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function field_update_8003 in Drupal 8

Populate the new 'auto_create_bundle' setting for entity reference fields.


core/modules/field/field.install, line 77
Install, update and uninstall functions for the field module.


function field_update_8003() {
  $config = \Drupal::configFactory();

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldTypePluginManager $field_type_manager */
  $field_type_manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.field.field_type');

  // Iterate over all fields.
  foreach ($config
    ->listAll('field.field.') as $field_id) {
    $field = $config
    $class = $field_type_manager

    // Deal only with entity reference fields and descendants.
    if ($class == EntityReferenceItem::class || is_subclass_of($class, EntityReferenceItem::class)) {
      $handler_settings = $field
      if (is_array($handler_settings) && !empty($handler_settings['auto_create'])) {

        // If the field can reference multiple bundles, pick the first one
        // available in order to replicate the previous behavior.
        if (is_array($handler_settings['target_bundles']) && count($handler_settings['target_bundles']) > 1) {
          $handler_settings['auto_create_bundle'] = reset($handler_settings['target_bundles']);
        elseif (!$handler_settings['target_bundles']) {
          $handler_settings['auto_create'] = FALSE;
          $handler_settings['auto_create_bundle'] = NULL;
        ->set('settings.handler_settings', $handler_settings)