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function install_get_form in Drupal 9

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/includes/ \install_get_form()

Builds and processes a form for the installer environment.

Ensures that FormBuilder does not redirect after submitting a form, since the installer uses a custom step/flow logic via install_run_tasks().


string|array $form_id: The form ID to build and process.

array $install_state: The current state of the installation.

Return value

array|null A render array containing the form to render, or NULL in case the form was successfully submitted.



3 calls to install_get_form()
install_run_task in core/includes/
Runs an individual installation task.
install_select_language in core/includes/
Selects which language to use during installation.
install_select_profile in core/includes/
Selects which profile to install.


core/includes/, line 943
API functions for installing Drupal.


function install_get_form($form_id, array &$install_state) {

  // Ensure the form will not redirect, since install_run_tasks() uses a custom
  // redirection logic.
  $form_state = (new FormState())
    ->addBuildInfo('args', [
  $form_builder = \Drupal::formBuilder();
  if ($install_state['interactive']) {
    $form = $form_builder
      ->buildForm($form_id, $form_state);

    // If the form submission was not successful, the form needs to be rendered,
    // which means the task is not complete yet.
    if (!$form_state
      ->isExecuted()) {
      $install_state['task_not_complete'] = TRUE;
      return $form;
  else {

    // For non-interactive installs, submit the form programmatically with the
    // values taken from the installation state.
    $install_form_id = $form_builder
      ->getFormId($form_id, $form_state);
    if (!empty($install_state['forms'][$install_form_id])) {
      ->submitForm($form_id, $form_state);

    // Throw an exception in case of any form validation error.
    if ($errors = $form_state
      ->getErrors()) {
      throw new InstallerException(implode("\n", $errors));