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function field_config_import_steps_alter in Drupal 9

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/modules/field/field.module \field_config_import_steps_alter()

Implements hook_config_import_steps_alter().


core/modules/field/field.module, line 294
Attach custom data fields to Drupal entities.


function field_config_import_steps_alter(&$sync_steps, ConfigImporter $config_importer) {
  $field_storages = ConfigImporterFieldPurger::getFieldStoragesToPurge($config_importer
    ->read('core.extension'), $config_importer
  if ($field_storages) {

    // Add a step to the beginning of the configuration synchronization process
    // to purge field data where the module that provides the field is being
    // uninstalled.
    array_unshift($sync_steps, [