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BigPipeTest.php in Drupal 10


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namespace Drupal\Tests\big_pipe\Functional;

use Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement;
use Drupal\big_pipe\Render\Placeholder\BigPipeStrategy;
use Drupal\big_pipe\Render\BigPipe;
use Drupal\big_pipe_test\BigPipePlaceholderTestCases;
use Drupal\Component\Serialization\Json;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper;
use Drupal\Core\Database\Database;
use Drupal\Core\Logger\RfcLogLevel;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase;

 * Tests BigPipe's no-JS detection & response delivery (with and without JS).
 * Covers:
 * - big_pipe_page_attachments()
 * - \Drupal\big_pipe\Controller\BigPipeController
 * - \Drupal\big_pipe\EventSubscriber\HtmlResponseBigPipeSubscriber
 * - \Drupal\big_pipe\Render\BigPipe
 * @group big_pipe
class BigPipeTest extends BrowserTestBase {

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  protected static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected $defaultTheme = 'stark';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() : void {

    // Ignore the <meta> refresh that big_pipe.module sets. It causes a redirect
    // to a page that sets another cookie, which causes BrowserTestBase to lose
    // the session cookie. To avoid this problem, tests should first call
    // drupalGet() and then call checkForMetaRefresh() manually, and then reset
    // $this->maximumMetaRefreshCount and $this->metaRefreshCount.
    // @see doMetaRefresh()
    $this->maximumMetaRefreshCount = 0;

   * Performs a single <meta> refresh explicitly.
   * This test disables the automatic <meta> refresh checking, each time it is
   * desired that this runs, a test case must explicitly call this.
   * @see setUp()
  protected function performMetaRefresh() {
    $this->maximumMetaRefreshCount = 1;
    $this->maximumMetaRefreshCount = 0;
    $this->metaRefreshCount = 0;

   * Tests BigPipe's no-JS detection.
   * Covers:
   * - big_pipe_page_attachments()
   * - \Drupal\big_pipe\Controller\BigPipeController
  public function testNoJsDetection() {
    $no_js_to_js_markup = '<script>document.cookie = "' . BigPipeStrategy::NOJS_COOKIE . '=1; path=/; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"</script>';

    // 1. No session (anonymous).
      ->responseNotContains('<noscript><meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; URL=');

    // 2. Session (authenticated).
      ->responseContains('<noscript><meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; URL=' . base_path() . 'big_pipe/no-js?destination=' . UrlHelper::encodePath(base_path() . 'user/1?check_logged_in=1') . '" />' . "\n" . '</noscript>');
      ->responseNotContains('<noscript><meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; URL=');

    // Close the prior connection and remove the collected state.

    // 3. Session (anonymous).
      ->drupalGet(Url::fromRoute('user.login', [], [
      'query' => [
        'trigger_session' => 1,
      ->responseContains('<noscript><meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; URL=' . base_path() . 'big_pipe/no-js?destination=' . base_path() . 'user/login" />' . "\n" . '</noscript>');
      ->responseNotContains('<noscript><meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; URL=');

    // Close the prior connection and remove the collected state.

    // Edge case: route with '_no_big_pipe' option.
      ->responseNotContains('<noscript><meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; URL=');
      ->responseNotContains('<noscript><meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; URL=');

   * Tests BigPipe-delivered HTML responses when JavaScript is enabled.
   * Covers:
   * - \Drupal\big_pipe\EventSubscriber\HtmlResponseBigPipeSubscriber
   * - \Drupal\big_pipe\Render\BigPipe
   * - \Drupal\big_pipe\Render\BigPipe::sendPlaceholders()
   * @see \Drupal\big_pipe_test\BigPipePlaceholderTestCases
  public function testBigPipe() {

    // Simulate production.
      ->set('error_level', ERROR_REPORTING_HIDE)
    $connection = Database::getConnection();
    $log_count = $connection

    // By not calling performMetaRefresh() here, we simulate JavaScript being
    // enabled, because as far as the BigPipe module is concerned, JavaScript is
    // enabled in the browser as long as the BigPipe no-JS cookie is *not* set.
    // @see setUp()
    // @see performMetaRefresh()
      ->responseHeaderNotContains('X-Drupal-Cache-Tags', 'cache_tag_set_in_lazy_builder');
    $cases = $this
      $cases['edge_case__invalid_html']->bigPipeNoJsPlaceholder => $cases['edge_case__invalid_html']->embeddedHtmlResponse,
      $cases['html_attribute_value']->bigPipeNoJsPlaceholder => $cases['html_attribute_value']->embeddedHtmlResponse,
      $cases['html_attribute_value_subset']->bigPipeNoJsPlaceholder => $cases['html_attribute_value_subset']->embeddedHtmlResponse,
      $cases['html']->bigPipePlaceholderId => Json::encode($cases['html']->embeddedAjaxResponseCommands),
      $cases['edge_case__html_non_lazy_builder']->bigPipePlaceholderId => Json::encode($cases['edge_case__html_non_lazy_builder']->embeddedAjaxResponseCommands),
      $cases['exception__lazy_builder']->bigPipePlaceholderId => NULL,
      $cases['exception__embedded_response']->bigPipePlaceholderId => NULL,
    ], [
      0 => $cases['edge_case__html_non_lazy_builder']->bigPipePlaceholderId,
      // The 'html' case contains the 'status messages' placeholder, which is
      // always rendered last.
      1 => $cases['html']->bigPipePlaceholderId,

    // Verifying BigPipe assets are present.
      ->assertContains('big_pipe/big_pipe', explode(',', $this
      ->getDrupalSettings()['ajaxPageState']['libraries']), 'BigPipe asset library is present.');

    // Verify that the two expected exceptions are logged as errors.
      ->assertEquals($log_count + 2, (int) $connection
      ->fetchField(), 'Two new watchdog entries.');

    // Using dynamic select queries with the method range() allows contrib
    // database drivers the ability to insert their own limit and offset
    // functionality.
    $records = $connection
      ->select('watchdog', 'w')
      ->orderBy('wid', 'DESC')
      ->range(0, 2)
      ->assertEquals(RfcLogLevel::ERROR, $records[0]->severity);
      ->assertStringContainsString('Oh noes!', (string) unserialize($records[0]->variables)['@message']);
      ->assertEquals(RfcLogLevel::ERROR, $records[1]->severity);
      ->assertStringContainsString('You are not allowed to say llamas are not cool!', (string) unserialize($records[1]->variables)['@message']);

    // Verify that 4xx responses work fine. (4xx responses are handled by
    // subrequests to a route pointing to a controller with the desired output.)

    // Simulate development.
    // Verifying BigPipe provides useful error output when an error occurs
    // while rendering a placeholder if verbose error logging is enabled.
      ->set('error_level', ERROR_REPORTING_DISPLAY_VERBOSE)

    // The 'edge_case__html_exception' case throws an exception.
      ->pageTextContains('The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later');
      ->pageTextContains('You are not allowed to say llamas are not cool!');

    // Check that stop signal and closing body tag are absent.

    // The exception is expected. Do not interpret it as a test failure.
    unlink($this->root . '/' . $this->siteDirectory . '/error.log');

   * Tests BigPipe-delivered HTML responses when JavaScript is disabled.
   * Covers:
   * - \Drupal\big_pipe\EventSubscriber\HtmlResponseBigPipeSubscriber
   * - \Drupal\big_pipe\Render\BigPipe
   * - \Drupal\big_pipe\Render\BigPipe::sendNoJsPlaceholders()
   * @see \Drupal\big_pipe_test\BigPipePlaceholderTestCases
  public function testBigPipeNoJs() {

    // Simulate production.
      ->set('error_level', ERROR_REPORTING_HIDE)

    // By calling performMetaRefresh() here, we simulate JavaScript being
    // disabled, because as far as the BigPipe module is concerned, it is
    // enabled in the browser when the BigPipe no-JS cookie is set.
    // @see setUp()
    // @see performMetaRefresh()
      ->responseHeaderNotContains('X-Drupal-Cache-Tags', 'cache_tag_set_in_lazy_builder');
    $cases = $this
      $cases['edge_case__invalid_html']->bigPipeNoJsPlaceholder => $cases['edge_case__invalid_html']->embeddedHtmlResponse,
      $cases['html_attribute_value']->bigPipeNoJsPlaceholder => $cases['html_attribute_value']->embeddedHtmlResponse,
      $cases['html_attribute_value_subset']->bigPipeNoJsPlaceholder => $cases['html_attribute_value_subset']->embeddedHtmlResponse,
      $cases['html']->bigPipeNoJsPlaceholder => $cases['html']->embeddedHtmlResponse,
      $cases['edge_case__html_non_lazy_builder']->bigPipeNoJsPlaceholder => $cases['edge_case__html_non_lazy_builder']->embeddedHtmlResponse,
      $cases['exception__lazy_builder']->bigPipePlaceholderId => NULL,
      $cases['exception__embedded_response']->bigPipePlaceholderId => NULL,

    // Verifying there are no BigPipe placeholders & replacements.
      ->responseHeaderEquals('BigPipe-Test-Placeholders', '<none>');

    // Verifying BigPipe start/stop signals are absent.

    // Verifying BigPipe assets are absent.
      ->assertArrayNotHasKey('bigPipePlaceholderIds', $this
      ->assertArrayNotHasKey('ajaxPageState', $this

    // Verify that 4xx responses work fine. (4xx responses are handled by
    // subrequests to a route pointing to a controller with the desired output.)

    // Simulate development.
    // Verifying BigPipe provides useful error output when an error occurs
    // while rendering a placeholder if verbose error logging is enabled.
      ->set('error_level', ERROR_REPORTING_DISPLAY_VERBOSE)

    // The 'edge_case__html_exception' case throws an exception.
      ->pageTextContains('The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later');
      ->pageTextContains('You are not allowed to say llamas are not cool!');

    // The exception is expected. Do not interpret it as a test failure.
    unlink($this->root . '/' . $this->siteDirectory . '/error.log');

   * Tests BigPipe with a multi-occurrence placeholder.
  public function testBigPipeMultiOccurrencePlaceholders() {

    // By not calling performMetaRefresh() here, we simulate JavaScript being
    // enabled, because as far as the BigPipe module is concerned, JavaScript is
    // enabled in the browser as long as the BigPipe no-JS cookie is *not* set.
    // @see setUp()
    // @see performMetaRefresh()
    $big_pipe_placeholder_id = 'callback=Drupal%5CCore%5CRender%5CElement%5CStatusMessages%3A%3ArenderMessages&amp;args%5B0%5D&amp;token=_HAdUpwWmet0TOTe2PSiJuMntExoshbm1kh2wQzzzAA';
    $expected_placeholder_replacement = '<script type="application/vnd.drupal-ajax" data-big-pipe-replacement-for-placeholder-with-id="' . $big_pipe_placeholder_id . '">';
      ->pageTextContains('The count is 1.');
      ->responseNotContains('The count is 2.');
      ->responseNotContains('The count is 3.');
    $raw_content = $this
      ->assertSame(1, substr_count($raw_content, $expected_placeholder_replacement), 'Only one placeholder replacement was found for the duplicate #lazy_builder arrays.');

    // By calling performMetaRefresh() here, we simulate JavaScript being
    // disabled, because as far as the BigPipe module is concerned, it is
    // enabled in the browser when the BigPipe no-JS cookie is set.
    // @see setUp()
    // @see performMetaRefresh()
      ->pageTextContains('The count is 1.');
      ->responseNotContains('The count is 2.');
      ->responseNotContains('The count is 3.');

   * @internal
  protected function assertBigPipeResponseHeadersPresent() : void {

    // Check that Cache-Control header set to "private".
      ->responseHeaderContains('Cache-Control', 'private');
      ->responseHeaderEquals('Surrogate-Control', 'no-store, content="BigPipe/1.0"');
      ->responseHeaderEquals('X-Accel-Buffering', 'no');

   * Asserts expected BigPipe no-JS placeholders are present and replaced.
   * @param array $expected_big_pipe_nojs_placeholders
   *   Keys: BigPipe no-JS placeholder markup. Values: expected replacement
   *   markup.
   * @internal
  protected function assertBigPipeNoJsPlaceholders(array $expected_big_pipe_nojs_placeholders) : void {
      ->assertSetsEqual(array_keys($expected_big_pipe_nojs_placeholders), array_map('rawurldecode', explode(' ', $this
    foreach ($expected_big_pipe_nojs_placeholders as $big_pipe_nojs_placeholder => $expected_replacement) {

      // Checking whether the replacement for the BigPipe no-JS placeholder
      // $big_pipe_nojs_placeholder is present.
      if ($expected_replacement !== NULL) {

   * Asserts expected BigPipe placeholders are present and replaced.
   * @param array $expected_big_pipe_placeholders
   *   Keys: BigPipe placeholder IDs. Values: expected AJAX response.
   * @param array $expected_big_pipe_placeholder_stream_order
   *   Keys: BigPipe placeholder IDs. Values: expected AJAX response. Keys are
   *   defined in the order that they are expected to be rendered & streamed.
   * @internal
  protected function assertBigPipePlaceholders(array $expected_big_pipe_placeholders, array $expected_big_pipe_placeholder_stream_order) : void {
      ->assertSetsEqual(array_keys($expected_big_pipe_placeholders), explode(' ', $this
    $placeholder_positions = [];
    $placeholder_replacement_positions = [];
    foreach ($expected_big_pipe_placeholders as $big_pipe_placeholder_id => $expected_ajax_response) {

      // Verify expected placeholder.
      $expected_placeholder_html = '<span data-big-pipe-placeholder-id="' . $big_pipe_placeholder_id . '"></span>';
      $pos = strpos($this
        ->getContent(), $expected_placeholder_html);
      $placeholder_positions[$pos] = $big_pipe_placeholder_id;

      // Verify expected placeholder replacement.
      $expected_placeholder_replacement = '<script type="application/vnd.drupal-ajax" data-big-pipe-replacement-for-placeholder-with-id="' . $big_pipe_placeholder_id . '">';
      $result = $this
        ->xpath('//script[@data-big-pipe-replacement-for-placeholder-with-id=:id]', [
        ':id' => Html::decodeEntities($big_pipe_placeholder_id),
      if ($expected_ajax_response === NULL) {
          ->assertCount(0, $result);
        ->assertEquals($expected_ajax_response, trim($result[0]
      $pos = strpos($this
        ->getContent(), $expected_placeholder_replacement);
      $placeholder_replacement_positions[$pos] = $big_pipe_placeholder_id;
    ksort($placeholder_positions, SORT_NUMERIC);
      ->assertEquals(array_keys($expected_big_pipe_placeholders), array_values($placeholder_positions));
    $placeholders = array_map(function (NodeElement $element) {
      return $element
    }, $this
      ->assertSameSize($expected_big_pipe_placeholders, array_unique($placeholders));
    $expected_big_pipe_placeholders_with_replacements = [];
    foreach ($expected_big_pipe_placeholder_stream_order as $big_pipe_placeholder_id) {
      $expected_big_pipe_placeholders_with_replacements[$big_pipe_placeholder_id] = $expected_big_pipe_placeholders[$big_pipe_placeholder_id];
      ->assertEquals($expected_big_pipe_placeholders_with_replacements, array_filter($expected_big_pipe_placeholders));
      ->assertSetsEqual(array_keys($expected_big_pipe_placeholders_with_replacements), array_values($placeholder_replacement_positions));
      ->assertSame(count($expected_big_pipe_placeholders_with_replacements), preg_match_all('/' . preg_quote('<script type="application/vnd.drupal-ajax" data-big-pipe-replacement-for-placeholder-with-id="', '/') . '/', $this

    // Verifying BigPipe start/stop signals.
    $start_signal_position = strpos($this
      ->getContent(), BigPipe::START_SIGNAL);
    $stop_signal_position = strpos($this
      ->getContent(), BigPipe::STOP_SIGNAL);
      ->assertTrue($start_signal_position < $stop_signal_position, 'BigPipe start signal appears before stop signal.');

    // Verifying BigPipe placeholder replacements and start/stop signals were
    // streamed in the correct order.
    $expected_stream_order = array_keys($expected_big_pipe_placeholders_with_replacements);
    array_unshift($expected_stream_order, BigPipe::START_SIGNAL);
    array_push($expected_stream_order, BigPipe::STOP_SIGNAL);
    $actual_stream_order = $placeholder_replacement_positions + [
      $start_signal_position => BigPipe::START_SIGNAL,
      $stop_signal_position => BigPipe::STOP_SIGNAL,
    ksort($actual_stream_order, SORT_NUMERIC);
      ->assertEquals($expected_stream_order, array_values($actual_stream_order));

   * Ensures CSRF tokens can be generated for the current user's session.
  protected function setCsrfTokenSeedInTestEnvironment() {
    $session_data = $this->container
    $csrf_token_seed = unserialize(explode('_sf2_meta|', $session_data)[1])['s'];

   * @return \Drupal\big_pipe_test\BigPipePlaceholderTestCase[]
  protected function getTestCases($has_session = TRUE) {
    return BigPipePlaceholderTestCases::cases($this->container, $this->rootUser);

   * Asserts whether arrays A and B are equal, when treated as sets.
   * @todo This method is broken. Fix it in
   * @internal
  protected function assertSetsEqual(array $a, array $b) : void {
    $result = count($a) == count($b) && !array_diff_assoc($a, $b);

   * Asserts whether a BigPipe no-JS cookie exists or not.
   * @internal
  protected function assertBigPipeNoJsCookieExists(string $expected) : void {
      ->assertCookieExists('big_pipe_nojs', $expected, 'BigPipe no-JS');

   * Asserts whether a session cookie exists or not.
   * @internal
  protected function assertSessionCookieExists(string $expected) : void {
      ->getSessionName(), $expected, 'Session');

   * Asserts whether a cookie exists on the client or not.
   * @internal
  protected function assertCookieExists(string $cookie_name, string $expected, string $cookie_label) : void {
      ->assertEquals($expected, !empty($this
      ->getCookie($cookie_name)), $expected ? "{$cookie_label} cookie exists." : "{$cookie_label} cookie does not exist.");

   * Calls ::performMetaRefresh() and asserts the responses.
   * @internal
  protected function assertBigPipeNoJsMetaRefreshRedirect() : void {
    $original_url = $this

    // Disable automatic following of redirects by the HTTP client, so that this
    // test can analyze the response headers of each redirect response.
    $headers[0] = $this
    $statuses[0] = $this
    $headers[1] = $this
    $statuses[1] = $this
      ->assertEquals($original_url, $this
      ->getCurrentUrl(), 'Redirected back to the original location.');

    // First response: redirect.
      ->assertEquals(302, $statuses[0], 'The first response was a 302 (redirect).');
      ->assertStringStartsWith('big_pipe_nojs=1', $headers[0]['Set-Cookie'][0], 'The first response sets the big_pipe_nojs cookie.');
      ->assertEquals($original_url, $headers[0]['Location'][0], 'The first response redirected back to the original page.');
    ], explode(' ', $headers[0]['X-Drupal-Cache-Contexts'][0])), 'The first response varies by the "cookies:big_pipe_nojs" and "session.exists" cache contexts.');
      ->assertFalse(isset($headers[0]['Surrogate-Control']), 'The first response has no "Surrogate-Control" header.');

    // Second response: redirect followed.
      ->assertEquals(200, $statuses[1], 'The second response was a 200.');
    ], explode(' ', $headers[0]['X-Drupal-Cache-Contexts'][0])), 'The second response varies by the "cookies:big_pipe_nojs" and "session.exists" cache contexts.');
      ->assertEquals('no-store, content="BigPipe/1.0"', $headers[1]['Surrogate-Control'][0], 'The second response has a "Surrogate-Control" header.');

    // Check that the <meta> refresh is absent, only one redirect ever happens.
      ->responseNotContains('<noscript><meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; URL=');



Namesort descending Description
BigPipeTest Tests BigPipe's no-JS detection & response delivery (with and without JS).