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public function LayoutPluginManager::processDefinition in Drupal 9

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/lib/Drupal/Core/Layout/LayoutPluginManager.php \Drupal\Core\Layout\LayoutPluginManager::processDefinition()

Performs extra processing on plugin definitions.

By default we add defaults for the type to the definition. If a type has additional processing logic they can do that by replacing or extending the method.

Overrides DefaultPluginManager::processDefinition


core/lib/Drupal/Core/Layout/LayoutPluginManager.php, line 89


Provides a plugin manager for layouts.




public function processDefinition(&$definition, $plugin_id) {
  parent::processDefinition($definition, $plugin_id);
  if (!$definition instanceof LayoutDefinition) {
    throw new InvalidPluginDefinitionException($plugin_id, sprintf('The "%s" layout definition must extend %s', $plugin_id, LayoutDefinition::class));

  // Add the module or theme path to the 'path'.
  $provider = $definition
  if ($this->moduleHandler
    ->moduleExists($provider)) {
    $base_path = $this->moduleHandler
  elseif ($this->themeHandler
    ->themeExists($provider)) {
    $base_path = $this->themeHandler
  else {
    $base_path = '';
  $path = $definition
  $path = !empty($path) ? $base_path . '/' . $path : $base_path;

  // Add the base path to the icon path.
  if ($icon_path = $definition
    ->getIconPath()) {
      ->setIconPath($path . '/' . $icon_path);

  // Add a dependency on the provider of the library.
  if ($library = $definition
    ->getLibrary()) {
    $config_dependencies = $definition
    list($library_provider) = explode('/', $library, 2);
    if ($this->moduleHandler
      ->moduleExists($library_provider)) {
      $config_dependencies['module'][] = $library_provider;
    elseif ($this->themeHandler
      ->themeExists($library_provider)) {
      $config_dependencies['theme'][] = $library_provider;

  // If 'template' is set, then we'll derive 'template_path' and 'theme_hook'.
  $template = $definition
  if (!empty($template)) {
    $template_parts = explode('/', $template);
    $template = array_pop($template_parts);
    $template_path = $path;
    if (count($template_parts) > 0) {
      $template_path .= '/' . implode('/', $template_parts);
      ->setThemeHook(strtr($template, '-', '_'));
  if (!$definition
    ->getDefaultRegion()) {

  // Makes sure region names are translatable.
  $regions = array_map(function ($region) {
    if (!$region['label'] instanceof TranslatableMarkup) {

      // Region labels from YAML discovery needs translation.
      $region['label'] = new TranslatableMarkup($region['label'], [], [
        'context' => 'layout_region',
    return $region;
  }, $definition