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class BigPipeResponse in Drupal 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 9 core/modules/big_pipe/src/Render/BigPipeResponse.php \Drupal\big_pipe\Render\BigPipeResponse

A response that is sent in chunks by the BigPipe service.

Note we cannot use \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\StreamedResponse because it makes the content inaccessible (hidden behind a callback), which means no middlewares are able to modify the content anymore.

@internal This is a temporary solution until a generic response emitter interface is created in Only code internal to BigPipe should instantiate or type hint to this class.


Expanded class hierarchy of BigPipeResponse

See also


3 files declare their use of BigPipeResponse
BigPipeResponseAttachmentsProcessorTest.php in core/modules/big_pipe/tests/src/Unit/Render/BigPipeResponseAttachmentsProcessorTest.php
HtmlResponseBigPipeSubscriber.php in core/modules/big_pipe/src/EventSubscriber/HtmlResponseBigPipeSubscriber.php
ManyPlaceholderTest.php in core/modules/big_pipe/tests/src/Unit/Render/ManyPlaceholderTest.php


core/modules/big_pipe/src/Render/BigPipeResponse.php, line 21


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class BigPipeResponse extends HtmlResponse {

   * The BigPipe service.
   * @var \Drupal\big_pipe\Render\BigPipe
  protected $bigPipe;

   * The original HTML response.
   * Still contains placeholders. Its cacheability metadata and attachments are
   * for everything except the placeholders (since those are not yet rendered).
   * @see \Drupal\Core\Render\StreamedResponseInterface
   * @see ::getStreamedResponse()
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Render\HtmlResponse
  protected $originalHtmlResponse;

   * Constructs a new BigPipeResponse.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Render\HtmlResponse $response
   *   The original HTML response.
  public function __construct(HtmlResponse $response) {
    parent::__construct('', $response
      ->getStatusCode(), []);
    $this->originalHtmlResponse = $response;

   * Returns the original HTML response.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Render\HtmlResponse
   *   The original HTML response.
  public function getOriginalHtmlResponse() {
    return $this->originalHtmlResponse;

   * Populates this BigPipeResponse object based on the original HTML response.
  protected function populateBasedOnOriginalHtmlResponse() {

    // Clone the HtmlResponse's data into the new BigPipeResponse.
    $this->headers = clone $this->originalHtmlResponse->headers;

    // A BigPipe response can never be cached, because it is intended for a
    // single user.
    // @see

    // Inform surrogates how they should handle BigPipe responses:
    // - "no-store" specifies that the response should not be stored in cache;
    //   it is only to be used for the original request
    // - "content" identifies what processing surrogates should perform on the
    //   response before forwarding it. We send, "BigPipe/1.0", which surrogates
    //   should not process at all, and in fact, they should not even buffer it
    //   at all.
    // @see
      ->set('Surrogate-Control', 'no-store, content="BigPipe/1.0"');

    // Add header to support streaming on NGINX + php-fpm (nginx >= 1.5.6).
      ->set('X-Accel-Buffering', 'no');

   * Sets the BigPipe service to use.
   * @param \Drupal\big_pipe\Render\BigPipe $big_pipe
   *   The BigPipe service.
  public function setBigPipeService(BigPipe $big_pipe) {
    $this->bigPipe = $big_pipe;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function sendContent() {

    // All BigPipe placeholders are processed, so update this response's
    // attachments.
    return $this;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
AttachmentsTrait::$attachments protected property The attachments for this response.
AttachmentsTrait::addAttachments public function
AttachmentsTrait::getAttachments public function
AttachmentsTrait::setAttachments public function
BigPipeResponse::$bigPipe protected property The BigPipe service.
BigPipeResponse::$originalHtmlResponse protected property The original HTML response.
BigPipeResponse::getOriginalHtmlResponse public function Returns the original HTML response.
BigPipeResponse::populateBasedOnOriginalHtmlResponse protected function Populates this BigPipeResponse object based on the original HTML response.
BigPipeResponse::sendContent public function Sends content for the current web response.
BigPipeResponse::setBigPipeService public function Sets the BigPipe service to use.
BigPipeResponse::__construct public function Constructs a new BigPipeResponse.
CacheableResponseTrait::$cacheabilityMetadata protected property The cacheability metadata.
CacheableResponseTrait::addCacheableDependency public function
CacheableResponseTrait::getCacheableMetadata public function
HtmlResponse::setContent public function Sets the response content.