupal7TestBase {

   * The modules to be enabled during the test.
   * @var array
  public static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {

   * Asserts various aspects of a field_storage_config entity.
   * @param string $id
   *   The entity ID in the form ENTITY_TYPE.FIELD_NAME.
   * @param string $expected_type
   *   The expected field type.
   * @param bool $expected_translatable
   *   Whether or not the field is expected to be translatable.
   * @param int $expected_cardinality
   *   The expected cardinality of the field.
  protected function assertEntity($id, $expected_type, $expected_translatable, $expected_cardinality) {
    list($expected_entity_type, $expected_name) = explode('.', $id);

    /** @var \Drupal\field\FieldStorageConfigInterface $field */
    $field = FieldStorageConfig::load($id);
      ->assertInstanceOf(FieldStorageConfigInterface::class, $field);
      ->assertEquals($expected_name, $field
      ->assertEquals($expected_type, $field
      ->assertEquals($expected_translatable, $field
      ->assertEquals($expected_entity_type, $field
    if ($expected_cardinality === 1) {
    else {
      ->assertEquals($expected_cardinality, $field

   * Tests migrating D7 fields to field_storage_config entities.
  public function testFields() {
      ->assertEntity('node.body', 'text_with_summary', TRUE, 1);
      ->assertEntity('node.field_long_text', 'text_with_summary', TRUE, 1);
      ->assertEntity('comment.comment_body', 'text_long', TRUE, 1);
      ->assertEntity('node.field_file', 'file', TRUE, 1);
      ->assertEntity('user.field_file', 'file', TRUE, 1);
      ->assertEntity('node.field_float', 'float', TRUE, 1);
      ->assertEntity('node.field_image', 'image', TRUE, 1);
      ->assertEntity('node.field_images', 'image', TRUE, 1);
      ->assertEntity('node.field_integer', 'integer', TRUE, 1);
      ->assertEntity('comment.field_integer', 'integer', TRUE, 1);
      ->assertEntity('node.field_integer_list', 'list_integer', TRUE, 1);
      ->assertEntity('node.field_link', 'link', TRUE, 1);
      ->assertEntity('node.field_tags', 'entity_reference', TRUE, -1);
      ->assertEntity('node.field_term_reference', 'entity_reference', TRUE, 1);
      ->assertEntity('node.taxonomy_forums', 'entity_reference', TRUE, 1);
      ->assertEntity('node.field_text', 'string', TRUE, 1);
      ->assertEntity('node.field_text_list', 'list_string', TRUE, 3);
      ->assertEntity('node.field_float_list', 'list_float', TRUE, 1);
      ->assertEntity('node.field_boolean', 'boolean', TRUE, 1);
      ->assertEntity('node.field_email', 'email', TRUE, -1);
      ->assertEntity('node.field_phone', 'telephone', TRUE, 1);
      ->assertEntity('node.field_date', 'datetime', TRUE, 1);
      ->assertEntity('node.field_date_with_end_time', 'timestamp', TRUE, 1);
      ->assertEntity('node.field_node_entityreference', 'entity_reference', TRUE, -1);
      ->assertEntity('node.field_user_entityreference', 'entity_reference', TRUE, 1);
      ->assertEntity('node.field_term_entityreference', 'entity_reference', TRUE, -1);
      ->assertEntity('node.field_date_without_time', 'datetime', TRUE, 1);
      ->assertEntity('node.field_datetime_without_time', 'datetime', TRUE, 1);

    // Tests that fields created by the Title module are not migrated.
    $title_field = FieldStorageConfig::load('node.title_field');
    $subject_field = FieldStorageConfig::load('comment.subject_field');
    $name_field = FieldStorageConfig::load('taxonomy_term.name_field');
    $description_field = FieldStorageConfig::load('taxonomy_term.description_field');

    // Assert that the taxonomy term reference fields are referencing the
    // correct entity type.
    $field = FieldStorageConfig::load('node.field_term_reference');
      ->assertEquals('taxonomy_term', $field
    $field = FieldStorageConfig::load('node.taxonomy_forums');
      ->assertEquals('taxonomy_term', $field

    // Assert that the entityreference fields are referencing the correct
    // entity type.
    $field = FieldStorageConfig::load('node.field_node_entityreference');
      ->assertEquals('node', $field
    $field = FieldStorageConfig::load('node.field_user_entityreference');
      ->assertEquals('user', $field
    $field = FieldStorageConfig::load('node.field_term_entityreference');
      ->assertEquals('taxonomy_term', $field

    // Make sure that datetime fields get the right datetime_type setting
    $field = FieldStorageConfig::load('node.field_date');
      ->assertEquals('datetime', $field
    $field = FieldStorageConfig::load('node.field_date_without_time');
      ->assertEquals('date', $field
    $field = FieldStorageConfig::load('node.field_datetime_without_time');
      ->assertEquals('date', $field

    // Except for field_date_with_end_time which is a timestamp and so does not
    // have a datetime_type setting.
    $field = FieldStorageConfig::load('node.field_date_with_end_time');

    // Test the migration of text fields with different text processing.
    // All text and text_long field bases that have only plain text instances
    // should be migrated to string and string_long fields.
    // All text_with_summary field bases that have only plain text instances
    // should not have been migrated since there's no such thing as a
    // string_with_summary field.
      ->assertEntity('node.field_text_plain', 'string', TRUE, 1);
      ->assertEntity('node.field_text_long_plain', 'string_long', TRUE, 1);

    // All text, text_long and text_with_summary field bases that have only
    // filtered text instances should be migrated to text, text_long and
    // text_with_summary fields.
      ->assertEntity('node.field_text_filtered', 'text', TRUE, 1);
      ->assertEntity('node.field_text_long_filtered', 'text_long', TRUE, 1);
      ->assertEntity('node.field_text_sum_filtered', 'text_with_summary', TRUE, 1);

    // All text, text_long and text_with_summary field bases that have both
    // plain text and filtered text instances should not have been migrated.

    // For each text field bases that were skipped, there should be a log
    // message with the required steps to fix this.
    $migration = $this
    $errors = array_map(function ($message) {
      return $message->message;
    }, iterator_to_array($migration
      ->assertCount(4, $errors);
      ->assertEquals($errors[0], 'Can\'t migrate source field field_text_long_plain_filtered configured with both plain text and filtered text processing. See');
      ->assertEquals($errors[1], 'Can\'t migrate source field field_text_plain_filtered configured with both plain text and filtered text processing. See');
      ->assertEquals($errors[2], 'Can\'t migrate source field field_text_sum_plain of type text_with_summary configured with plain text processing. See');
      ->assertEquals($errors[3], 'Can\'t migrate source field field_text_sum_plain_filtered of type text_with_summary configured with plain text processing. See');



Namesort descending Description
MigrateFieldTest Migrates Drupal 7 fields.