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public function CKEditor5PluginManager::findPluginSupportingElement in Drupal 10

Searches for CKEditor 5 plugin that supports a given tag.


string $tag: The HTML tag to be searched for within plugin definitions.

Return value

string|null The ID of the plugin that supports the given tag.

Overrides CKEditor5PluginManagerInterface::findPluginSupportingElement


core/modules/ckeditor5/src/Plugin/CKEditor5PluginManager.php, line 200


Provides a CKEditor5 plugin manager.




public function findPluginSupportingElement(string $tag) : ?string {

  // This will contain the element config for a plugin found to support $tag,
  // so it can be compared to additional plugins that support $tag so the
  // plugin with the most permissive config can be the id returned.
  $selected_provided_elements = [];
  $plugin_id = NULL;
  foreach ($this
    ->getDefinitions() as $id => $definition) {
    $provided_elements = $this

    // Multiple plugins may support the $tag being searched for.
    if (array_key_exists($tag, $provided_elements)) {

      // Skip plugins with conditions as those plugins can't be guaranteed to
      // provide a given tag without additional criteria being met. In the
      // future we could possibly add support for automatically enabling
      // filters or other similar requirements a plugin might need in order to
      // be enabled and provide the tag it supports. For now, we assume such
      // configuration cannot be modified programmatically.
      if ($definition
        ->hasConditions()) {

      // True if a plugin has already been selected. If another plugin
      // supports $tag, it will be compared against this one. Whichever
      // provides broader support for $tag will be the plugin id returned by
      // this method.
      $selected_plugin = isset($selected_provided_elements[$tag]);
      $selected_config = $selected_provided_elements[$tag] ?? FALSE;

      // True if a plugin supporting $tag has been selected but does not allow
      // any attributes while the plugin currently being checked does support
      // attributes.
      $adds_attribute_config = is_array($provided_elements[$tag]) && $selected_plugin && !is_array($selected_config);
      $broader_attribute_config = FALSE;

      // If the selected plugin and the plugin being checked both have arrays
      // for $tag configuration, they both have attribute configuration. Check
      // which attribute configuration is more permissive.
      if ($selected_plugin && is_array($selected_config) && is_array($provided_elements[$tag])) {
        $selected_plugin_full_attributes = array_filter($selected_config, function ($attribute_config) {
          return !is_array($attribute_config);
        $being_checked_plugin_full_attributes = array_filter($provided_elements[$tag], function ($attribute_config) {
          return !is_array($attribute_config);
        if (count($being_checked_plugin_full_attributes) > count($selected_plugin_full_attributes)) {
          $broader_attribute_config = TRUE;
      if (empty($selected_provided_elements) || $broader_attribute_config || $adds_attribute_config) {
        $selected_provided_elements = $provided_elements;
        $plugin_id = $id;
  return $plugin_id;