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function content_moderation_requirements in Drupal 8

Implements hook_requirements().


core/modules/content_moderation/content_moderation.install, line 14
Install, update and uninstall functions for the Content Moderation module.


function content_moderation_requirements($phase) {
  $requirements = [];
  if ($phase === 'runtime') {
    $moduleHandler = \Drupal::moduleHandler();
    $config = \Drupal::configFactory();
    $legacy_views = [];
    foreach ($config
      ->listAll('views.view.') as $view_id) {
      $view = $config
      foreach ($view
        ->get('display') as $display) {
        if (!empty($display['display_options']['relationships']['moderation_state'])) {
          if ($moduleHandler
            ->moduleExists('views_ui')) {
            $view_name = Link::createFromRoute($view
              ->get('label'), 'entity.view.edit_form', [
              'view' => $view
          else {
            $view_name = $view
          $legacy_views[] = $view_name;
    if (!empty($legacy_views)) {
      $requirements['deprecated_views_relationship'] = [
        'title' => t('Content Moderation State views relationship'),
        'description' => t('This installation contains one or more views which is using a relationship to the Content Moderation State entity. This relationship is deprecated and will be removed before 9.0.0. See <a target="_blank" href=":change_record">this change record</a> for information on removing this relationship or alternative solutions. Views that contain this relationship are: @views', [
          ':change_record' => '',
          '@views' => new FormattableMarkup(implode(', ', $legacy_views), []),
        'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
  return $requirements;